1. Colin Schulz

    Daily Create Recap ( 3/36/12 – 4/1/12)

    Local Geological Feature (3/27/12 Daily Create) For the local geological feature I used a picture of the Fredericksburg battlefield sign. I chose to use this picture in particular because it represents what Fredericksburg is known for, and that’s history! Glamorize Your RIde (3/38/12) Since the ride that I wanted to glamorize was back in New ...
  2. Colin Schulz

    Daily Create Recap ( 3/36/12 – 4/1/12)

    Local Geological Feature (3/27/12 Daily Create) For the local geological feature I used a picture of the Fredericksburg battlefield sign. I chose to use this picture in particular because it represents what Fredericksburg is known for, and that’s history! Glamorize Your RIde (3/38/12) Since the ride that I wanted to glamorize was back in New ...
  3. Colin Schulz

    Something I came Across

    Hey everyone, so today while reading some articles online I came across one about digital media. In the article some people stated that digital media on social networking sights is like having a second language. What they mean by this is all the words we use while on social media such as ttul, g2g. After ...
  4. guacamoleh

    Coming soon…

    I just spent the last half hour watching movie trailers in preparation for the movie trailer mash-up assignment. I started off thinking about doing something with the notebook and dodgeball, since those came out on the same weekend, but it didn’t pan out. I finally settled on the two movies that I want to do. ...
  5. guacamoleh

    Coming soon…

    I just spent the last half hour watching movie trailers in preparation for the movie trailer mash-up assignment. I started off thinking about doing something with the notebook and dodgeball, since those came out on the same weekend, but it didn’t pan out. I finally settled on the two movies that I want to do. ...
  6. Keelin

    Good News!

    After browsing the web, I found that the old version of Windows Movie Maker is online for download and works for Vista and Windows 7. The download for Windows Movie Maker 2.6 can be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=34#Overview I’m super excited … Continue reading
  7. Stephanie

    Going viral!

    So the video we talked about was what what in the butt. I have never found that video particularly entertaining. I have decided to list some of my all time favorite videos here… Since I seem to know too much about the internet. TLDR: Here is a compilation. Charlie the Unicorn All Your Base Are Belong ...
  8. Tiffany Hobbs

    Oh Nicholas Sparks..

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/one-archetype-five-movies-five-seconds/ One archetype, five movies, five seconds. So I decided to go with movie kisses.. And what better movies to choose than ones adapted from Nicholas Sparks’ books. On yo...
  9. Christie McKitrick

    Up for an Indiana Jones marathon?

    The Indiana Jones movies are just classic and are definitely up there on my Top Movies list. So for the Trilogy Trailer Montage assignment I decided to do the first three Indiana Jones movies. At first I was going to include the fourth one, the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (trailer here if you haven’t ...
  10. Colin Schulz

    Number 9 (Video Assignment)

    For the number video assignment http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/movies-by-numbers/ I chose to use the number nine simply because it is my favorite and lucky number. My thinking behind this project was simple, find pictures that represent the number nine in every day life. After a little bit of thinking and searching google I found a lot of good pictures, from ...
  11. Tiffany Hobbs

    A different interpretation…

    http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/movie-trailer-mashup/ While working on the movie trailer mashup assignment, after watching movie trailers and trying to think of what I could do, I had the brilliant idea to take the trailers of two different fil...
  12. Colin Schulz

    This Changed My Life (Video Assignment)

    For the scenes that changed my life video assignment http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/movie-scenes-that-changed-our-lives/  I chose three scenes which I believe impacts and or represented my life in some way. This assignment mean a great deal to me because it made me think about if particular scenes from the movies that i’ve seen in the past really impacted my life on ...
  13. Justin Baker

    Jurassic Park in a 5 Second Nutshell

    (3 stars) Since last week became so rushed, I decided to try to wipe out as much of these assignments as I can, as early as I can. Without sacrificing quality that is. With that in mind, day 2 = assignment 2, 5 Second Film. I was trying to think of a movie or a ...
  14. Justin Baker

    The New Games

    ( 4 star)I had a lot of fun with this assignment. I had recently watched the movie The Hunger Games and loved it. Based on the descriptions in the book and their appearence in the movie, the “Capital” citizens and peace keeps (the police force) looked like aliens compared to the others. This gave me ...
  15. Tiffany Hobbs

    Trying to analyze a movie.. fail

    For my video essay, http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/video-essay/ I decided to do P.S. I love you because I love the movie and thought it would be easy to talk about. I apologize for the last scene having subtitles in another language. I wanted ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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