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  1. rljessen

    Dominion Day 2016


    James and I volunteered at Fort Edmonton on Canada Day. It was a beautiful sunny day. We had a great time. It was my second favourite volunteer job there ever: photographer. I got to walk around the fort talking to the costumed interpreters and looking for photo angles that weren’t full of …

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  2. rljessen

    I object!


    I object. I object to the sexualization and objectification of women’s bodies that I am continually bombarded with. Everywhere I turn there are images of women, or parts of them, selling everything, slowly remaking the image of what a normal woman is. Last week the Twitter feed for an event …

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  3. rljessen

    Bike ride


    Yesterday Tom and I went on a fantastic bike ride through 3 parks and across 3 bridges. We turned south down from Ada blvd. at and across the Capillano pedestrian bridge and rode through Goldbar Park. We rode back across the North Saskatchewan river and into Rundle Park. The trails were crowed …

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  4. rljessen

    Etmooc 3 Year Anniversary Celebration


    On January 20th we celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the Open and Connected Learning Mooc (etmooc) and launched the Mario Couros Memorial Bursary. Susan hosted the conversation on Zoom which was a new video conferencing program for most participants. Everyone loved the tile display that made us look like the Brady Bunch. …

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  5. rljessen

    Etmooc’s Impact


    The 3 year #etmooc anniversary celebration is tomorrow night and as I have been helping prepare for it I’ve been thinking about (and asking others about) #etmooc’s impact. How can you measure the impact a learning experience has had, especially a connectivist experience? How can I measure the people I’ve …

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  6. rljessen

    Deep Freeze 2016


    We had a great time exploring the Deep Freeze Festival yesterday afternoon, although if we had known that it would be ten degrees warmer this afternoon we would have held off until tomorrow. But we had a great time and it was very sunny even though it was cold.  We missed …

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  7. rljessen

    Birthday Walk


    James and I went on a wonderful walk along the river valley this afternoon. We walked along Ada Boulevard and watched the ice sweep along a curve of the North Saskatchewan River toward downtown Edmonton.   The ice flowing under the Ainsworth Dyer bridge was mesmerizing.   Pulled by the …

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  8. rljessen

    A Toast to Maureen


    Today my friend Maureen Crawford received her Master of Arts in Communications and Technology from the University of Alberta. I has the honour of toasting Maureen at her graduation celebration this evening. Here is what I said. I’d like to propose a toast to my friend Maureen on the completion of her …

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  9. rljessen



    Looking at the past through my father’s travel stories. I edit his words seeking to tidy, clarify for anyone who follows while leaving intact his rich, chocolate-brown voice long, complicated, engaging stories about people and places. His face lighting up completely as he smiles. Some things remain the same some have changed. …

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  10. rljessen

    Saturday at the Lege


    This Saturday afternoon Tom and I went for a walk on the Legislature grounds (the ledge). I love all of the different parts of the grounds, and how there are always all kinds of different people using the space. During my secondment at Alberta Education I worked a few blocks from the ledge and often picnicked […]

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  11. rljessen

    31 Days of Edmonton 2015 week 2


    The beautiful sunny weather continued in Edmonton this week, with one thunderous exception. Here is how I spent the second week of The Local Good’s #31DaysofYEG event.   July 8th Find some plants that are native to our river valley and consult local plant expert Robert Rogers on its many potential uses. Deb Merriam and Varina Crisfield  told […]

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  12. rljessen

    31 Days of Edmonton 2015 – week 1


    This month the Local Good is hosting the second annual 31 Days of Edmonton Challenge I learned a lot about Edmonton when I played along last year, from my own explorations of the city based on the Local Good’s prompts and from the adventures and photos shared by others in the #31DaysofYEG Twitter feed. I’m approaching the […]

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  13. rljessen

    What Makes a cMooc Community Endure?


    I am excited to announce that an article I co-authored was just published by Educational Media International, a Francis & Taylor peer-reviewed journal. Here is the abstract: Imagine the challenge of being immersed in a dynamic learning network where you play brinkmanship with being overwhelmed by a plethora of information, comments, and conversations on a […]

    The post What Makes a cMooc Community Endure? appeared first on Rhonda

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