1. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Midweek Post – 11-JUL-2018

    Hump day. The bane of all weeks. It’s a struggle to get past 2:00 PM, but we stumble forwards, hopeful for the weekend. The daily creates keep coming. I’ve put together a wish list for the Kool-aid man, and a fictional map of how far I’d walk for you. But the real focus this week […]
  2. @kspeonygarden

    The Sound and the Fury – Considering Audio Storytelling

    Hello, everyone! Earlier this week, I looked at various resources related to audio storytelling; a page on Canvas detailing various software, such as Audacity and LAME, to help record and edit sound, as well as various sources to help find royalty-free sound effects to help enhance one’s audio story to make it more immersive; then,... Continue Reading →
  3. @ds106_aaliyah

    Midweek III

      This week was all about Audio. So far I have learned the basics and learned how we are able to manipulate sound and the human voice. The first assignment that I completed was a reflection of Radiolab’s Jad Abumrad speech or a quick lesson on the […]
  4. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2374

    Create a wish list for a famous person Create an wish list for a historical figure. Put in items that you think the figure would enjoy or need, and maybe add some drawings. You could use Amazon’s wish list facility for this. For example, George Washington would definitely enjoy having some a leadership book, an […]
  5. @ds106_aaliyah

    Moon Graffiti

        The Moon Graffiti assignment consisted of a story, “In Event of Moon Disaster“, told on a podcast. This story was written by Jonathan Mitchell and edited by Hillary Frank. It was based on Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldwin’s visit to the moon on July […]
  6. @ds106_aaliyah

    The Pictureless Gap

        This week’s lesson revolves around audio and its resources. Watching two YouTube videos from Radiolab’s Jad Abumrad gave me insight on his view of Audio. The first video deals with the concept of co-imagining. Abumrad starts off by stating that the coolest thing about radio is what it lacks which […]
  7. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Moon Graffiti

    So what makes a good, convincing audio drama? Is it the story? The sounds? The subtle layering of music timed perfectly against the unspoken tone? Or is the story itself? It’s all of the above, and then some. The object of a story is to communicate an idea (and that’s Art). Art is nothing more […]
  8. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Considering Audio

    Video killed the radio star. We can’t rewind and we’ve gone too far. Translated into artistic-speak, television killed creativity. It ripped away the ability of the end user to think and tossed it in the garbage. Television painted the entire picture via cathode ray tube onto a glass screen, requiring nothing of the viewer. Sit […]
  9. @marvelmonkey34

    Whelp, That’s Two Weeks Done

    While both weeks of this class have been focused on design so far, this week was focused much more on digital design and photo-manipulation than last week. To start off the week I watched two Ted Talks focused around graphic design, one by Paula Scher and one by David Carson. Next, I made a Canva...
  10. @kspeonygarden

    Week 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Hello, everyone! Another week has finally passed–it feels like it’s gone by extremely quickly and lasted 1000 years, at the same time! Since my mid-week post, I completed three design assignments: the alternate book cover assignment, the alternative history assignment, and the superhero design assignment. I also completed the daily create prompts for Saturday and... Continue Reading →
  11. @marvelmonkey34

    Wow look, almost 6 stars!

    In order to get at least 4 starts of design assignments done, I completed the Contradiction Creation and Motivational Poster assignments, coming out to 5 and a half starts total. For the Contradiction Creation assignment, I created a… rather strange picture. I wanted a really pretty picture with something completely stupid written over it. I honestly just...
  12. @jasmxlon

    Week 2: End

    Daily Creates @ds106dc #tdc2369 My response for Today’s #ds106 Daily Create is via https://t.co/INphlwXTx7 pic.twitter.com/W0Cnizlqcb — Jas 🍉 (@jasmxlon) July 5, 2018   @ds106dc #tdc2371 My response for Today’s #ds106 Daily Create is to Dongle pic.twitter.com/dv6zrfBlFT — Jas 🍉 (@jasmxlon) July 7, 2018 Book Cover Assignment Making a book cover is a lot more difficult …

    Continue reading "Week 2: End"

  13. @marvelmonkey34

    Post-Apocalyptic White House

    Here is my example of a post nuclear war White House for the Alternative History Image assignment. I began with this photo: First I separated the White House from the background in Photoshop. I used the sponge tool’s feature to bring out the shadows of an object to give it that gloomy look. Next, I...
  14. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Week 2 Summary

    Week two was a rather fun week. I’m kind of sad to see it come to a close. As an artist in my spare time, I really enjoy creating. Hopefully, the same spirit that embodied week two will spill over into the rest of the course. I gave a little feedback this week to a […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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