Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @kdzebdi106

    Progress Report

    I have joined the group with Christina C, Matt, and Chris M. We have been extremely busy and have not had a 100% clear outline. We have some ideas of what we want to include in our mission project. We wanted to possibly do a video game project in conjunction with this project. We are…
  2. @kdzebdi106

    Weekly Summary

    This week was fun because I have had experience mashing up pictures. I use this app called PicsArt to mashup my photos of my friends and make it into a hilarious picture. Of course, in this week I made it less funny and more appropriate for the assignments. I liked the daily creates as it…
  3. @kdzebdi106

    Weekly Summary

    This was a good week for me as I finally figured out how make a proper video with my windows computer. I would absolutely not recommend using a windows computer as a way to export a video onto YouTube compared to a Mac computer. It was frustrating for me and took up a lot of…
  4. @kdzebdi106

    Secret Mission

    As secret agents we have to go through obstacles in our daily work life. Secret missions usually have hard obstacles that we have to plan and solve for. A mission that comes to mind is a bomb that will go off in 12 hours in France and we have to quickly come up a plan…
  5. @kdzebdi106

    Weekly Summary

    This week was frustrating as the video assignments are not working on my computer, I either don’t have enough space for downloading these software’s in the assignment bank. I could also just be going at it all wrong. I enjoyed the character interview as the questions were creative and interesting. That was simple as all…
  6. @kdzebdi106

    Weekly Summary

    This week really tested my web design skills as I enjoyed the assignment bank activities. I unfortunately could not do the web story telling assignment as google x-ray tool was not working for me. I really like revising my past posts as it made me realize I could have improved a lot of my posts.…
  7. @kdzebdi106

    Secret Agent Exclusive Group

    For this 3 and half star assignment I will be explaining how the secret agent exclusive group came together. It all started in Washington, DC in 2018 as there were 3 retired secret agents who live together in a house where people can’t track them. They loved to reminisce and try to relive there glory…
  8. @kdzebdi106

    Weekly Summary #7&8

    This was was different as it wasn’t the normal digital storytelling week. Instead of doing other assignments related to the topic of the week, we had to get into groups and be innovative with our radio shows. The project is going great so far as I like our radio show outline and the people in…
  9. @kdzebdi106

    Keamo vs Grango

    For this 5 star assignment I had to have a phone call conversation with myself. The plot was that there was a hilarious past between Secret agent Keamo and Grango. Keamo’s arch nemesis Grango would always try to pull tricks and pranks on Keamo and Grango would always lose. Grango was simply annoying. It’s simple,…
  10. @kdzebdi106

    Weekly Summary #6

    This week brought me back to high school because I used to use my creativity to design pictures frequently. I also had a deeper understanding about the background and what I was doing with design. There was some inspirational assignment banks that I loved to create like the promotional campaign for a charity group. I…
  11. @kdzebdi106

    Design Blitz with Keamo

    by The embed would not work for some reason. The classic amazon symbol that acts as a message to people about who they are. The embed would not work for some reason. This would be a rhythm as it’s the classic tapestry for that a lot of college students have. It’s rhythm because there…

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