Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Reverend

    Clowny Ass Troll Quotes

    While not a distinguished Triple Troll Wire Epigraph, I couldn’t resist doing an old gold Troll Quote assignment—and this quote from D’Angelo‘s treatise on power, capital and reward was hard to get out of my head. Interestingly enough, Rawls very well could … Continue reading
  2. Reverend

    Surveillance Society

    Images of surveillance from the first episode of season 1 of The Wire, “The Target.” I mentioned the prevalence of surveillance camera shots  in the first episode of The Wire in my previous post. Above are six GIFs capturing what I believe is every surveillance … Continue reading
  3. Reverend

    #wire106 Comin’ Yo!

    @jimgroom re: wire106. To help get in the rhythm i suggest group whistling like this: — George Veletsianos (@veletsianos) August 8, 2014 The video George Velestianos linked to in the above tweet gets at what #wire106 could be far better than my … Continue reading
  4. Reverend

    Nerd Approved

    The Nerd Approved blog has featured an old gold animated GIF movie poster I created for the ds106 animated movie posters assignment back in January 2012. It’s fun to see stuff I created for ds106 get featured on other sites. I’m also glad … Continue reading
  5. Reverend

    Section 106

    Of course this would be section 106 of the Copy Right Act of 1976: reproductions, derivative works, distribution, public performance, display, and, of course, digital audio transmission.  106 was never a coincidence, it was always already a numerological lattice of … Continue reading
  6. Reverend

    Open is as Open Does

    Yesterday I presented alongside Martha Burtis about ds106 for the OpenVCU Symposium. Martha and  I have presented about this course together before, and each time it’s a real treat because we tend  feed off each other’s excitment. It also helps … Continue reading
  7. Reverend

    Network Randoms

    I’m just about finished with Katie Hafner and Matthew Lyon’s 1998 1996 history of the creation of the internet Where Wizards Stay Up Late. I’ve been enjoying it thoroughly, and while I was familiar with much of the general history … Continue reading
  8. Reverend

    A Study in ds106

    Howard Rheingold has written an excellent case study of ds106 as an example of open and particpatory learning for the Connected Learning community. I’ve worked a bit with Howard this past year, and it’s an absolute joy to collaborate with … Continue reading

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