1. Raymond Mora

    Movie Voice Machines [remixed]: Mood Swap

    <iframe width=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F68581095&show_artwork=true”></iframe> Lighter side of Darth Vader with a little humor. It sounds kind of corny and a little bit weird but with a remix it was pretty cool. I guess for any remix it just … Continue reading
  2. Michael Branson Smith

    Bridge Jump

    Six great bridge jumps from six films. My personal favorite is the Blues Brothers jump over the Calumet River. This was a fun little supercut started for my class a couple weeks ago and finally finished. I can’t remember how they helped me choose this topic, but it turned out to be a fun one. ...
  3. mynheerds106

    Everything Is A Remix-Talking 2 U

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBpGg9liF8g&feature=youtu.be Everything is a remix- For this assignment I went a little nuts. The objective, to take some form of media and remix it. For my project I decided to cut a couple different music videos together. The only problem was after I had the clips I couldn’t find music that fit. So what do …
  4. mynheerds106

    Ds106 Radio show

    Audio Assignment: Created for DS106 Radio by Mynheer Carpenter and Kwesi Charles. This was pretty cool to create. The objective was to make a short program that could be played on the radio. I decided to go in a different direction from the normal radio program, so for our show we pre-recorded our narration. After …
  5. kc90ds106

    Lifechanging Movie Scenes

    For this assignment we had to collect a few movie scenes that made a real impact on our lives. It could’ve been any type of emotion. To do this project I downloaded some clips from YouTube. I used the program windows movie maker to connect the scene and add my own audio voice over narration for […]
  6. atisha samuel


    PARENT HEAD CHILD SWAP REMIX GO EMO!!! This remix was really cool. I had to switch the dads head with the baby’s and then make them gothic, lol how awesome …
  7. yaz

    X-Men Triology Mashup

    X-Men Trilogy Mashup My Assignment was making a movie trailer by taking a trilogy, or any series of movies and combine scenes from all the trailers to make one trailer…
  8. swarley

    Critique Time

    Critiquing this Dora picture I’m suppose to tell you great the colors blend. How lovely the background is and how this picture is a breathre of fresh air. How its nice to see dora in a different light but I … Continue reading
  9. Michael Branson Smith

    Suessing Ethiopia

    During class today we began discussing the remix generator and remix cards as part of this week’s assignments. I created the example, “What Is Culture For You?? [Remixed]: Dr Suess It,” and under the original assignment I found Mis-tery’s trip to Ethiopia. I would have loved to read more about the trip, as it looks ...
  10. swarley

    We’ll Be Fine

    This one of the only drake songs I actually like and this is my favorite line from the song “You Not The Only One Trying To Be The Only One”
  11. kc90ds106

    Movie Supercut It “Breaking Glass”

    This class assignment was to create a short movie supercut about movies scenes which has a certain connection. It could be any connection such as a rain scene or slow motion scene or laughing. For my supercut I chose to use scenes where the actors/actresses smash through glass. Most movie scenes have these relating scenes. […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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