Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @BensonKaylie

    Final Weekly Summary

    Well folks… we did it! Welcome to the last weekly summary. Such a bittersweet feeling. via GIPHY The final project for this class was a fun way to stretch your brain, and use all the information and tools we learned these past 5 weeks! For my story, I turned the classic Little Mermaid story, and put a space-popstar-sad twist on it! I used a visual design element, an audio element, and a video element in my final project. I made posters, some audio clips, a gif, and a video! This was the final product: Ursula won this round… via GIPHY I also created How-To posts on how I did all my media, one for the posters, the vocals for Ariel, the dream sequence, and the gif. And for anyone who now has the song stuck in your head, here you go… When I was done with the project, I took a moment to reflect on this class, what I learned, what I would do differently next time, and what my favorite/least favorite parts were! I’m sad this class is over, I really did enjoy every part of it. I guess all I can say is…so long… farewell… via GIPHY Catch you on the flip side, 106ers! via GIPHY
  2. @BensonKaylie

    DS106 reflection

    This class, Digital Storytelling, was one that I had been waiting to take since I was a freshman. I was extremely excited to start! The one real regret I have about taking this class, is that I wish I was able to do it during a full semester, not a...
  3. @BensonKaylie

    Weekly Summary 4

    Nearly there folks… nearly there. And this week it’s video week! The week I’ve been looking forward to most! via GIPHY It’s always a fun time at the movies. Watching movies together is something my brother and I do all the time. We lock ourselves in the basement, and try to make a dent in the long list of movies we made. I often fall asleep in the middle of them, but I digress. One of my favorite movies of all time is The Shining, and I got to dissect parts of it along with some Tarrantino! via GIPHY On the other side of my favorite movies list is Good Will Hunting. Who doesn’t love a good two hours of looking at Matt Damon? He’s wicked smaht. So analyzing the bar scene in that movie was really fun! Here’s some bonus Matt Damon talking about Will Hunting for your day. Then it was time to get my hands dirty with some video editing for myself! The first thing I did really didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. Which is okay, but I wish it had because it would’ve been pretty cool! I reflect more on why I think it didn’t turn out the way I wanted in the post. I also tried to be a vlogger for the day and film my day! Luckily it was a nice day around Charleston. via GIPHY I did four daily creates this week. One for June 11th, June 13th, June 14th, and June 15th. No rest for tweeting thumbs! The fact that my plant video didn’t work as expected was definitely the biggest disappointment, but it’s okay. It’s a learning experience, and next time I try I know I need to devote the whole day to it, and make sure my SD cards are able to hold all the footage I film. My favorite part of the week was analyzing movies, because looking at movies from a different perspective is a great way to stretch the brain! I also love looking at what my classmates are doing, and how they’re developing! and… scene! That’s a wrap on week four!
  4. @BensonKaylie

    a (brief) day in my life

    Let’s just all take a minute to be honest with ourselves, no shame, no judgement, this is an open space. We’ve all watched a YouTuber do a “day in my life” vlog. It’s okay to admit it, we’ve all been there. And ...
  5. @BensonKaylie

    Weekly Summary 3

    THIS WEEK in DST106… via GIPHY It was audio week! The only real audio media I have experience with is listening to the podcast Armchair Expert by Dax Shepard. It’s an entertaining podcast where he interviews actors, journalists, and really anyone who says yes. I listen to it on my long car rides from VA to SC. Other than that, I don’t really have any experience with any audio production. The week started by listening to audio storytelling experts Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad to gain some insight and knowledge, instead of jumping in headfirst. It was great to get some perspective before I started this not only with Glass and Abumrad, but by listening to some great examples of audio storytelling! Listening is a lot of thinking. via GIPHY Next we re-invigorated my fear of space by listening to some astronauts get stranded up in the unknown. It wasn’t real, but it might as well been with how well it was told! This kind of work is something I would like to keep as an example to aspire to be as great at storytelling as this piece is! Then it was time to get my hands dirty with some audio assignments. This week I… Followed a day in the life of Pam Beasley using only sound effects, via GIPHY Used a classic Spongebob beat to remix a tongue twister, Introduced you to the sounds of Pawley’s Island, and made a mixtape to reminisce on my time spent in London. via GIPHY A little preview of one of my favorite songs on the list to entice you to listen… I also did daily creates for June 3rd, June 5th, June 6th, and June 8th. My favorite part of the week was going through other the websites of other classmates and seeing their progress throughout the week! I commented on a couple of websites and tweets. The hardest part of this week for me was figuring out Audacity. I had a lot of trouble downloading it, I couldn’t download the plugins to use MP3s which made it very hard. Because I was having trouble I tried to find alternative routes, which was also a bust. It wasn’t until later that I saw people were using other forms of audio mastering, but it was too late. So the biggest hurdle for me was Audacity. Later when I have no deadlines, I’d like to play around with the software on my own time to really get to know how to use it. But I’m proud that I tried, because I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t! Until next week! via GIPHY
  6. @BensonKaylie

    Replies and Comments

    This week I commented on some great blogs that had really great insight on new platforms and techniques I can use for audio editing! I really struggled this week, so I was happy to read some other ways to do it! I also replied to some comments on my daily create tweets
  7. @BensonKaylie

    mixing it up

    Everyone loves a good playlist. One way I like to keep track of memories and time, is by making playlists for the time. I have playlists for different summers, moods, places, all the songs I was listening to at the time. A mixtape is similar to a ...

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