1. phoenix

    When I’m Gone……

    Data of The Dead(3 Stars) Source: https://reasonswhyimstillsingle.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/batman_6.jpg “If my untimely demise comes, which may come sooner than later since I live a crazy life style, I want to first have the Agency collect all the money I have confiscated from the mafia and give it to my family in Pasadena, California. Also, they cannot have…

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  2. phoenix

    A Quick Thank You….

    10 Seconds of thanks Source:http://www.edenlifemag.com/e2/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Pledge.png “I am thankful for the Freedom Fighter Agency for allowing for me get justice for my fallen friend Ricky.” This task was my initiation to the Freedom Fighters Agency. We were required to recite at a 10 Second thank you at the top of my head. The first thing that…

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  3. dalinafoo

    Character Resume

    Objective: We encourage innovation. We take responsibility for our customer’s satisfaction. We are responsible, accountable, respectful, effective, and efficient live performance Group. Make a difference in the way art is delivered to the audience.Being accountable and cheerful group. Education and Training Sara Sparkle: Institution Name: Julliard School Field of Study: Music Dates: Monday, August 26, 2000 to May 1, … Continue reading Character Resume
  4. tdaig

    Conways Resume

    For one of this weeks assignments, I created a resume for Conway Adams. I used a simple Microsoft word template and it was easy to do. It was a lot of fun creating a fake life for my character. This assignment was worth 3 stars and can be found here.   }Conway Adams 303 Montgomery … Continue reading Conways Resume
  5. tdaig

    How it all began

    So the story of James Black and I is pretty simple. We kind of just fell into our friendship. We were both out on the streets one night fighting crimes when it happened. I was chasing this criminal who had just robbed a convenience store. It was about a five minute footrace through dark alleys … Continue reading How it all began
  6. afanghel

    Enter “A Whole New World” … READ!

    So, going along with what seems to be the theme of heroic princesses (see last week’s BRAVE-themed music vide0), I created a READ poster as required by the Design Assignment worth three-and-a-half stars. I obtained a whimsical photo of my doppleganger Holland Roden, in which she was awesomely edited into a real-life Ariel by Tumblr ... Read more
  7. levitasdementia

    You’re all forgetting your roots.

    I think I’ve asked “how did you make this” more than 5 times this week. If you were my employees, you would all have a stern talking to about following instructions. http://codingspencer.com/ds106/thats-some-bad-hat-harry/ http://www.stephaniebwhite.com/weekly-summaries/week-eleven-summary/ http://kelsroach.com/final-project/we-are-open-for-business/ http://kelsroach.com/uncategorized/396/ http://julaszakovits.com/weekly-reflections/here-we-go-again-a-reflection/#comment-471 http://ds106.christineloehr.org/daily-create/umbrella-photo/ http://ds106.christineloehr.org/daily-create/umbrella-photo/ http://www.philipdorch.com/assignments/nntf-trivia/#comment-132 http://www.saharalkhelaifi.com/uncategorized/dreamer-or-quitter-quiz/#comment-794 http://brendalevoy.com/assignments/paul-bond-president/
  8. kbarbeelibrary

    My Resume

    This post contains my, Shelley Layton’s, current job resume for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the Character Resume Web Assignment and when I happened upon the assignment I realized that I needed to update my resume anyway due to my moving to San Francisco and becoming a part of the Steadfast Sleuths. I … Continue reading My Resume
  9. kroach2

    Home Stretch

    Well, this week has been relatively easy. I don’t see why Kelsey is always complaining about how much work she has to do. Although I wasn’t thrilled about taking over […]
  10. kroach2

    Some Thoughts

    Blood Stains Extra, No Questions Asked  Creating a Logo  Here’s my card  OR You murdered your husband in cold blood & want to get rid of the evidence I’d like […]
  11. kbarbeelibrary

    My Dream Trip

    For the Dream Vacation on Pinterest Web Assignment, I created a Pinterest board through Kayleigh’s Pinterest account detailing my dream vacation that I eventually would like to take to Japan. I first became interested in Japanese culture as I was learning the Japanese language during my time as a student at the University of London. Then when … Continue reading My Dream Trip
  12. ahowlan2


    I made a warning poster for the maNIORpulators! (3 stars) I thought some people should get a fair warning to watch out for us. Hopefully it will keep some more men in-line. I made it on Word, using wordart and importing our logo and pictures. It was really easy and I hope you all like it … Continue reading WARNING
  13. mboleis

    Blood Stains Extra, No Questions Asked

    Happy Easter, or whatever you celebrate. Stella and I have been in the CC since 9:00 am because well we don’t really celebrate Easter. But here is a bunny. Empty convergence center….how am I supposed to eaves drop and ruin people's lives if no one is around #noir106 #ds106 — Stella Vaughn (@stellsvaughn) April 5, […]
  14. kroach2

    We are open for business

    E-mail! E-mail! Read All About it!  3 Stars For this assignment, use the website Vertical Response to create an email newsletter for a fictional agency, company, organization, etc. After you sign up for […]
  15. ahowlan2


    Between the Black Widow Bar and Black Widow Agency, I’m not in any need for a new job. Still, it’s always good to keep your resume updated and ready! I recently checked out mine to make sure everything was still up to date. Here it is, My Resume! I made mine by choosing a theme on Word … Continue reading Resume

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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