1. phoenix

    My Epic Theme Song

    Your Theme Song (4 Stars) I chose the audio assignment “Your Theme Song”, well because I’ve always wanted to create one, and now I have a great excuse to do so. That being said, this assignment took a me almost an hour to create because I had to chose, which songs and sound effects I…

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  2. kbarbeelibrary

    Shelley’s Theme

    Shelley Layton now has a theme song as a result of the “Your Theme Song” Audio Assignment. I altered this assignment a bit because instead of creating a theme song for myself, I created one for my original character. The music and sound effects I used came from the freesound users soulman-90, yuval, cgeffex, qubodup, … Continue reading Shelley’s Theme
  3. kbarbeelibrary

    Ring, Ring Ringtone

    This week, I decided to complete the “Make Your Own Ringtone” Audio Assignment. for this assignment, you have to join different audio clips into one file and create a ringtone for your phone that isn’t longer than 40 seconds. At first, I tried animals sounds, like guinea pigs, but found that mixing the audio of herbertboland’s … Continue reading Ring, Ring Ringtone
  4. levitasdementia

    Group work is like a funeral.

    It’s been a rough week. Midterms are coming up, housing agreements are due, hallmates are rude, and this radio show is a thing. The first step was to get a group together. I already knew Leanna, so I texted her up to join me. We also grabbed Amy over twitter, and Geyore came in as Read More →
  5. kroach2

    NOIR not the father

    Radio Show Name: NOIR not the father (Maury style talk show) Group Members: Kelsey Roach, Mia Boleis, Cuyler Matteson, Brain Burns Group Meetings: Wednesday 2/18: came up with radio show […]
  6. kbarbeelibrary

    Sleuth Sticker

    I decided to create a promo bumper sticker for our group radio show that had something that was related to each group member’s original character. Shelley is represented by the black cat, Sarah by the mustard, and Sasha by the cereal. I wanted to design the promo in this way in order to make people guess … Continue reading Sleuth Sticker
  7. gyeorelee

    Sixth Week Summary

    Already week six?! The week that I most afraid of had come. I’m not good at making audio sounds and not enjoy recording my voice, but creating a radio show? I already stressed out. The assignments that we have to complete were seem little compare to past weeks. But radio show was waiting for me. […]
  8. mboleis

    For Those Who Don’t Want TINDER Love & Care

    Creating a commercial is not as easy as you would think. For 3 stars I did the assignment entitled DS106 Radio Commercial.  The task: Create a commercial featuring an item that you have invented that would be extremely useful to your favorite movie or TV Show character. Try to be as creative and abstract as possible. Must include […]
  9. gyeorelee

    Radio Show Progress

    This week and next week, we have to create a radio show for ds106 radio. This week is to form a group and plan for it. To find a group member, I went on Twitter and searching for a group to join in. remembered that my roommate told me that her friend, Amy Elizabeth is […]
  10. kkroehl

    The Steadfast Sleuths Week One

    Working on my group’s radio show this week was very fun! We got together and bounced ideas off each other until we formed a plot. We are making ours a soap opera noir, but I have little experience with soaps, so I deferred to the other group members for that....
  11. kkroehl

    Kellogg’s Cocoa Kitties

    To make a ds106 radio commercial (3 pts), it took me a long time to come up with a product that I liked. Inventing a product that would be useful to my character was tricky, but I finally decided to take inspiration from Sasha Kellogg’s name and create a noir...
  12. ahowlan2


    This week our group (Kendall Parker, Brianne Comden, Amanda Layton, and I) started thinking about our Radio Show. We came up with the name “the MaNOIRpulators. We texted a lot, sharing ideas and tweaking each other’s to come up with a summary that appropriately combined our characters’ stories. I’m very excited about what we came … Continue reading Progress
  13. cloehr

    Can you guess this tune?

    This assignment that I chose to complete is called “Favorite Song” and is worth 1 and half stars. Here’s the link to the assignment: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/favorite-song/ I completed this assignment by downloading the audio from a youtube video of my song’s instrumental version. I then imported it into Audacity and cut it to just the first … Continue reading Can you guess this tune?
  14. kkroehl

    The Steadfast Sleuths

    To promote my group’s radio show, I created a poster. I wanted it to say enough about the show that people understood kind of what it is about, without simply giving away the plot. The point is not only to promote my group’s radio show, but to really get people...
  15. kkroehl

    Mildred Pierce: What a Show

    On Tuesday, I live-Tweeted to the Mildred Pierce radio show. Once again, live-Tweeting was lots of fun, but what made it even better was that I was listening with my friend Lauren Falkenstein. It was fun to just make eye contact during the show and share an unspoken hatred for...
  16. lfalkens

    Ode to Sarah Mustard

    Your Theme Song (4 Stars) So I chose this assignment to fulfill the remaining stars that needed to relate to my character. I’m hopeful that it may somehow be incorporated into…
  17. gyeorelee

    Radio Show Promo

    This week is to working on producing a radio show. So, I had to make poster/bumper, sticker/logo, etc. Since I made a bumper in the past when we were working on audio assignments, so I made logo for s106 radio.   I used Adobe Photoshop to create this logo. On the white background, I typed […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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