1. krivera

    Weekly Summary- Week Four AUDIO!!!!!!

    This week was more challenging than the past couple weeks. I haven’t had any experience with Audacity prior to this week and was worried about working with it. I started off with the daily creates because they are always the easiest to me and but the audio assignments off to the middle of the week....
  2. mariamk

    Favorite Song

    1 1/2 Stars For this assignment you had to remove the vocals from one of your favorite songs so others can guess what the song is. I removed the vocals on audacity by using the inverse effect option.
  3. mariamk

    Reverse Audio Quiz

    2 1/2 stars For this assignment you had to reverse a song and give people 3 hints to guess the song. Hints 1.) This is song by a female pop singer 2.) It is about female empowerment and self love 3.) the song name is a synonym for ‘attempt’
  4. mariamk

    Sound Effects Story

    3 1/2 stars For this assignment you had to create a story with nothing but sound affects and it also has to in someway relate to your character dossier. For my character Jeffrey I tried to make a short story about how his day at his day job at the bar started. I used freesound.org […]
  5. bburns

    Sound Effect Story

    My sound effect story is about the character I created a couple of weeks ago: Billy “Saw” Steel. Check it out! My short story begins with a young girl being tormented by a local gang. You hear the cruel gang members laughing at the pain they are putting her through, and then you hear the… Read More
  6. krivera

    Otis Snoring- Familiar Sounds

    This is the Familiar Sounds assignment that is two points. When we were asked to record something that people don’t usually hear on a daily basis but is familiar to us, I though of my dog. I own a pug and they are known for having problems breathing because of their squished faces. Pugs snore...
  7. stephaniebwhite

    Week Four Summary

    This week has been a pretty horrible week for me. I was extremely sick (and I am never sick, so I was not a happy camper) which made it very hard for me to get any of my work done this week, especially my ds106 work. Luckily, I was able to tune into ds106 radio […]
  8. mariamk

    The sitcom of your life- Audio

    For this daily create you had to create or remix a song that could be used for a sitcom about your life. I used a song called London Thumakda for the movie Queen. Although this song is originally in Hindi I think it really described my life well. Briefly this song is about a young […]
  9. philipdorch

    Radio bumper

    So the assignment was to make a quick radio bumper for ds106 radio. I didn’t have too much trouble recording the audio in audacity and had a bit of fun editing the vocals in FL studio. I changed the pitch a bit and equalized the sound in an attempt to make my voice sound more … Continue reading Radio bumper
  10. krivera

    Touch of Evil and the Ambience of Film Noir

    For this week, we were asked to look at different readings and video of Film Noir. We were asked to compare and contrast the effects of the audio in two film openings and reading one of two articles on the audio in Film Noir. First, I looked at the two film openings. Both were from...
  11. jsteward

    Tom’s Files: A Night’s Work

    Admin Note: This is a required audio assignment involving the character Tom Blair for the week of 2/1 to 2/8. How the heck are ya? It’s your ole’ pal Tom again. Just thought maybe you’d be curious as to what a day (I should say night) of work for me sounds like, given that you’re […]
  12. jevans5

    Touch of Evil

    In the first video there is a feeling of authenticity from the sounds you hear. It is as if you can imagine being in the film with the characters. As much as I love music the prevalent horn and sax section in the second video is abrasive to the ears and takes you out of […]
  13. stephaniebwhite

    Stay With Me Over-Dramatized

    For one of my week four assignments, I chose to complete the Over-Dramtic Reading assignment that was submitted by Chris Randles. The assignment is to, “Choose any written material (a song, poem, short book, excerpt from a novel, scene from a television show, news article, etc.) and record a dramatic reading. Read your selection in […]
  14. tyowell

    Week 4 is out the door!

    I got started early this week once again because I knew I would have trouble with the audio editing process since this was my first experience editing and creating audio. I chose to tackle the daily creates first this week just to get them out of the way so I would have more time to … Read More
  15. briannarosem

    Hey Week 4!!!

    I didn’t like this week very much because I don’t like audio and talking very much because I’m shy. I did like the two videos we watched though and the one reading, it was really interesting and helped me understand the idea and concept of audio a little more. The reflection of audio really killed … Continue reading Hey Week 4!!!
  16. amaratel

    Weekly Summary

    Week 4: This week was definitely the hardest one yet. I have never really done much with audio and I struggled a little bit. Also, I have never payed much attention to sound. I’m a “people person”, I look at people, how they move, what they’re wearing. I’ve never really paid attention to the the … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  17. bgoulet

    Play DJ & Make A Song

    Play DJ & Make A Song (2 Stars) This Audio Assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/play-dj-make-a-song/ For this assignment, I had to make an attempt in producing a song without recording my own audio, which believe or not actually was a challenge for me as I have recorded most of my audio projects so far. With … Continue reading Play DJ & Make A Song
  18. stephaniebwhite

    My Brain is Drained

    This week, we were assigned to brainstorm ideas for group radio shows happening in the future. Well I hate to say it, but my brain is pretty much drained this week. I have been super sick and I am just now starting to be able to function a bit. 1) I think that it would […]
  19. tyowell

    What’s in a Radio Show?

    That is indeed the question.  I have one idea that has just stuck in my head after reading Eureka! by Leanna.  My idea might be a bit too complicated for a radio show, but that’s the point, it’s just an idea. What if there was a radio show within the radio show?  Like we, as listeners … Read More
  20. bburns

    Bumper Stars

    Here is the radio bumper that I made for ds106 radio! For the background song I chose “Retrograde” by James Blake because it has kind of a haunting, eerie feel to it that I feel like fits well with noir. Then of course I have voice-over done by myself. Let me know what you guys… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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