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  1. @EmilyHutchins8

    The Ultimate Finale

    The scene prior to the rescue:     _________________________________________________________________________________________   Well this is the end! This class has taught me so much about the various forms of digital media and how to ...
  2. @EmilyHutchins8

    Daily Creates for Week 12

    For this week, we had to do two daily creates. I really liked the winter daily create because it was super cold that day and let me imagine being somewhere warm or on the beach. The next tweet I did was the celebratory tweet for 2500 tweets which is really cool! As usual, I felt like the daily creates were good practice at getting my mind to think creatively! Congrats! That's a lot of tweets! #tdc2500 #ds106 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) November 16, 2018 Dreaming of sunshine and warmth on this cold rainy day. #ds106 #tdc2497 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) November 13, 2018   Until next time, Emily
  3. @EmilyHutchins8

    Week 11 Summary

    This week was a lot better than last week! I feel like I am getting better at making videos and enjoyed working on the assignments. For my first assignment, I decided to incorporate my character, Kate, in the assignment by showing the life of one of the animals she rescued. I used my cat and took pictures of him throughout the day and then compiled it into a video with captions and music. I thought it would be good to show one of Kate’s animals because that is her hob and it also continues the story of one of her rescues. For my next assignment, I created a documentary telling the story of how Kate became a superhero. It was really nice to be able to go back and retell Kate’s story. For my last assignment, I got to experiment and find my favorite transitions using iMovie. A Day in the Life The Story of Kate The Best Transitions Daily Creates: Daily Creates for the Week I remember being little and getting so excited to see my cousins at Christmas! All of my family would get together and that rarely happens anymore. #ds106 #tdc2493 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) November 9, 2018 I found this on google and definitely not a good combination of road signs. #ds106 #tdc2490 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) November 6, 2018 Don't forget or else you'll be super early! #ds106 #tdc2488 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) November 3, 2018 Comments: Until next time, Emily
  4. @EmilyHutchins8

    Daily Creates for the Week

    This week’s daily creates were a lot of fun to think about! My first daily create was for daylight savings time. I decided to find a GIF to represents setting your clock back and really liked this one from The Office. Next, I found this picture of this odd combination of signs and decided it was the perfect choice. Those are two signs that should never be together and was amazed that they were together. My last daily create allowed me to reminisce about memories from a long time ago. Since the holidays are approaching, I thought of the times when I was a kid and how excited I was to spend time with my cousins. I have a lot of cousins, so we would always have so much fun together. Now that we are all older, we don’t get to see each other that often. Don't forget or else you'll be super early! #ds106 #tdc2488 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) November 3, 2018 I found this on google and definitely not a good combination of road signs. #ds106 #tdc2490 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) November 6, 2018 I remember being little and getting so excited to see my cousins at Christmas! All of my family would get together and that rarely happens anymore. #ds106 #tdc2493 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) November 9, 2018   Until next time, Emily
  5. @EmilyHutchins8

    Week 10 Summary

    This has been another crazy week! I feel like all of my classes always have so much due every week! When I saw this was video week, I was super nervous and unsure about how it would go. I was surprised at the ease of video. It took me awhile to find assignments this week because of the number of options, and I also didn’t want ones that were over my skill level. My favorite thing was doing the movie analysis because I got apply things I learned to something real. My favorite assignment was the one where I made a video of where I would want to go. I really liked getting to find the pictures and music it. I was able to find my background music for my videos on and really liked how all my assignments turned out. Avengers Analysis   Puppies! Relax A Few of My Favorite Assignments Where I Want to Go Daily Creates: I thought the daily creates were very unique for the week. I liked the generic products the best because it is very interesting to see how packaging has changed over the years. You can't see the holes but this is my old t-shirt! #ds106 #tdc2486 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) November 2, 2018 I would definitely still buy it! #ds106 #tdc2484 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) October 31, 2018 Comments:   Until next time, Emily
  6. @EmilyHutchins8

    This Week in DS106

    My Future Room Design This was a excellent Pinterest board for home design! It explains in detail why she chose each pin and was a great example of the assignment. I also really like the vision and work she put into the assignment. Great job!   V...
  7. @EmilyHutchins8

    Daily Create Story

    I love all of the British Castles! This one is Warwick Castle! I love castles that are near water and have beautiful architecture! #ds106 #tdc2475 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) October 22, 2018 There once a castle far, far away. In this castle lived a very evil cat named P.J. Definitely my cat's reindeer antlers. He was not pleased. #ds106 #tdc2479 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) October 26, 2018 This cat wore a crown with antlers on it. He used his crown to show his immense power and control over the land. He controlled all the land until one day he met a nice monster named CiCi. Love this daily create! This is a very interesting looking monster. #ds106 #tdc2477 — eahumw (@EmilyHutchins8) October 24, 2018 The monster warmed the heart of the evil, cat and they became good friends. The cat became the nicest cat and all the land got to live happily ever after.   This was a fun project to try and create. I used my daily creates and then thought of a story I could use to incorporate them. This was a lot of fun to try!   Until next time, Emily  

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