1. abigaild


    The first inspire that I did was called theramincats by Cathy Finn-Derecki. This was one of the daily creates. What was asked was to make a poster of cats in space. I liked this one the most out of all of them and I had to go back and find it to put it in […]
  2. kparker3

    You Inspire Me, Kathy!

    Kathy Onarheim is an active tweeter, so I frequently view her pieces and get inspired by her detailed posts and creative work. To choose just one of her masterpieces is difficult, but I really enjoyed her “Sketchy Dr. Groom on Assignment” design project. It is definitely worthy of being submitted on the IN[SPIRE] website: Kathy’s creation inspires me because … Continue reading You Inspire Me, Kathy!
  3. kparker3

    You Inspire Me, Brian!

    I always enjoy when my peers add comedy to their assignments, since the theme of noir can be so dark and serious! While searching for IN[SPIRE] works, I remembered one of Brian Christiansen’s that literally made me laugh out loud. It is the photo with Professor Groom as the Godfather. “THE GROOMFATHER” is definitely well done … Continue reading You Inspire Me, Brian!
  4. abigaild

    UMW Ad

    The next assignment that I did was called Cheesy Radio Ad For Your school worth 3.5 stars. This assignment I also did with Chelsea where we used our characters to do the ad. I like how it turned out. It was not difficult to come up with what to say but the editing took longer […]
  5. kbarbeelibrary

    Inspired by: Kim Roehl

    Kim’s cereal commercial for Kellogg’s Cocoa Kitties is one of my favorite assignments I’ve listened to this semester because of the thought that went into creating this commercial. The suspenseful sound effects, and dialogue along make it a very believable advertisement. The chocolate cat and raspberry cereal that can “bring out your noir side” also … Continue reading Inspired by: Kim Roehl
  6. kroach2

    Snappin’ pictures

    My final inspiration post is about Megan Rosengrant. While this post is about one picture in particular, I also want to touch on her enthusiasm and personality in her posts. […]
  7. abigaild

    Face swaps

    Another assignment I did was called Professor Groom Poster worth 4.5 stars. This was a rather difficult assignment because we were supposed to swap faces and I also added faces of Chelsea and my characters. I like how it turned out in the end. It is the little mermaid. Caleb is a police officer and […]
  8. kparker3

    You Inspire Me, July!

    I found July’s website using Twitter and began browsing through her work because of her interesting tweets. I felt confident that at least one of the completed assignments would fittingly belong on the IN[SPIRE] website. The catchy jazz track of her Radio Bumper promptly caught my attention. Not only is the music perfect for a noir-themed bumper, the message is conveyed in a … Continue reading You Inspire Me, July!
  9. kparker3

    Dead Silence: A Twisted Plot with Twisted Characters

    At first listen, the radio show, “Dead Silence”, captured my attention immediately with the prominence of the sound effects. They are clean and crisp, and the combination of the voice-overs flows nicely. As for my experience as a listener, I enjoyed the show mostly for the intricacies of the plot, as it evolves from a typical heist, … Continue reading Dead Silence: A Twisted Plot with Twisted Characters
  10. cloehr

    Another Inspiration

    Here is the inspiration post! I really loved this post because it made me think about the differences between digital and non-digital art. I’ve gotten very wrapped up in making everything digital and haven’t been paying attention to the things that I can physically touch and see around me. I love that this class has … Continue reading Another Inspiration
  11. abigaild

    DS106 Angles

    One of the assignments that I did with Chelsea was called DS106 Horror worth 1 star. We decided that we wanted to put the DS106 words in front of our radio show characters. I think it turned out pretty well and makes it look pretty creepy. Our characte...
  12. cloehr


    Places I’ve been this week: 1. http://www.mariamk.com/daily-create/make-your-dot-make-your-mark-drawing/#comment-383 2. http://janellegelino.com/assignments/audio-assignment-soundboard-conversation-4pts-fifty-shades-of-hallmark/#comment-616 3. http://mayds106.com/assignment-bank-tasks/admitting-my-guilty-pleasure-in-slowmo/#comment-112 4. http://adventuresofm.org/daily-creates/the-grooms-man/#comment-201 5. http://konarheim.com/daily-create/racoon-attack-of-the-turkey/#comment-97 6. http://calabashnebula.com/assignments/watching-from-the-background/#comment-229 7. http://ds106blog.missmoonstarsun.com/daily-creates/my-different-sides/#comment-141 8. http://www.thejota.com/ds106/lena-meyers/#comment-15706 9. http://landonepp.com/assignments/lena-meyers/#comments 10. http://sgrubbs2.com/uncategorized/where-is-the-error/#comment-591
  13. bchristi1361

    Weekly Summary 3/9/15 – 3/15/15

    Comments: The comment assignment has been great. I’ve been seeing work that I would’ve never seen before the assignment and it’s cool to see everyone’s take on different work! I’ve included links to my comments below. http://brendalevoy.com/assignments/inspire-1-spencer-scott/#comment-277 http://www.stephenweidman.com/ds106/uncategorized/create-a-warning-poster/#comment-1119 http://www.storytelling.abigaildunn.org/noirblog/ds/maury-radio-show/#comment-66 http://rhilaluman.com/assignments/web/youre-a-pinteresting-character-spence/#comment-49 http://www.cheyannemckinney.com/blog/writing/nicolette-social-media-accounts/#comment-253 http://bavatuesdays.com/dark-night-selfie/comment-page-1/#comment-222826 http://ds106.christineloehr.org/assignments/ds106-wallpaper/#comment-267 http://calabashnebula.com/assignments/groom-dont-let-go/#comment-230 http://seeinggainz.com/assignments/cheech-and-groom/#comment-99 http://columnhugger.com/assignments/professor-groom-poster/#comment-312 http://www.stephaniebwhite.com/digital-storytelling/the-daily-create-cute-puppy-alert/#comment-316 Inspire: http://bchristiansen.com/blog/assignments/mash-up-time/ http://bchristiansen.com/blog/assignments/my-1200-mph-commute/ http://bchristiansen.com/blog/assignments/buckets-behind-bars/ http://bchristiansen.com/blog/assignments/sunset-in-melbourne-australia/ This was a … Continue reading Weekly Summary 3/9/15 – 3/15/15
  14. kroach2

    Use those hands, girl

    My next inspiration is Kimberly Roehl. I always love seeing how each person completes the daily create. Sometimes they are all over the place and sometimes they stay within the […]
  15. jlaszako

    The Hodge-Podge: A Reflection

    This week was a challenge just to keep all the assignments straight. So, let’s see if I can get all this in here. I did two daily creates: the laugh out loud video and the create a lesson daily creates. I forgot to do a third day but I honestly feel the high quality work […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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