1. kkroehl

    May I have a Word…?

    So, earlier today I granted an interview with the teachers of noir106, because they have been dying to interview me! Things went pretty well, and I think they have a better picture of who I am now. My answers are genuine, but I knew them beforehand, so I had time...
  2. sgrubbs2

    Take The Plunge

    For today’s daily create I had to make an inspirational poster using a phrase that I have said. I decided to use the phrase “Take The Plunge,” and use a picture of myself doing a backflip off of a bridge into the water. This quote basically means that you should try new things, take chances, … Continue reading Take The Plunge
  3. mrosengrant

    Tea Time Bitches

    It may come as a surprise, but Victoire Absinthe isn’t much of a domestic goddess. When it comes to her domestic abilities, she kind of draws the line at basic hot drinks. She’s got enough money an suitors to fill...
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  4. kkroehl

    Cheerios, Batman, and Lines on a Floor

    I’m so excited to write my first blog post after taking over Kim’s blog! This week, I did three daily creates. They were all pictures, and were: a breakfast selfie, a 15 second batman, and an inspirational poster. For the first one, I was very excited to make a face...
  5. bchristi1361

    Video Assignements

    For the first assignment i completed, I chose to do a highlight reel for one of my favorite athletes. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/highlight-reels/ Channel your inner ESPN and clip together highlights of your favorite athete, set it to some music, and add an intro 5 Stars! For this assignment I picked Alex Ovechkin a right wing for the … Continue reading Video Assignements
  6. mrosengrant

    You’re Burning My Biscuits

    For today’s daily create we were to create a motivational poster of our own design. Personally, I have always wanted to look at someone, deadpan, and say… “You’re burning my biscuits here, bro.” Unfortunately, whenever the opportunity arises, I either...
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  7. dalinafoo

    Video Essay

    In the film Notorious, I chose to analyze the wine cellar scene.  I thought it was interesting as to why, in Brazil, they would have Champagne. Champagne is a product of France..I also saw that the bottle of Burgundy weren’t lying on their sides like the other bottles. It was also intriguing that Cary did … Continue reading Video Essay
  8. cloehr

    15 (30) Second Batman

    Today’s Daily Create was to create a drawing of Batman in 15 seconds…this was really hard. I’m a terrible drawer. This took me longer than 15 seconds (sorry I cheated).
  9. mrosengrant

    Words Seared

    Victoire missed her dead brother. Did she ever tell you she had a brother? Probably not. Some things are best to keep close and not let other people see. Lest they use it as a weapon against you. He died...
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  10. kparker3

    The Decision Heard Around the (DS106) World

    For the final unit of this course, I have decided to reunite with Sylvia Stone, Edie Waz, and Margaret Pinault; my best friend, cousin, and grandmother, respectively.  Together, we are the “MaNOIRpulators”. After meeting up at Edie’s bar a few weeks ago, we just knew we had to reconnect. The world would be lost without us. Let’s … Continue reading The Decision Heard Around the (DS106) World
  11. sgrubbs2

    Breakfast Selfie

    For today’s daily create I had to make a selfie out of breakfast foods. I chose to use an English muffin as the face, Honeycombs as the eyes, granola for the nose, and almonds for the smile. These foods don’t really go together but they are components of some of my different breakfasts. Of course … Continue reading Breakfast Selfie

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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