1. athacker

    The final video

    This was a great experience. The video is done. We had fun.  And we can breathe…at least for now. I hope that you all enjoy this video. Thank you to the Eagles in the dark.
  2. krivera

    Week 10 Summary- Video Show and More

    This week was hectic and involved a lot of fun and stressful things. I did 3 daily creates that involved a lot of drawing and creativity. The first was a picture of batman. It was fun to make but I did have trouble making the bat symbol. The second daily create was to alter a...
  3. mariamk

    Weekly Summary; Week 10

    Well this was my first week taking over Mariams blog and I must say I have enjoyed myself. I have never taken a class like this before. It is interactive despite being online and it really gives you a chance to work creatively along so many people! So lets see what I completed this week! […]
  4. mariamk


    I was also asked to answer interview questions about myself but I was busying due to a prior engagement. I had my co-worker answer the questions on my behalf and I think she did a good job. To be noted I can’t sing so technically she is the liar.
  5. krivera

    In the Dark- Video Show

    My group decided to do the video show for our project for the past two weeks. The show was really fun to do with some of my radio show group. We started out with a few different concepts but ultimately decided on a concept opposite to the Charlie’s Angels. We called it the Dexter’s Devils....
  6. mariamk


    VIVA HOUSE OF NOIR. We have decided to stay together and work as a team on our final project. I think although coordinating time schedules with other people can be difficult at times I have enjoyed working in this group throughout this semester. Everyone in the group brings something unique to the table and I […]
  7. krivera


    For this week, I was participating in the video project. I didn’t do any of the video assignments so it was fun to see everyone else’s assignments. Here are the links to the people I commented on. http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/assignments/character-interview/#comment-215 http://landonepp.com/daily-create/tree/#comment-279 http://www.saharalkhelaifi.com/ds106/15-sec-batman/#comment-645 http://jcpdigitalstorytelling.com/daily-create/hey-stranger-daily-create-march-29/#comment-123 http://ds106.kendallparker.com/ds106/oh-the-place-id-go/#comment-279 http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/daily-creates/227/#comment-216 http://ds106.christineloehr.org/daily-create/15-30-second-batman/#comment-328 http://jcpdigitalstorytelling.com/assignments/chasing-damon/#comment-124 http://i-am-think-will.com/assignment-bank/layla-and-marcus-i-a-love-story/#comment-147 http://www.stephaniebwhite.com/the-daily-create/the-daily-create-make-some-tree-art/#comment-420″>http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/assignments/character-interview/#comment-215 http://landonepp.com/daily-create/tree/#comment-279 http://www.saharalkhelaifi.com/ds106/15-sec-batman/#comment-645 http://jcpdigitalstorytelling.com/daily-create/hey-stranger-daily-create-march-29/#comment-123 http://ds106.kendallparker.com/ds106/oh-the-place-id-go/#comment-279 http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/daily-creates/227/#comment-216 http://ds106.christineloehr.org/daily-create/15-30-second-batman/#comment-328 http://jcpdigitalstorytelling.com/assignments/chasing-damon/#comment-124 http://i-am-think-will.com/assignment-bank/layla-and-marcus-i-a-love-story/#comment-147...
  8. mariamk

    Television Debut

    I also made my television debut this weekend. Idk I went on Find a Noir Lover to find a lover and get over my ex but after going on this show I realized how much I still loved my girl and how much I wanted to get her back. We haven’t had the most conventional […]
  9. mariamk


    I also had to comment on peoples stuff in this class….I mean it was fun finding blogs of people I already knew I guess. But whatevs This man is doing the lords work because so many people don’t know how to pour a beer! http://ds106.steverechter.com/video-assignments/jack-teaches-how-to-pour-beer/#comment-129 Drawing isn’t my strength either so I applaud his effort. […]
  10. mariamk


    So I had to complete what are called daily creates. They were fun I guess a little difficult at times because I am not very artistic but I enjoy that they switch up catergories every week to keep it interesting. I made a motivational poster. I made tree art And lastly I wrote about a […]
  11. mariamk


    Hey FAM my name is Jeffrey Davidson and I will be taking over Mariams blog for a while. Not sure how I feel about this yet because it is more work for me to do but lets see where it goes!
  12. krivera

    Lukas Jones Interview

    I’m glad I could get this out. I’m sorry about the space. I did what I could with the stuff I had. Aquia Maxius sort of killed the mood. I’m sorry I was so angry. It’s just they have been ruining everything. Overall, I give your interview a 10 out of 10. I enjoyed your...
  13. bburns

    Hang TEN

    This post wraps up my work for the week in Noir 106. What happened this week? Let’s take a walk down memory lane. First, in case you haven’t already figured this out, I, Billy Steel, took over complete control of this blog. I don’t know what the previous blogger was doing, but it can’t have… Read More
  14. bburns

    Noir NOT The Father: The Reunion

    Noir NOT The Father is here! Stella, Blair, Mick, Jack, and I spent MANY hours filming and editing on Friday and Saturday, and then Blair put in several more hours putting the finishing touches on the show. Finally we have finished. I have to say, I am very excited to make my television debut, but… Read More
  15. adeacons

    Highlight Reels

    As I mentioned in my earlier blog post (Marilyn Montage) I’m  a HUGE fan of Marilyn Monroe. I can relate to her in so many ways, like how she felt she had to sell herself to get recognized. I took scenes from “Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend”, “Monkey Business”, and “How to Marry a … Continue reading Highlight Reels
  16. amaratel

    Weekly Summary


    This week was really good! I liked focusing on my character. I really enjoy Claudia Rose, and I’m going to miss her when the semester is over. This was the first week I didn’t procrastinate on my work. It felt so good! It made the work this week really enjoyable. Why didn’t I do this sooner?

    ∼ Continue Reading ∼

  17. jevans5

    Week 10

    House of Noir- Find Your Noir Lover has been released and I cannot say I am thrilled with the results. They(Being the crew (Mariam, Janelle, and Janaye)) made me dress “happier” and took away my red lipstick. I was very uncomfortable and on the defensive. You can see it all in the video. And the […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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