1. kroach2

    Saving our Asses

    Create a Warning Poster 3 Stars Create a poster warning people of some sort of danger. It can be a danger that isn’t ever present, like the lochness monster, or something […]
  2. kroach2

    Hit Me Up

    Create Your Own Business Card 2 Stars We’re reaching a time in our lives where where professionalism is key. Use photoshop to create your own business card to advertise who you […]
  3. jlaszako

    Here we go again: A Reflection

    This week felt almost like a reset. I began work to set up a brand new webpage for my agency. The webpage with all required (and some bonus pages) can be found here. I completed 10.5 stars worth of assignments. I did 6 stars of web assignments (My Resume for 3 stars and How It […]
  4. cloehr

    Umbrella Photo

    Today’s Daily Create was to take a photo with an umbrella. I used an interesting angle and utilized natural lighting to make this photo look kind of abstract. Here it is:
  5. kroach2

    Bored of Boards

    You’re A Pinteresting Character  2 Stars Build a Pinterest page of at least 20 pins for a character of your choice. Search for pins that relate to your character and things that he […]
  6. sgrubbs2

    Umbrella In The Sun

    For today’s daily create I had to take an umbrella photograph. I decided to take a picture of this umbrella on a sunny day so that the light goes through the material of the umbrella and illuminates it. I used my phone to take this picture.
  7. kkroehl

    Please Hire Me

    This week I had to do some web assignments. The first one I did was the “character resume” assignment (3 pts). The assignment instructions say that you can use Word to create your resume, so I was a little confused why this wasn’t a writing assignment, but I guess its...
  8. jlaszako

    Creating a Logo

    I also made time to create a logo from Aconitum.Napellus this week. I drew inspiration from a ds106 design assignment, The Ultimate Merger (which is rated at 4.5 stars). I chose to use Fisher Scientific’s logo set up, seen below:   I mimicked the fonts and colors to create my own logo for Aconitum.Napellus. All work […]
  9. jlaszako

    In the beginning…

    The real inspiration for my agency came from the trip I took with Eden Waz. I decided this was a key point to and deserved a page on my agency’s webpage. I also saw that this fit with an a web assignment, How It All Began, which is rated at 3 stars. I could go […]
  10. kbarbeelibrary

    Watch Patents

    For the Patent Pending Visual Assignment, I felt that I would hang some old patent drawings of pocket watches on my walls at my home or in the Steadfast Sleuths office. I found the pocket watch and stopwatch images through a Google image search and used the photo-editing elements of Powerpoint to make the patents … Continue reading Watch Patents
  11. jlaszako

    My resume

    I decided to add my resume to my webpage. It can be found under the staff page. I drew inspiration to upload my resume from the ds106 web assignment: character resume (which is rated at 3 stars). The resume is really rather self-explanatory. It describes my previous work and education experience. I’ve mostly worked in […]
  12. jlaszako

    Creation of Aconitum.Napellus

    This week I began to set up my agency’s presence on the internet. So far, I have created a homepage, a staffpage, a page to contact us, a page containing my portfolio, a page for my blog, a page outlining our mission statement, and a page describing how the agency began. Visit the page here. […]
  13. kkroehl

    How to: Sasha Kellogg

    Well, clearly I am getting popular in the noir106 community because I was approached by someone who wants to write a book about my life! My one stipulation was that I would make the book cover to satisfy the “How to________” assignment (3.5 pts). They agreed, and this week I...
  14. kkroehl

    Here’s my Card.

    I loved commenting on other people’s business card assignments, so I decided to complete the “Create your own business card” assignment for myself (2 pts). I really liked how everyone had different colored backgrounds on their cards, but I decided to make my card more simple like a traditional business...
  15. mboleis

    NNTF beocmes NSNP

    Well. I already posted all this stuff about our agency, but I haven’t even told you guys what that agency is. My bad. Anyway. Stella, Mick, Billy, Jack and I have created the agency: No Stain, No Problem. Basically, in Lehman’s terms, we’re a cleaning agency. We clean up any type of mess that you […]
  16. kkroehl

    Maggie and Noddy

    This week I completed two daily creates. These were: a birthday picture for Maggie Black’s birthday, and to save Noddy from the trash can. I purposefully chose these two pretty easy daily creates because I was busy this week setting up the Steadfast Sleuths website! The birthday card was fun...
  17. mboleis

    Bloody Hell

    Well. Our agency’s website obviously needed a banner, and wouldn’t you know it, there was an assignment in the assignment bank entitled Website Banner. This was worth 4 stars. I didn’t really think it was that hard though. I tried to add some extra effects to make the 4 stars worth my while. During our […]
  18. bchristi1361

    Web Agency

    http://bchristi1361.wix.com/gambinodeluca Above is a link to my created Web Domain for Gambino De Luca. I chose to use Wix for this assignment because it was user friendly and I found that the subdomain was confusing. I also wanted to exploring other domain building services. Obviously this site is just getting going so please stay tuned … Continue reading Web Agency
  19. bchristi1361

    Assignments 3/30-4/5

    Assignment 1:  http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/character-resume/ Using either Microsoft Word, creating your own webpage, or using a website like LinkedIn, create a “fake” resume for a fictional person or character of your choice. Add detailed descriptions and make the resume relevant to the character. Resume must include a profile, work history, education, and skills. Locations, job positions, and … Continue reading Assignments 3/30-4/5
  20. gyeorelee

    Week 11: Weekly Summary

    This week was pretty awesome! I enjoyed creating new blog for the agency and the assignments were pretty fun to do. When I was creating new website for the agency, I was little bit confused about the creating subdomain. Therefore, I went to ITCC to get help with it. I was really easier than I […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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