Create a Warning Poster 3 Stars Create a poster warning people of some sort of danger. It can be a danger that isn’t ever present, like the lochness monster, or something […]
A Buzzfeed Quiz Tutorial Which maNOIRpulator am I???? Bae’s Resume Some Daily Creates Jota + Pinterest IGGGGGYYYYYY GET AWAY BITCHES Jack hates NNTF NNTF Quiz Stella’s Business Card
Create Your Own Business Card 2 Stars We’re reaching a time in our lives where where professionalism is key. Use photoshop to create your own business card to advertise who you […]
This week felt almost like a reset. I began work to set up a brand new webpage for my agency. The webpage with all required (and some bonus pages) can be found here. I completed 10.5 stars worth of assignments. I did 6 stars of web assignments (My Resume for 3 stars and How It […]
Today’s Daily Create was to take a photo with an umbrella. I used an interesting angle and utilized natural lighting to make this photo look kind of abstract. Here it is:
You’re A Pinteresting Character 2 Stars Build a Pinterest page of at least 20 pins for a character of your choice. Search for pins that relate to your character and things that he […]
For today’s daily create I had to take an umbrella photograph. I decided to take a picture of this umbrella on a sunny day so that the light goes through the material of the umbrella and illuminates it. I used my phone to take this picture.
The assignment guidelines can be found here. This design assignment is worth 2 and 1/2 stars. The postcard I made is from a place that I want to be right now. My family lives in Scotland and I haven’t seen them in so long! I would love to go visit them, but I’ve just been … Continue reading Greetings From Scotland
This week I had to do some web assignments. The first one I did was the “character resume” assignment (3 pts). The assignment instructions say that you can use Word to create your resume, so I was a little confused why this wasn’t a writing assignment, but I guess its...
I absolutely love these daily creates, they make me feel so talented and creative. I mean who wouldn’t want to photoshop Noddy being rescued, or create your very own DS106 […]
I also made time to create a logo from Aconitum.Napellus this week. I drew inspiration from a ds106 design assignment, The Ultimate Merger (which is rated at 4.5 stars). I chose to use Fisher Scientific’s logo set up, seen below: I mimicked the fonts and colors to create my own logo for Aconitum.Napellus. All work […]
The real inspiration for my agency came from the trip I took with Eden Waz. I decided this was a key point to and deserved a page on my agency’s webpage. I also saw that this fit with an a web assignment, How It All Began, which is rated at 3 stars. I could go […]
For the Patent Pending Visual Assignment, I felt that I would hang some old patent drawings of pocket watches on my walls at my home or in the Steadfast Sleuths office. I found the pocket watch and stopwatch images through a Google image search and used the photo-editing elements of Powerpoint to make the patents … Continue reading Watch Patents
I decided to add my resume to my webpage. It can be found under the staff page. I drew inspiration to upload my resume from the ds106 web assignment: character resume (which is rated at 3 stars). The resume is really rather self-explanatory. It describes my previous work and education experience. I’ve mostly worked in […]
This week I began to set up my agency’s presence on the internet. So far, I have created a homepage, a staffpage, a page to contact us, a page containing my portfolio, a page for my blog, a page outlining our mission statement, and a page describing how the agency began. Visit the page here. […]
Since the NoirCat originally appeared on Maggie Black’s computer, it seemed appropriate that her birthday card contained cats to some extent, including a cat pun. I found this black cat alphabet online and edited the card within the Powerpoint program. The cats remind me of my cat Pluto, maybe I’ll use the font for more … Continue reading Happy Birthday Miss Black
For the Save Noddy! Daily Create, I decided to show where I would take Noddy after removing him from the garbage. I’m pretty familiar with Noddy as a television character since I spent most of my childhood in England and I find him to be a charming fictional character for children. I took Noddy to … Continue reading Noddy in the Garbage!
Well, clearly I am getting popular in the noir106 community because I was approached by someone who wants to write a book about my life! My one stipulation was that I would make the book cover to satisfy the “How to________” assignment (3.5 pts). They agreed, and this week I...
I loved commenting on other people’s business card assignments, so I decided to complete the “Create your own business card” assignment for myself (2 pts). I really liked how everyone had different colored backgrounds on their cards, but I decided to make my card more simple like a traditional business...
Well. I already posted all this stuff about our agency, but I haven’t even told you guys what that agency is. My bad. Anyway. Stella, Mick, Billy, Jack and I have created the agency: No Stain, No Problem. Basically, in Lehman’s terms, we’re a cleaning agency. We clean up any type of mess that you […]
This week I completed two daily creates. These were: a birthday picture for Maggie Black’s birthday, and to save Noddy from the trash can. I purposefully chose these two pretty easy daily creates because I was busy this week setting up the Steadfast Sleuths website! The birthday card was fun...
After teaming back up with my fellow MaNOIRpulators and my Grandma last week, we went to work this week establishing ourselves on the web in different capacities. We formed Black Widow Agency (BWA). composed of Margaret Pinault, Julia James (me, of course), Edie Waz, and Sylvia Stone. In order to really plant ourselves into the … Continue reading I’m in Heaven in Week Eleven
So there was this web assignment entitled Buzzfeed Personality Quiz worth 3 stars. The task? Have you taken one of those fun personality quizzes on Buzzfeed? Now make your own! Sign in with Buzzfeed to create a community account (you can use gmail). Then start making a quiz for people to find out which character they are. […]
Well. Our agency’s website obviously needed a banner, and wouldn’t you know it, there was an assignment in the assignment bank entitled Website Banner. This was worth 4 stars. I didn’t really think it was that hard though. I tried to add some extra effects to make the 4 stars worth my while. During our […]
Bet you guys didn’t expect to see one of these this week. Thanks to the graciousness and understanding of head agents Groom, Bond, Black and Burtis, my team was given an extension on our video show. Jota, Johnny, and I didn’t have schedules that worked well together last week and we could not find the … Continue reading A Video Show This Week?
This week The Steadfast Sleuths began the process of forming our agency’s presence online. We created our webpage and spent the week creating aspects of the webpage. I completed four… Above is a link to my created Web Domain for Gambino De Luca. I chose to use Wix for this assignment because it was user friendly and I found that the subdomain was confusing. I also wanted to exploring other domain building services. Obviously this site is just getting going so please stay tuned … Continue reading Web Agency→
Assignment 1: Using either Microsoft Word, creating your own webpage, or using a website like LinkedIn, create a “fake” resume for a fictional person or character of your choice. Add detailed descriptions and make the resume relevant to the character. Resume must include a profile, work history, education, and skills. Locations, job positions, and … Continue reading Assignments 3/30-4/5→
This week was pretty awesome! I enjoyed creating new blog for the agency and the assignments were pretty fun to do. When I was creating new website for the agency, I was little bit confused about the creating subdomain. Therefore, I went to ITCC to get help with it. I was really easier than I […]
I have to be honest, I started this week with the thought, “what the hell are we supposed to be doing.” I mean, I set out all the assignments and junk as per usual to keep myself organized and on... Read more