1. mrosengrant

    Tis Hard To Be A Dog

    For this assignment, I took pictures of my dog from earlier this winter and put them in black and white, and tried to do a noir version…. kinda like Henri the Existentialist Cat. Pretty sure I’m not on that level yet,...
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  2. cloehr

    Video Essay

    This week, our first video assignment was to make a video essay analyzing a scene from the movie we watched this week. I did my essay on a scene from Alfred Hitchcock’s “Notorious.” After reading “How To Read A Movie,” I watched 3 videos explaining some more in-depth things. The three I watched were “Examples … Continue reading Video Essay
  3. abigaild

    How to video!

    Another thing that was asked to do this week is read about videos and watch 3 of the assigned ones. I picked 3 of the youtube videos. The reason I chose them was of course they are rather short but also I love the task of editing video and these all sounded like things that […]
  4. kkroehl

    Video Progress

    This week has been a planning week for the Steadfast Sleuths video project. We met on Wednesday for a few hours and wrote out a plot for the video episode, which was harder than I thought it would be. We realized early on that this was harder than making a...
  5. abigaild

    2 more daily creates

    This week there was 2 daily creates that we had to do. It was a hectic week so I was only able to do the 2 and not anymore. I must say I am still enjoying this assignment and it’s still exciting to see what the next ones are everyday. The first one I did […]
  6. abigaild

    End to a great show

    Looking back on the radio show I still love it. It was so much fun but that does not mean it didn’t come with its fair share of difficulties. The first difficulty was finding a time we could all meet that didn’t conflict with sports or school or work. After finishing the project we loved […]
  7. cloehr

    Video Show Plan

    For this week and next week, Landon Epperly, Jack Eaton, and I chose to do option 2 and make a video show with our characters. We will be continuing the story that we started with our radio show. (if you haven’t listened to it, you really should…just sayin’). Here’s our radio show: I obviously can’t … Continue reading Video Show Plan
  8. abigaild

    Tweet tweet again

    This week I did a tweet along with the two shows on Thursday the 19th. Both of the shows confused me greatly but they were rather interesting. The dinner show one had great sound effects. I loved the way the group would scream and it sounded like they were all really scared. I really wish […]
  9. mboleis

    I’m Out Like A Boner in Sweatpants

    This week was so awful that I’m glad it’s OVER I couldn’t even tell you why it was awful. Which sucks. BUT WHATEVER. But it was, and next week is going to be so stressful because Mr. UMW is on Wednesday and IT IS MY FAVORITE EVENT but it is so much planning. Everyone of […]
  10. mboleis

    I Hate Anal….yzing Things

    Well. This assignment kinda sucked. But hey, sometimes we have to do things we don’t like or don’t want to. You’re probably wondering what we had to do this week…well we had to watch a movie from a select list, then pick a scene to analyze…but not just analyze it. We had to “read it” […]
  11. pboyle

    Reading Movies

    I read Rodger Ebert’s “How to read a Movie” and it was interesting how he would stop the scene and look at where the characters were as far as their possession relative to where another person was in that scene. The way that a film critic looks at a movie is much different than I … Continue reading Reading Movies
  12. pboyle

    Finial Radio

    WOW! there are so many things I loved about this radio show. First the people that I worked with were amazing. The radio show itself was challenging but something happened and I cannot really explain it, that changed me. The Audio assignments the week before helped out, but nothing could prepare me for what was … Continue reading Finial Radio
  13. pboyle

    Radio Listen

    On Tuesday night I had the pleasure of listening to “Get a Clue” and it had a lot of great lines in it which meant the writing for the show was amazing. The idea to have 5 different stories about the same event was great. Each view point was different and it made the story … Continue reading Radio Listen
  14. kbarbeelibrary

    Clue Party

    This week I listened in and tweeted about the “Dinner Party at 6″ radio show broadcast on Thursday. I was really excited when I found out it was based on the movie Clue, which is one of my favorite films. The sound effects used in the dining room sequence, including the silverware and the thunderstorm … Continue reading Clue Party
  15. kbarbeelibrary

    Comedy Star

    This star made out of newspaper comic strips was made for the Daily Create ‘Junk Mail art‘ to make art out of junk mail. My grandparents send me the comics from our local newspaper every weekend because I would always read them when I’m home. I lucked out because one of the comics had someone laughing, … Continue reading Comedy Star
  16. kbarbeelibrary

    The Blurry Hero

    For the Daily Create ‘Arty Blur photo‘ you have to take a photograph with an ‘artistic blur’ made with a slow shutter speed or by just wiggling the camera. I took this picture when I attended the convention Katsucon. I saw this person dressed as a cross between Iron Man and Umbreon and snapped a … Continue reading The Blurry Hero
  17. sgrubbs2

    Scott’s Visit to El Jota’s Night Club

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/this-is-my-story/ (Three Stars) For this assignment I had to tell a story using flashcards. I decided to have Scott tell the story of when he and his co-owner Liam visited El Jota’s night club. To make this video I wrote the flashcards and then recorded myself holding them up. Once I finished recording I realized … Continue reading Scott’s Visit to El Jota’s Night Club

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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