1. tdc week 10

    TDC #73: Make a photo that emphasizes the color yellow Yellow is my favorite color so, naturally, I had to do this daily create. This is actually a picture of a giant wall that was at a hotel I stayed...
  2. tdc week 9

    TDC #64: Make a creative photo of some sort of boundary Here’s the thing about this picture. Basics, it was taken in DuPont and I used the app Snapseed on my iPhone to edit it. Specifics, I took it because...
  3. Colin Schulz

    The Start of The DS106 Final Project

    For my final project i’m going to a fitness theme. I’m going to create a web site solely on fitness, which contains all the resources you need to stay fit. My website would not only include information on certain workouts, but also sample workouts, printable workout logs, supplement reviews and articles written my be containing ...
  4. Colin Schulz

    The Start of The DS106 Final Project

    For my final project i’m going to a fitness theme. I’m going to create a web site solely on fitness, which contains all the resources you need to stay fit. My website would not only include information on certain workouts, but also sample workouts, printable workout logs, supplement reviews and articles written my be containing ...
  5. Eva Jones

    For my daily create!

    This is Lilly in the rapahanoke river: I had just got back from riding and had a rough day, my horse had thown me! I took lilly down to the river to relax and she was having a blast! I have never seen a dog that loves the water as much as lilly does! So ...
  6. Eva Jones

    I thought I would share!

    I thought I would share this: In light that it is video week THis disaster occured a few years ago when I was just learning to do grabs! I remember that fall and it hurt! I didnt get up right away! But my freind videoed it and I hope you get a good laugh! Its ...
  7. Eva Jones

    5 second video

    A 5 Second film So.. Here is a funny story! I was editing a video for one of our assignments and I fell upon this, kinda by accedent. I made a cut in the video, and was tring to save a 5 second clip of me in my brothers jeep! well I acedentally moved it ...
  8. Colin Schulz

    Daily Create Recap (12/18/12 – 12/224/12)

    Liminal States Between Two Realities ( Daily Create for 3/18/2012 )  For photographing the idea of a liminal state between two realities I chose to take a photograph of me looking outside of a window. The outside of the window represents nature and freedom, and the frame of the window represents what our world has ...
  9. Colin Schulz

    Product Review (Video Assignment)

    For my product review video assignment I chose to do a product review on my Iphone4. Although there isn’t much to say about the process of doing the video, I did however include some detail regarding the phone. I discussed about the phones camera capability, safari, e-mail integration, and most of all it’s sleek durable ...
  10. Stephanie


    This last week has been trying. Video editing is a bit harder than previous editing (sound and image). I want to go back to pictures! Besides the fact that editing is harder, it is just more difficult in general because there are not a lot of times that you can record on the go. I ...
  11. Eva Jones

    My first Video Attempt

    Return to the Silent Era: Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows Style I Got the trailer for Harry potter from youtube. I used AVS Video editor to edit the video. I added the Vintage look effect thoughout the whole movie. Then I went though and got rid of the more confusing sceans. Finally I used ...
  12. Justin Baker


    (4 star) *For some reason the embedding link made the video very large and it gets cut off. To view the video, please click the video to go to the youtube location. Or click here.* For my first video assignment, I decided to relive an old classic – Flipper. I havent seen this movie in ...
  13. Colin Schulz

    Opening Credits Redux (Video Assignment)

    For the opening credits redux assignment I chose to do the credits for Superbad. I chose Superbad because it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. In order to do the credits I used the multiple effects in iMovie, and I used clips that I found on youtube. I really enjoyed this assignments because ...
  14. Christie McKitrick

    10 Seconds of Beauty

    For my first video assignment, I wanted to start with a relatively easy one. This is my first time attempting any video editing, so I really wasn’t sure what to do. I muddled through iMovie, and with my professor’s help I was able to complete the 1 Second Video project. iMovie was difficult to figure ...
  15. Tiffany Hobbs

    My first ever video editing!

    For the first video assignment, I decided to redo the introduction for the notebook. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/opening-credits-redux/ Why I did what I did?!? First things first, I found a video that I liked. I apologize for the Serenity C...
  16. Colin Schulz

    Make A Tutorial (Video Assignment)

      For my make a tutorial video assignment I chose to make a tutorial showing how to make your own workout log in order to have a better, more organized workout. In order to make a screen movie I used Screen Record 2, which I downloaded the free demo version online. To make the workout ...
  17. happythankyoumoreplease

    Happythankyoumoreplease is a 2010 film written and directed by Josh Radnor, who also stars as the protagonist. It’s a movie that I love because it promotes positive thinking and gratitude, which is something I think we need more of in...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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