Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. TiredMimi

    Summary: Week Five

    Week Five. The Grand Finale. [Final Project Posts] Old Doll New Tricks: Sloth Ballet —> Click Here Old Doll New Tricks: Sloth Ballet [Behind The Scenes] —> Click Here [Tutorials] Rock ‘n Roll ‘n GIF—> Click Here [Digital Assignments] We’ve Got You Covered —> Click Here Final Thoughts DS106 has been a wild ride. I don’t […]
  2. TiredMimi

    Summary: Week Five

    Week Five. The Grand Finale. [Final Project Posts] Old Doll New Tricks: Sloth Ballet —> Click Here Old Doll New Tricks: Sloth Ballet [Behind The Scenes] —> Click Here [Tutorials] Rock ‘n Roll ‘n GIF—> Click Here [Digital Assignments] We’ve Got You Covered —> Click Here Final Thoughts DS106 has been a wild ride. I don’t […]
  3. TiredMimi

    Old Doll New Tricks: Sloth Does Ballet

    Day one Samantha AKA Sloth here. Most of you probably know me as the photo editor for Galaxy Doll magazine.     You know, the most popular alternative magazines for women in their twenties and thirties? Yeah. I work for them (✿´‿`)                   A lot of people […]
  4. TiredMimi

    Tutorial: Rock ‘n Roll ‘n GIF

    I really like rock music. I also really like GIFs So this assignment was a winner in my books.   Pretty cool right? It really wasn’t that difficult at all and I’m going to explain how I did it below. **PLEASE NOTE: This tutorial was done using a mac and Photoshop CS6. Windows or any […]
  5. TiredMimi

    Summary: Week Four

    Week Four. Done and Done. I have no jokes this week. I know you’re all disappointed. There, There. ; n ; [Regular Blog Posts] Reading Movies —> Click Here Look. Listen. Analyze —> Click Here [Video Assignments Posts] That Bleeping Censor [5 Stars] —> Click Here Show Me How![4 Stars] —> Click Here [Total Stars – 9] [Tutorials] Word Cloud —> […]
  6. TiredMimi

    Summary: Week Four

    Week Four. Done and Done. I have no jokes this week. I know you’re all disappointed. There, There. ; n ; [Regular Blog Posts] Reading Movies —> Click Here Look. Listen. Analyze —> Click Here [Video Assignments Posts] That Bleeping Censor [5 Stars] —> Click Here Show Me How![4 Stars] —> Click Here [Total Stars – 9] [Tutorials] Word Cloud —> […]
  7. TiredMimi

    Rigby Gets a Name Change

    So I saw this assignment (5 stars) and was like omg yes. I’m not sure why, but unnecessary censors are one of my favorite things. They’re just so hilarious. Probably because I’m incredibly childish. For my video, I decided to take an episode from the series Regular Show. It’s about this talking bird (Mordecai), his […]
  8. TiredMimi

    DS106ers React!

    So reaction videos seem to be all the rage these days. Just go on YouTube, search reaction videos and hundreds of results will show up. Now it’s your turn to add to the growing list. Find or have a friend send you a video you’ve never seen before and film your reaction! It’s not necessary […]
  9. TiredMimi

    Crane Creation

    This assignment (4 stars) required me to “explain something” to an audience. This was actually pretty difficult for me. At least content wise. I’m not extremely sure of myself when it comes to teaching others. It’s just a skill I haven’t had much practice in. Same goes for just doing something in front of someone […]
  10. TiredMimi

    Tutorial: Word Cloud

    Behold! A completed Word Cloud assignment made using Puck’s Epilogue from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. But Mimi how did you make it? Gather around and let me teach you all my ways. 1. For starters,  I searched around for word cloud generators. The one listed on the assignment page did not work for me, What […]
  11. TiredMimi

    I Prayed For a Crash

    So with my newly obtained analyzing skills, I took apart this twenty-two second clip from one of my favorite films: Fight Club     For the purpose of catching everything, I watched the clip three different times.   1. Analyze the camera work For this first watch, I put the video on mute and watched it without […]
  12. TiredMimi

    Shot by Shot

    Today’s title comes from this weeks required reading, “How to Read a Movie” By Roger Ebert. It’s in reference to a style of movie analyzing in which the viewer takes the movie apart and studies each frame or shot. In some ways it’s a lot like analyzing any form of media. Take a book report […]
  13. TiredMimi

    Summary: Week Three

    Week Three. Terminated. Sounds like we made it. Get it? Like the song Looks Like We Made It but I substituted Sound because this is the audio unit. : D Ahahaha ha ha. Anyway here’s my work for the week: [Regular Blog Posts] Summary of Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad —> Click Here Summary of Radio […]
  14. TiredMimi

    You’re gonna sing the words wrong

    So I decided to do this assignment (3 stars). It called for me to record myself singing a song three different times and layer them together. I decided to cover Vance Joy’s “Riptide” This is the result: I chose the song because it’s been stuck in my head for a bit. I mean I really […]
  15. TiredMimi

    Are you afraid of the Radio Lab?

    *Alternate titles included “Tales from the Radio Lab” and “Scary Radio Lab stories to listen to in the dark” This is the first show from Radio Lab I’ve ever listened to and I enjoyed immensely. The subject matter was my absolute cup of tea. The title Ghost Stories, is what initially drew me in. So naturally […]
  16. TiredMimi

    Big Bad

    The site TV Tropes defines a Big Bad as “the cause of all bad happenings in a story.” Basically it’s that one bad guy who continuously shows up. It’s that one person that ruins all of the main character’s plans. This idea was the inspiration behind my song created for this assignment (2 stars). The instructions […]
  17. TiredMimi

    Ira and Jad’s Excellent Audio Adventure

    Background time! I’m pretty familiar with audio storytelling. It’s always been something I’ve found interesting but more so in the last year. I’ve been listening to two audio dramas (Awake and Tokyo Demons) from this digital magazine called Sparkler Monthly. Both are really well done and I recommend giving them a listen. So, I really […]
  18. TiredMimi

    Summary: Week Two

    Week two is officially over. Oh my god, things got down to the wire. I was a little scared I wasn’t going to finish everything this week. But I did it! You can check out my work below: [Regular Blog Posts] Vignelli Canon Reflection —> Click Here Design Blitz —> Click Here [Daily Create Posts] 5/25/15 —> […]
  19. TiredMimi

    It’s Love.

    Mako + Raleigh = Love   I don’t talk about love much. It’s a weird sort of topic for me. You could even say embarrassing. I’m not really good at expressing emotion so that’s probably the issue (;﹏;) In fact, it’s kind of weird I actually decided to do this assignment in the first place. The […]
  20. TiredMimi

    Bang Bang

    Created for the Animated Movie Poster Assignment (4 and a half stars) It’s an animated version of the teaser poster for the upcoming James Bond film Spectre I really love James Bond. Or maybe just Daniel Craig. Probably a mix of both. This is actually my second James Bond post this week. (If you hadn’t […]

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