1. levitasdementia

    WEEK 666

    How hexcellent  (ps weekly puns still definitely a thing) We didn’t have daily creates so I’ll start with my comments We started work on the radio show this week, (#noirpaca) which I wish we could work on over spring break. I understand that these will take much longer to grade than the usual weekly assignments, Read More →
  2. bchristi1361

    Radio Bumper

    Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumper_(broadcasting)). So for … Continue reading Radio Bumper
  3. mboleis

    1 Week Until Spring Break!

    This week was pretty long, but not too complicated. I procrastinated as usual, and attended a conference at Mary Baldwin, but I’m doing this at 7pm instead of 11pm, so I’m getting better, right?   This is how happy I am that  I’m done so early: Anyway, here is a summary of the long week […]
  4. abigaild


    The first assignment that I completed was to make a creepy song. This was a really fun assignment to complete actually.  It is called Spooky Sounds and is worth 4 stars.  All I used to create this assignment was music and sounds that I found in mixcraft. I hope y’all like it and find it […]
  5. ahowlan2

    Try to escape

    Sound Scapes (4 1/2) stars told us to use only found sounds in order to create a sound piece. I chose this assignment because it reminded me of one of the assignments we had done previously in this class, so I had a basic idea of how to start it. Another reason why I chose it was … Continue reading Try to escape
  6. bchristi1361

    Your Theme Song

    If you had the opportunity to create your own theme music, what would it sound like? Get creative and create your own sounds or select an instrumental from Youtube or any other source that represents you well. If you are going the youtube route, remember to use VidtoMp3. Once you have selected your background music, … Continue reading Your Theme Song
  7. tdaig

    Song Reversed

    One of this weeks assignments was to reverse the music of a song file. This assignment was made simple because of the editor in Audacity. I have never thought about reversing a song so this assignment was interesting. It made the song make no sense at all but hopefully you will be able to figure … Continue reading Song Reversed
  8. abigaild

    Tweet tweet

    This week I did the tweet along on Wednesday the 18th. I have to say that it was rather confusing but it was an interesting story. I still really enjoy the tweet along because it is interesting to see what other people opinions are of the same thing that I am listening to. It is […]
  9. levitasdementia

    Commenting on things

    Here are my comments from this week. I tried to leave constructive criticism wherever I went. http://alayton8.com/assignments/theme-song/#comment-66 http://janellegelino.com/assignments/audio-assignment-soundboard-conversation-4pts-fifty-shades-of-hall...
  10. abigaild


    Our radio show has a great concept (at least in my opinion) and the poster that Justin created really shows that. It is a small town that looks abandoned with only shadow left. It gives a little brief overview into what our show will be about if you listen to it.
  11. jlaszako

    Just Around the Riverbend: A Dramatic Reading (REMIX)

    This week one of the possible audio assignments was to a dramatic reading remix for 3.5 stars. I wanted to do this one again about my character, Isabelle. I tried to find a song she could potentially relate to and then make it even more dramatic. She’s a very naturally curious person so my first […]
  12. abigaild

    Dead Silence

    My group has decided to make a radio show about our characters and how they are intertwined. We have started to come up with a script that is three acts in length. Before we can start out recording we have started to make a script. It is still a work in progress but the concept […]
  13. srechter


    This is the dialogue mashup assignment worth 4 1/2 points. This was another really fun one. I knew I wanted to do something with the “you talkin’ to me?” scene. It’s just too perfect for this sort of assignment.  I love the awkward tension that builds throughout. Initially I really wanted to get a Joe … Continue reading Bueller?
  14. mboleis

    Making Other People Feel Good

    This week, we were told that we don’t comment enough so we had to comment on 10 blogs! Here are the lovely posts I commented on. Shelley’s Theme Cocoa Kitties UMW advertisement Tune Squad Logo Abandon Commercial Emotional Sounds Alcoholic Anonymous Commercial Noir Buzz Bumper Sticker Black Theme Song Clue Poster I really enjoyed commenting […]
  15. kroach2

    Don’t cry me a river

    Teenage Angst (1 1/2 Stars) Record yourself reading from a diary/journal/letter you wrote when you were a teenager. Try to capture the emotion and angst of the moment. Add music […]
  16. kroach2

    Piano Lessons

    Theme Song (4 stars) If you had the opportunity to create your own theme music, what would it sound like? Get creative and create your own sounds or select an […]
  17. mboleis

    Paternity Tests Change NOTHING

    NOIR not the father- Maury style talk show Characters: Stella Vaughn – Talk Show Host Blair Morgan – Crime Scene Clean-up Informant Billy “Saw” Steel – Suspect in killing wife Jackie Michael “Ol’ Mick” Bretton – affair with Jackie, Jackie and “Ol’ Mick” plan to murder Steel Plot: Stella hosts talk show to unravel the mystery […]
  18. mboleis

    Ripping Jack

        I really do love tweeting along to DS0106 Radio. These shows are always entertaining, and they give me something to do that is a little more fun than homework. Here are my tweets from Feb 19, which is when I tweeted along. You can find out a lot more about the tweet- along […]
  19. kroach2

    Just one more drink

    DS106 Radio Commercial (3 stars) Create a commercial featuring an item that you have invented that would be extremely useful to your favorite movie or TV Show character. Try to […]
  20. mboleis

    Two Gunshots & A Splash

    ONE MORE ASSIGNMENT worth 4 stars! This assignment is called Your Theme Song. The task is as follows: If you had the opportunity to create your own theme music, what would it sound like? Get creative and create your own sounds or select an instrumental from Youtube or any other source that represents you well. I […]
  21. phoenix

    I am NOT a Morning Person….

    My Dreary Morning Ritual Whats The Story Morning Glory? (2 Stars) This audio clip includes my morning ritual. This ritual have been the same for a long time. Of course, the first sound you hear is my alarm clock. I have love-hate relationship with this device. Its the main reason I wake up so I…

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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