1. Tiffany Hobbs

    Continuing my project

    So yesterday I took another crack at my final project and I made some awesome progress. Originally I wanted to do the whole song, You Got Me, by Colbie Callait using kinetic typography. After doing work though, I’ve realized that this would take ...
  2. Eva Jones

    For my final project

    For my final project I would like to do a blair witch project thing! I have a ton of film of me taking the dog out and stuff I want to mash it together to make a story ! It will begin with a perfect spring day with kittens and such. then the dog must ...
  3. Tiffany Hobbs


    I talked to Justin Baker about my final project. His advice for me, find out what direction I want to go. By that I mean, I can’t decide what background or theme I want to use. I could use a general background and focus on adding animations with ...
  4. Stephanie

    Here is where I started!

    This is my first post on my final project. I have been working on it since the beginning of the video segment. I don’t wanna give up too much but today’s powwow really helped me with the actually story line ideas. The actual editing is going well but I am awful at telling stories. Things ...
  5. Christie McKitrick

    Further thoughts on final project…

    Still a little bit uncertain as to what exactly I’m going to do for my final project. I’ve taken a bunch of video of my horse around the farm, and wrangled my sister into videotaping me riding him, so I have plenty of footage…the question is what I’m going to do with it. I initially ...
  6. Justin Baker

    Final Project Discussion

    I spoke with Tiffany Hobbs about my project, and her project about Kinetic Typography. For her project I recommended that she settle on a direction on her general theme. I spoke to her about how difficult it would be to add in the theme and she said it wouldnt be that bad, so my suggestion ...
  7. Colin Schulz

    Final Project Updates

    Tonight in class we were asked to discuss our final project’s in groups. The point of this was to get feedback regarding our final projects. I’m currently almost done with my Fitness Now and Then sight. I have everything written our and all I have to do is type the information into my sights pages. ...
  8. Stephanie

    New look!

    I changed my blog to be more spring and summery! It is almost time to graduate and hopefully that will afford me a chance to lay back and relax. I would like to develop a hobby. Maybe this will be it. I will take my blog on adventures!
  9. Rachel Tippett

    EGG Remix

    Using the word play assignment with the cheese it up remix.  I used obnoxious font and blew it up so its in your face. I tried to use vibrant colors while still maintaing the look of an egg.
  10. Eva Jones

    Another remix!

    I hope you get a laugh! I did this for the remix assignment of do the opposite of an assignment! the assignment was to add words to a picture to add meaning! I added words completly without meaning! I did this though the new photo editor on flicker! I just added words! But I would ...
  11. les personnalités multiples

    For this remix assignment, I listened to djianhamilton’s Multipersonality assignment (audio found here). It’s basically two guys talking about food and burgers and cheese. So I decided to find some French dialogue about food and read it in different voices....
  12. Keelin


    For this remix assignment, I used rdm1924g’s My Own Creation to create an advertisement for designing your own animal. The animal is a mix between a Lion, Frog, Eagle, and an Elephant so that’s where it got it’s Lioglelephant name from. I’m … Continue reading
  13. creepy seuss

    For this four-star remixed assignment, I added some Dr. Seuss to Stella Meme’s Creepy Doll. I found her approach to the road signs reinterpretation to be very creative and decided to make “creepy dolls” out of Dr. Seuss characters. It...
  14. Christie McKitrick

    Remix Recap

    My remix assignments that I did this week: 1. Word remixed with Uncle Bob: Fish Word Remix (3 stars) 2. Infomercialize a Time Lapse Composite: Soccer Ball Special (5 stars) 3. Big Caption remixed with Yo Mama: Getting A Brain (3 stars) 4. Countrify a T...
  15. Keelin

    The Prequel

    The Remix: The Original: Remix Assignment: One Story / Four Icons [Remixed]: What’s The Prequel? This remix assignment was quite easy to do once I found the right movie for the prequel. I used My Sight’s One Story / Four … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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