1. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Solve Et Coagula

    Solve Et Coagula. In simple terms, it means something must first be broken down before it can be built up. “Solve” or “solutio” refers to the breaking down of elements and “Coagula” refers to their coming together.  It’s the Classical Latin way of what I refer to as “Eating the Elephant”; to consume the whole, […]
  2. @ds106_aaliyah

    Reflection: Video Production

    For our last required reflection this week I watched four videos to change or influence my perspective on video production. The first video I watched was created by Kubrick titled the One-Point Perspective. This video has multiple clips of movies combined into one that was […]
  3. @dsamanda2

    Creepy Story

    For the extra design work I decided to do another storytime audio story. I used sound effects and music to bring the story to life. In this assignment I wanted it to sound like a story being told by me. I chose to do a sort of creepy story so that I could use some […]
  4. @kspeonygarden

    Third Week Wrap-Up

    Hello, everyone! Since my last mid-week post, I completed the Daily Creates for Saturday and Sunday: @ds106dc #tdc2378 A conversation between Hades and Persephone pic.twitter.com/PdNV6Fet5a — Kate Scott (@kspeonygarden) July 15, 2018 @ds106dc #tdc2379 Thorn & Arrow – look for their newest ad in fashion magazines, soon (not really) pic.twitter.com/f1G6y829Lg — Kate Scott (@kspeonygarden) July... Continue Reading →
  5. @dsamanda2

    Can’t Speak

    This week was all about audio! I started this week off by tackling the Sound Effect Story assignment. This assignment was very overwhelming at first because I was so unfamiliar with how to use Audacity. This was the the assignment that took me the longest to accomplish, but it’s also the one that I am […]
  6. @dsamanda2

    What if Booth was Stopped?

    Last week we discussed what historical event we would change if we could. I wrote a whole post about this topic and decided that I would have never had the events of 9/11 happen. In that post, I also mentioned that the first historical event that came to mind was the assassination of Lincoln. The […]
  7. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Week 3 Summary

    I know I reiterate the process is more about art than it is the technical aspects that get you to the end. In other words, you should never get to “stuck in” with the technical aspects. As a simplistic example, you should avoid spending too much time on something like sampling audio; instead, you should […]
  8. @dsamanda2

    Hipster Whiskey

    Today’s daily create was to create an add/business card for a randomized “hipster buisiness.” I got my randomized name and logo which to me looked like some kind of alcohol name. I decided to turn it into a distillery company, because hipsters like breweries and wineries and distilleries… things like that right? I decided to […]
  9. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2379

    Go to Hipster Business and create a fake logo and brand name. Then use this as inspiration to create a graphic that showcases what your fake hipster business does. Don’t want to use Hipster Business? That’s fine – do it any way you like – this is DS106. I didn’t like the website template, so […]
  10. @jasmxlon

    Daily Creates: End of Week 3

    Featured Image @ds106dc #tdc2378 My response for Today’s #ds106 Daily Create is Nick & Schmidt from @NewGirlonFOX pic.twitter.com/rMrpGNbHTo — Jas 🍉 (@jasmxlon) July 15, 2018 @ds106dc #tdc2379 My response for Today’s #ds106 Daily Create is Butter & Knot: The new Hipster Bakery down the street pic.twitter.com/jy5D8F90rw — Jas 🍉 (@jasmxlon) July 15, 2018

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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