1. krivera


    This is the Emotions Through Sound assignment that is three points. In this assignment, I wanted to convey calm emotions. When I think of something calming, I think of sitting in a park reading a book with talking and music in the background. I got all my sounds from the website freesound.org. I only used...
  2. krivera

    Murder in the Shower

    This is the Spooky Sounds assignments that is four points. I thought it would be interesting to show a murder in the shower. I always get scared when people so into showers during horror films because I always think something bad is going to happen. It is one of the most vulnerable places someone can...
  3. stephaniebwhite

    Introducing Audio into my Life

    I think that it’s all about the audio when it comes to storytelling. The way a story is told is super important. If no emotions are conveyed then a story is just a story. If effects and change in sounds and voices are made then your story comes to life. I think that storytelling is […]
  4. rlaluman

    My Week In A Nutshell: Week 4

    With a very long sigh of relief, I can finally say I’m done for the week. This week was very taxing for me. It took me FOREVER to figure out how to work Audacity. It was a processes that proved itself to be highly frustrating to me. That being said, I did finally figure out…
  5. rlaluman

    Just Listen

    For my last audio assignment I did the “Sound Effects Story” assignment worth three and a half points. For this I used my character, Jack Spencer, as inspiration. I decided to give you a glimpse into a typical morning for Spence. In my sound story the listening will hear Spence’s soft snoring before his alarm…
  6. rlaluman

    Hearing Emotions

    For my second audio assignment I chose to do the “Emotions Through Sound” assignment worth three points. I chose to make the emotion fear because I thought it would be the most fun emotion to do. I also felt that it was an emotion that could be done in many different ways. I decided to…
  7. stephaniebwhite

    The Daily Create: Cute puppy alert

    The daily create assignment for 2-4-2015 was to caption what the puppy was thinking. This is the puppy Well this puppy is cute, but I think that my puppy is the cutest, so I broke the rules and decided to caption my cute puppy because I think that looking at my puppy screams “cute puppy […]
  8. jevans5

    Double Indemnity Tweet-a-long

    I for one love live-tweeting, usually award shows, but live-tweeting the radio show with the ds106 gang was a lot of fun. Story time! #noir106 — Janaye Nichelle (@nay_nay09) February 5, 2015 I don't like the way he's breathing… #noir106 — Janaye Nichelle (@nay_nay09) February 5, 2015 Hmm what kind of accidents Phyllis #noir106 — […]
  9. rlaluman

    Radio Show Ideas

    In a couple of weeks, we will be forming groups and creating a radio show as pre-recorded audio. In preparation, here is my brainstormed idea for a 20-30 minute radio show—somehow related to or inspired by noir. Since the course began, I’ve been inspired by the idea of “After Dark”. This to me just seems so noir,…
  10. amaratel

    Audio Reflection

    Sound impacts mood and creates atmosphere by drawing attention to the listener and allowing them to interpret how the sound makes them feel. For example, “spooky sounds” create a dark, somewhat uncomfortable tone. Sound helps express the visual image by defining mood and directing our attention. Sound is emotionally direct, so it is a powerful … Continue reading Audio Reflection
  11. athacker

    Radio show ideas

    Well, I have been thinking  about ideas for a radio show. I love the movie Haunted Honeymoon with Gene Wilder, Gilda Radner and Dom DeLuise. If you have never seen the movie, it starts off with them being radio actors. The show they are on is “Manhattan Mystery Theater”. This is what I think about … Continue reading Radio show ideas
  12. athacker

    Your Theme Song- 4 stars.

    This assignment was to make your own theme song. I thought about using the opening to Angel of Death by Slayer and a choir singing, but then thought not. I found somethings that aren’t as aggressive to put together. Theme song
  13. jsteward

    Noir Downpour: Pt. 4

    Audio Week in ds106 was a bit of a challenge, but as usual, I am excited about the media I produced as a result. Here is a mash-up of Kanye West’s Gold Digger and Man of Constant Sorrow from O Brother Where Art Thou! It’s pretty noisy, but I’m happy with it.   Here is […]
  14. athacker

    Sound Effects Story 3.5

    Had to do sound effects to tell a story. My Character is a shop owner that gets stalked by someone who wants to harm her. This is a soundbite for a scene in the book that I have been trying to write.  
  15. jsteward

    MASH (up)

    This is  an audio assignment for the week of 2/1 to 2/8, and fulfills 3 1/2 of 8 points. For this assignment, I chose to mash-up Man of Constant Sorrow and Gold Digger. So much fun!  
  16. jsteward

    Audio of Noir

    Usually when the term ‘noir’ is mentioned, it is in the context of a visual medium such as film or graphic novel. There was, however, a time period (roughly the late 30’s to the early 60’s) when noir storytelling was booming from radio speakers. Thus in this post I will attempt to examine audio storytelling […]
  17. cmattes2

    And Week 4 is Over

    My thoughts on audio storytelling (I’m posting the links below just in case the hyperlink does not work- I followed the video in the help section exactly) http://cmattes2.com/assignments/writing/my-thoughts-on-audio-storytelling/ My daily creates  http://cmattes2.com/daily-create/daily-creates-are-fun/ My ds106 radio bumper http://cmattes2.com/assignments/radio-bumper/ The story of Ol Mick- Audio style -3 1/2 stars http://cmattes2.com/assignments/the-story-of-ol-mick-just-sound-3-12-stars/ My whistle along - 2 stars http://cmattes2.com/assignments/me-trying-to-whistle-2-stars/ My … Continue reading And Week 4 is Over

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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