1. Tim Goodloe

    More of Sweden

      Ok more Sweden!! This assignment was to take a photo of regular things and play with the colors!! Photoshop makes this easy so I took a picture of two of my fav swedish snacks (bought em at IKEA lol), … Continue reading
  2. Tim Goodloe

    More of Sweden

      Ok more Sweden!! This assignment was to take a photo of regular things and play with the colors!! Photoshop makes this easy so I took a picture of two of my fav swedish snacks (bought em at IKEA lol), … Continue reading
  3. Emily Deane


    Last, but FAR from least. This one took the most effort and concentration, especially because I’ve never really had that “eye” that accomplished photographers have. All of these photos were taken around good ol’ Fredericksburg. I’ve lived here in the … Continue reading
  4. Daniel Zimmerman

    Week in Review: Daily Creates

    Here are this week’s Daily Create’s. 1. Make a photo of something upside down that is never seen that way. tdc29 2. Share an image of a place that you lose things in your house. tdc030 3. Create a photograph that represents the happiest of ...
  5. melodie

    Assignment: Photo It like Peanut Butter

    This assignment is so fun! Here is a lil goat trying to get through the fence/dance.  Goats have the weirdest eyes. I used photoshop for this animation and took a lot of pics of this goat with a tripod for the least movement possible.  There was one point at which a chicken jumped up and ...
  6. melodie

    Assignment: Unlikely Intersections

    Oh, the payne of college. I chose these two converging streets because the the intersection would seem harmless, however it foreshadows the college career of many.  When choosing a major or minor or career path even the difficulties may seem like they are just bumps in the road, but sometimes they influence an entire path ...
  7. Daniel Zimmerman

    Splash The Color

    Gotta love those Blue Birds. They provide so many opportunities for amazing photography. I used picnik and photoshop for this assignment. Initially I uploaded the picture into photoshop and enhanced the blue-ness (is that a word?) of the blue bird. I t...
  8. Linda McKenna

    TDC Week 4

      My daily creates will be compiled and posted weekly from here on out. (And the first three are repeats because I didn’t decide to do the weekly thing until ...
  9. Nick Antonini

    Weekend Movie Review

    I don’t remember the last time i went to go see a movie in theaters and I actually heard people scream. This was, by far, the best horror/thriller movie of the year. I’m only saying that because it’s February and...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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