Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92710 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Jeffrey McClurken

    A DS106 Minecraft Tale, the Beginning

    So, it’s my first full day in Minecraft and, as the blue, fuzzy rain comes down into my blocky, multi-substance home (for which I neglected to build a roof), I’d thought I’d begin a list of lessons learned on the first day. Be aware of the ecosystem you’re heading into. I dove right in to ...
  2. Jeffrey McClurken

    Daily Creates — Moon and Motion

    Daily Create 139 Take a photo of (or something that represents) the moon. The Moon…Is Cheese     Daily Create 140 Take a picture that represents quickness or motion. Time Flying [Wishing I had a tripod for this one.... Used HDR-ish effect in Picasa helped clean it up and contrast the clock from the pendulum.]
  3. Jeffrey McClurken

    Daily Create — Building Front Photo

    So, for this Daily Create I just used a photo that I took in 2009 of the building I work in, Monroe Hall, and did a little cropping/touch up in Picasa.  I like the framing and the lighting and the slightly unusual angle.  I also like this photo because is shows just how bad the ...
  4. Jeffrey McClurken

    Daily Create–Face Trace

    So, here’s where my lack of knowledge about image editing and annotating programs is revealed.  Today’s Daily Create was to do a face trace of an existing photograph, then remove the photo, leaving the tracing behind. I’ve got Photoshop, but I don’t know how to use it well.  So, here are my two versions, which ...
  5. John Johnston

    Grandfather TDC 135 and 136

    I am hoping to keep up with the Daily Create this class. As part of Camp MagicMacMuffin the task is: Introduce Yourselves via this Wednesday’s Daily Create. Each week, you will be asked to complete a few of our daily assignment challenges at We will ask that you do the video one on Wednesday (5/23); use it ...
  6. Jeffrey McClurken

    Why I’m doing DS106

    I often say that one of my goals in teaching is to push students beyond their comfort zones, that discomfort is where real learning occurs, and that I want students to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.  One of the parallels to that, however, that I’ve also made clear in the teaching presentations I’ve made to faculty is that the concept ...
  7. John Johnston

    Wack a #DS106 Mole

    A few days ago I noticed that Alan Levine is mashing up ds106 assignments withThe ds106 Remix Machine. This, briefly, allows you to take an assignment from DS106 and add a filter. Shades of John Davit’s Learning Event Generators. For example this remix: stop frame photography [remixed]: Uncle Bob — Remix Machine takes this original ...
  8. Bryan Alexander

    The story glove

    Here’s a new take on multilinear digital storytelling: a glove which lets users feel their way through a narrative. Audio content is primary, along with the physical objects.
  9. Bryan Alexander

    A family food story

    Here’s a fine story about food, memory, and family: Josef, by Brad Johnson. A fine example, too, of the classic Center for Digital Storytelling form.  Autobiographical, emotionally charged and complex, nicely written. (via the CDS Facebook site...

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