1. kkroehl

    The Steadfast Sleuths Triumphant Return

    I am excited and proud to announce my creation of the Steadfast Sleuths Video Trailer! In this trailer I wanted to make sure I alluded to the plot without giving too much away. I found that it was tricky to create a video during the time we were creating our...
  2. gyeorelee

    Radio Show Final Reflection

    It was one of great but difficult projects for this week. Out “Vixen’s Ventures” radio show was on the air on Tuesday. I was kind of embarrassed to hear my voice but it was fun and rememberable experience. While I hear the radio show, one thing I really did not like was the acting voice of […]
  3. levitasdementia

    Get A Clue Review

    Yes, it’s late. Hush. Get A Clue was a very well put-together show. What immediately stood out to me was the way the show was put together- it was told through a series of monologues from the perspectives of different characters. Seems like everyone wrote their own character parts- the style is different and makes Read More →
  4. gyeorelee

    Daily Creates Week Nine

    March 16, 2015: A Dream Staircase: Among the two daily creates that I have to completed for this week, I chose this assignment. It was to create a dream staircase forward my dream. It was easy but I had really thoughtful time to think about specific plan for future. March 19, 2015: Arty Blur Photo: […]
  5. gyeorelee

    Name That Book

    This assignment (Name Than Book: 3 points) is to find objects, landmarks, or think of some other creative way to verbally or physically represent a book with using app Vine. I related this assignment with John Brown. This is his favorite book. Instead of finding objects, I used my drawing to represent his favorite book. […]
  6. gyeorelee

    Vine It!

    I related this assignment to my noir character. To complete this assignment, I had to download Vine application on my smart phone. The assignment was called ‘Vine It‘ (3 points), which was to recode daily life. I was going to uploaded with Vine, but I wanted to put background music so I sent it to […]
  7. gyeorelee

    What’s your Skills?

    This week is beginning of video assignments. I was really worried about it. I never used or had done any video works for school works nor personally. There were two options that I can choose. First choice was doing assignments from Assignment Bank for 8 points and at least 4 points have to related to […]
  8. mboleis

    Baby Daddies & Thirsty Blair

    Complete a final reflection post about your radio show, focussing in particular on what it was like to listen to your show live, receive comments/criticism, etc. What would you do differently, if you had a chance? What did you enjoy the most about this project? What was the hardest thing about this project? What advice […]
  9. mboleis


    This week we only had to do 2 daily creates. The first one I did was entitled junk mail, where we had to make art from junk. Here is mine: featuring me not caring about dining next fall. The second daily create I did was all about blur. We had to take a picture with […]
  10. kkroehl

    A Junk Mail Man in a Blurry World

    This week I completed two daily creates. The first was to create art out of junk mail, which was actually kind of difficult for me. This is because I don’t get very much junk mail, so I only found about three envelopes of junk mail. One of the letters had...
  11. cloehr

    Arty Blur Photo

    Today’s Daily Create was to create an “Arty Blur Photo.” This was a pretty simple task, but I wasn’t sure what would look good as a blurry photo (bc pictures aren’t supposed to be blurry). I began by thinking about lighting. The lighting in a photo can determine a lot about the picture. The idea … Continue reading Arty Blur Photo

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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