1. adamlostonpatrol

    Weekly Summary Week 5!

    This week was all about photography and how to improve our photo taking skills. I learned that you can use the environment around you to an advantage when taking pictures, and that you can manipulate the environment to better your photos. I also learned that taking a good picture is not as easy as it … Continue reading
  2. adamlostonpatrol

    Pimp my Flick!

    We were assigned to pimp up our Flickr pages and see if we could figure out how to embed a set into WordPress. To embed a set into my blog, I googled the html code for how to embed sets into WordPress. By doing this, I found a website called flickerslideshow.com that takes the link to your … Continue reading
  3. adamlostonpatrol

    Tips For Better Visuals

    Throughout the week, I used some tips to help me better exhibit my photography skills: Change My Perspective By Changing Yours: Find different and unique points of view. Look down, up, lay down on the ground. Seek perspectives of lines. Look to the light. Probably the most key lesson- be aware of light that works and what … Continue reading
  4. awassenb

    Weekly Summary: Five

    This week was by far one of my favorites in the class! I really enjoyed the visual assignments and learning more about photography and visual media techniques. I definitely learned a lot about creating visual media. For most of my visual assignments and daily creates I have been using a free online editor called Pixlr, […]
  5. bbrady1992

    Week 5 Summary

    I’m finally done with all of the work for this week. Thank God. I’ve been way too busy this week and I’m looking forward to taking the rest of the night to relax. I learned a lot about editing images this week. I couldn’t do much with GIMP before this week’s assignments, but I feel Read More →
  6. cmoton18


    This assignment was a lot of fun! I chose to do this in my room because there is such a variety of objects in there that I thought it wouldn’t be too hard trying to find things to take photos of for each different thing. The time limit made it more of a challenge because … Continue reading Photoblitz
  7. awassenb

    Photographing 101- What I Learned this Week

    These week we had to use at least 3 different suggestions when photographing/producing images for our visual assignments this week. I pulled all of my tips from the eBook written by David duChemin. I started using these resources first for the Photoblitx challenge. For this image I decided to use my new found knowledge in […]
  8. bbrady

    Photography Tips

    This week, I tried to follow three of David duChemin’s tips for becoming a better photography. His eBook can be found here. The tips I tried out this week were Get Pickier Change My Perspective By Changing Yours, and Create Depth. The second tip lined up very well with the photoblitz assignment, where one of the Read More →
  9. bbrady

    The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword (Apophenia)

    My third and final visual assignment of the week is the required assignment, Apophenia. It’s a 3 star assignment, bringing my total for the week to 9 stars. The instructions were Find something in your house. Take a picture. Let your imagination churn. Make as many different augmented versions as you can think of. Help others Read More →
  10. calebsnow14

    Week 5 Summary

    The weeks done! And it’s only 4pm? That’s about 9 hours earlier than I usually submit my summary. Unfortunately, I’m not submitting early because I was being proactive for the sake of being proactive, but because I’m leaving soon to go to DC for the afternoon and I wanted to make sure I did my … Continue reading Week 5 Summary
  11. cherishamari

    Fresh start with graphic design

    This week we were asked to read and review “The Vignelli Canon” a booklet by Massimo Vignelli. I thought the little booklet offered great insight to graphic design, with me someone who knows little about. I really liked how he stated, “It is not the formula that prevents good design from happening but lack of […]
  12. calebsnow14

    Harper for MVP

    So I know I talk a lot about the outdoors and some of my other hobbies, but one big thing I’ve left out is baseball. One of the things I’ve noticed over the past couple of years as I’ve been “growing up” has been my continuing disinterest in sports and my focus on other things … Continue reading Harper for MVP
  13. adamlostonpatrol

    How do they not know..

    In the visual assignment titles Your Very Own Spubble, the task was this: “Learn to love yourself, grab a picture of yourself in which your body language, actions, gestures, etc. suggest one thing and then play off that using a speech bubble. Ideally the result would make people laugh—but I must acknowledge there are other … Continue reading
  14. calebsnow14

    “What is it you plan to do with your one and precious life?”

    As soon as I read the description for this assignment, I knew exactly what poem I was going to pick! I love the poet Mary Oliver. My girlfriend ( who ironically enough, took this class and her assignment was the example pictured in the assignment description) told me about Mary Oliver a few months ago … Continue reading “What is it you plan to do with your one and precious life?”
  15. adamlostonpatrol

    Razor To Ice Resurfacer

    This visual assignment was called  Apophenia and the task was to find something in my house. Take a picture. Let my imagination churn. Make as many different augmented versions as you can think of. Help others see what’s in your head. For the object in my house, I decided to go with a razor. I chose the … Continue reading
  16. bbrady1992

    Week 5 Daily Creates

    I completed four daily creates this week. I used GIMP for all except for all of them except the first one. I’m starting to get more comfortable with GIMP after doing these daily creates and the visual assignments.   For the first daily create of the week, I had to make latte art. On that Read More →

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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