1. @angelk1208

    Moon Graffiti

    Moon Graffiti began with beeping and static noises represent the setting. The conversation exchanged through the radio became hectic when the characters talked faster and the alarm going off. There is an abrupt ending when the voices and the noises cut off. The audio picks back up after a few seconds of silence. It starts […]
  2. @angelk1208

    TED Radio and Scottlo

    The TED Radio Hour is a short audio clip, with commentary included. From the short clip, I learned that when the audio has multiple speakers, the narration shifts once that new speaker enters the conversation. Once a story is being told, the background music is added. The calming music was layered with soft voices. In […]
  3. @BensonKaylie

    mixing it up

    Everyone loves a good playlist. One way I like to keep track of memories and time, is by making playlists for the time. I have playlists for different summers, moods, places, all the songs I was listening to at the time. A mixtape is similar to a ...
  4. @angelk1208

    Ira Glass & Jad Abumrad

    In the first video of Ira Glass speaking about Storytelling, he elaborated on the main components that go into telling a story. He mentioned that audibly telling a story is much different than telling a story with written words. There are two major aspects of telling a story: Anecdote and Moment of Reflection. I learned […]
  5. @katelync106

    moon graffiti

    Imagining if Armstrong and Aldrin had crashed… a sad thought to think about, but very interesting to hear this radio show create an audio of what could have been said/recorded. Saying that all of the sound effects were effective for the storytell...
  6. @KelsieABurt1

    Sick Beat

    Wen I graduate from college, and move on into my future life and future self, I imagine me being with music producers, and becoming a music producer, in order to produce the type of music that I like to the world. Music is a big part of who I am, and what I want to …

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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