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  1. @eendip

    Weekly Summary

    So for my final project, I’ve decided to recreate/imitate an episode of Bob Ross with my own spin on it, of course. I will choose something random to paint and do my best to do Mr.Ross justice. It will be a video submission incorporating different props. I should have all the props by Monday and...
  2. @mto_morgan

    Final Project Progress

    This week I have just come up with a plan to finish up my work over the weekend and into the next week. My final project is going to be an interactive timeline on my AWS server that will include content from my work done this semester in this course. The time line component can be found here. That is […]
  3. @V20Kai

    Preparing for the Big One

    This week I dug deep to start the groundwork of my final project. Since mine is about video games in the 80s, my first step was research, research, research! Well, I won’t deny that I got almost all of my information from Wikipedia, but I was able to find the main points I was searching […]
  4. @camowalker22

    Week 13: Final Project

    Project Outline Name That 80’s Movie and Song: Audio & Video For this I will get a mashup of the most popular movie scenes from the 80’s I will also get song soundtracks from those movies Once that is done I’ll show the scene with the song in the background, the name of the movie…

ds106 in[SPIRE]