1. tyowell

    Let’s get this party started, shall we?

    I have just landed in LA and have found the time to write this update. I’ve been very busy the past few days with everything that’s going on. This case…From Russia With Love…it isn’t exactly something that our agency usually takes care of but we’re making it work. We got a hit on Jim Groom … Read More
  2. amaratel

    Who is Jack?


    Since the start of our Agency, The Rose Garden, everything has gone well … until now. Our instructors from both the Rehabilitation wing and the daycare wing have received suspicious voicemails. From what we have figured out so far, someone named Jack is making the mysterious calls. Jack is a patient at the Rose Garden. Lucky for us, there are 3 patients named Jack; two in rehab and one in daycare. We are unsure of which Jack it is, or their relationship to the Rose Garden. We are unsure if Jack is an adult, or a child, an addict, toddler, or a combination of them.

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  3. rlaluman

    Where’s Noir Cat?

    Shortly after signing the House of Noir Getaways up to be of service for anyone in noir106, we received an email from a distraught Burtis alerting us that Noir Cat has mysteriously disappeared. Burtis and the rest of the noir106 crew were wondering if HoN Getaways had something to do with this. I, Jack Spencer,…
  4. bburns

    11:11 Make a Wish

    This post concludes my work for ds106 week 11! I had a lot of fun this week. Let’s check out what I did. 1. Cranked out the basics of my group’s agency. We are “No Stain No Problem”, and we don’t cut corners- we clean them. For more information, check out my post, and/or our… Read More
  5. krivera

    Week Eleven

    This week was kinda crazy because I broke my computer and had to use my brother’s really slow one. I managed to do okay in the end. First, I made the agency. I used the group Aquia Maxius and some of the characters I created for the agency. The link can be found here. I...
  6. bburns

    Every Damn Day

    This week I did two daily creates. Let’s check them out! The first one I did was to photoshop little Noddy out of the trash can and put him somewhere else. I decided to put Noddy on a plane. You can see him in the window above. Noddy is on his way to Hawaii to… Read More
  7. krivera

    Comments 3

    http://www.dalinabeckham.com/ds106/character-resume/#comment-17255 http://i-am-think-will.com/ds-106-assignments/noddy-in-paris-and-maggie-blacks-b-day/#comment-223 http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/assignments/web/my-dream-vacation-3-stars/#comment...
  8. bburns

    We’ve Got An Agency!

    I just wanted to update you guys on the agency that we have created- Stella, Blair, Mick, Jack and I that is. It is called “No Stain No Problem.” We are in the business of cleaning/stain removal- mostly of carpets and… other things. Here is our website. Our mission statement is: “If you don’t believe… Read More
  9. athacker

    Save Noddy

    I thought that is was cute to save Noddy. So, I let him go sky diving. Using Photoshop, I put him on the back of a sky diver. I figured he would be saved by that kind of adventure.
  10. bburns

    Monologue of a “Household” Tool

    This assignment is worth 4.5 stars and the instructions can be found here. I am the “household” tool that Billy Steel loves the most. I put household in quotes because I don’t think the average person would consider me an everyday item. Anyway, I am very involved in Billy’s life. He is always carrying me… Read More
  11. mariamk

    Weekly Summary; Week 11

    This was a rather hectic week second week for me in #ds106. This week we have to establish our agency House of Noir; Getaways. My group met this week to discuss the basics of our new organization. I was unfortunately unable to make it to the meeting because of work but my groupmates brought me […]
  12. amaratel

    Weekly Summary.


    I REALLY liked this week. It was very easy and manageable. I liked working with Brian Goulet for our agency. He’s really talented and I enjoyed meeting with him. Sometimes the commenting can be a pain. But i wouldn’t look at people’s post otherwise. I really like seeing how other people do stuff and it helps me with my posts! The agency, and creating it was really fun! Liked doing something different. I didn’t put all the comments in a separate post because i thought … is it really necessary? So either, I did it right and i saved an unnecessary post, and you can still see my comments OR i just lost points, and was dumb, and you can’t see them. Either way, week 11 is done!

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  13. bburns

    You’re a Pinteresting Character

    For this assignment, I had to create a board on Pinterest representing me, Billy Steel, and pin 20 things to the board. I have the following things pinned on my board: 3 pins about shotguns- shotguns are my weapon of choice, so I pinned things to my wall including the “Super Shorty Shotgun”, the “10… Read More
  14. krivera

    Jones & Callaway

    Hello, Lukas here. It’s April 5th, 2015 and I’m here to launch a new company. After everything that happened in the late 40s, I wanted to do something good. I met a guy called Christopher and he seems to know what he is doing. We’re gonna help people. We plan on starting a supernatural protection...
  15. jevans5

    Week 11- Travel HoN

    House of Noir Getaways – The Travel Agency has warranted enough success for a full web presence and that is exactly what you have this week. Spence, Jeff, Sebastian, and I worked hard to get our company out there into the dark web. Our Website http://houseofnoirgetaways.weebly.com/ Our Blog http://houseofnoir106.tumblr.com/ Our mission is this: to make […]
  16. mariamk

    Design A License Plate

    Design A License Plate-2pts Also for House of Noir; Getaways I created a license plate. I used the website buildasign.com to make my design. I still have to see what my co-workers think about getting all of our license’s plates customized but I had a lot of fun making it. I am not sure it […]
  17. krivera

    Cats in Trees

    You think that when you get a job to save a cat from a tree all you will have to do is get a ladder. It was so much more than that. Probably why they called us and not the fire department. The story goes like this. Amelia came to us for a meeting. Our...
  18. mariamk

    Create Your Own Business Card

    Create Your Own Business Card-2pts For this assignment I made business cards for House of Noir; Getaways I made them on Microsoft publisher and left the title blank so I could forward them to my co-workers so they could put their names on it and have it for their convenience. Nothing makes you feel more […]
  19. mariamk

    You’re A Pinteresting Character

    You’re A Pinteresting Character-2pts This week I also had to make a Pinterest account for myself. I never thought I would enjoy this website to be honest. While I was making my boards I was thinking about how useless this website was when you could just google everything you needed now a days. But after […]
  20. krivera

    Post it Notes 2

    Here is the web assignments called Post it notes that is 2 points. Since I cleared up some things with all the characters in the story, I wanted to expand on it and do another Post it notes post. Here are some of the things the characters our dealing with currently. I used the paint...
  21. krivera

    Hidden Story

    Here is the web assignment called Hidden Story that is 2 points. Sometimes I think Danny is angrier than me. He seems to have some hidden turmoils. He never talks about them. I haven’t had time to talk to him just him and me. He always follows Amelia. I think they may have had a...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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