1. athoet

    The “Bunk” William Moreland

    I wanted to keep a running post of my work on the final project for Bunk and have done so here. Bunk is a really cool character and so wonderfully sarcastic and ridiculous, yet serious and a decent investigator, so it has been fun creating Bunk outside the world of the Wire. “My name is […]
  2. demifulcher

    Movie Trailer

    For my Daily Create this week I decided to do the (Food) Movie Trailer. I wanted to incorporate my favorite food/snack which is eel. Yeah eel! For this Daily Create I used the magical PicsArt application. I have used this application for many Daily Creates and other things to help me with class. With the […]
  3. athoet

    Tutorial 2: Post-it Notes and Grocery Lists

    This was a pretty easy assignment, but it was also pretty fun because you get to pretend to be someone else. For my character from the Wire I tried to make his notes as tuned into his life as possible and what I knew about him or could imagine him to be. To do this […]
  4. athoet

    Tutorial 1: Book Artist!

    To make this I downloaded a photo of the person I wanted from the Internet. I used Photoshop to block out just his silhouette. I used the eraser tool because the magic lasso tool could not pick up on the color differences, thought that tool is typically easiest to cut just what you want in […]
  5. jbrazelt

    Misgivings and Good Conversation – Season 4 Episode 10

    Tonight I had a really good chat with my first group members.   My group members included Jessica Reingold, Nicky Memita, Nick Randall.   We were all tasked with discussing the Season 4 Episode 10 entitled “Misgivings.” Initially we opened the discussion with a couple of screen shots in respect to the opening scenes of the …
  6. jbrazelt

    Mashing up down to The Wire

    Preston Broadus Picture ReflectionThis week, week 13 and 14 was chalk full of creative activities: Daily Creates: I really buckled down on the daily creates : - I did an inspirational daily create with the creative commons which encouraged other to -Break the Mold and to be different - My next one I doubled dipped and …
  7. jhillber

    Second to last weekly summary! Focus on Chris Partlow

    Season 4 of the Wire is complete and the season ended with a main focus on the four boys Namond, Randy, Dukie, and Michael. Namond ended up getting adopted by Colvin, Randy goes back into social services, Dukie is on the streets selling drugs working for Michael, and Michael is turning into a street thug, […]
  8. jbrazelt

    Compatibility Error Daily Create

    Today’s daily create asked us to create a daily create where you had to create your own computer message.   The medium in which I used to assist me in generating a real life computer message was through the website Atom Smasher.    The method in which I created this was simple, I choose a funny avatar …
  9. ktnmahone247


    Cutty is a doing all he can to be a solid brother. Reform and Re-entry into society is his new game, he has set his priorities in line with this focus. To that extent he is promoting himself through activities that will support his success in accomplishing those goals. The best way to stay out […]
  10. tjpeed

    So Close I Can Smell The Ending – Week 13-14

    For these 2 weeks there was a lot of work to complete and although I had 2 weeks to do it I completed most of the assignments over break which sucked but I was too busy before break. First we had 8 Stars of Mashup Assignments: Inappropriate Laughter – 3 stars NFL ESPN Fantasy Football Logo – […]
  11. dniepoko

    Motivational Herc

    I decided to create my own assignment and make a motivational poster for Herc. Since Herc is always willing to do what is right, I think he is dedicated. Although Herc does break the rules when he thinks it is for the greater good. You can see my proce...
  12. nixmem

    Coming to an End

    Weeks 13-14 Summary Can’t believe we only have a couple more weeks to go! With finals coming up I’m both scared and excited. Godspeed to everyone who also have mountains of work to do. Below is some of the work done over Thanksgiving Break. Daily Creates Link to Post Final…
  13. nixmem

    Pyramid Industries

    Because George Glekas operates Pyramid Industries, I decided to use the design assignment Website Design to create a official web layout for the company. Since George in the show sold cameras, I featured the “Electronics” page on the layout. To create the layout, I used GIMP to add a header,…
  14. iharris

    Daily Create: Error of my ways

    I have to admit, there are times that I forget to check on the daily create. But today is not this day! In the spirit of things, I created a custom error message as an example of something I’d use to notify me to keep on track. I went for the older, Windows 95 style […]
  15. smreutter15

    Stefanie Reutter 2014-12-01 20:48:41

    I’m getting down to the wire (LOL get it?) on this post so I will keep this short and sweet. I can’t believe this semester is almost over. What a ride ds106 has been. I’m happy to say I have learned so much about digital story telling. Here’s my work from these past two weeks:… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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