1. John Johnston

    Laughing Cowboys

    When I heard about #western106 I was looking forward to messing about as an outrider to the main herd, have a bit of fun, running the odd gif down and perhaps have a few campfire podcasts, nothing to heavy. I’d not watched cowboy movies much recently and associate them with my father whom I watched […]
  2. sandramardene

    Moon Roses

      This is the first sketch I did for the Color Your World colored pencil online art class from Toucan Create! It reminded me of the poem, “Moon Roses” by my husband Peter Jensen. The marriage of the two speaks to the soul of the Mysterious Night Vision Field Journal. Moon Roses                        Written after my shock at 9/11 turned into an endless grief  Sometimes, we have to leave the…

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  3. sandramardene

    Male Revenge Fantasy Writ Large

    Male Revenge Fantasy Writ Large:

    (Click on title tile above to play the gif if you don’t see it.)

    Male Revenge Fantasy Writ Large

    The Daily Create was to make a gif from a “classic” section of a classic spaghetti western. The section was Clint Eastwood riding into town on a mule. Three racially stereotyped Mexican men, members of a local street gang, try to bully him and shoot at his mule’s feet as it turns and runs away from the sharp, explosive sound. The Eastwood character dismounts from the running mule by grabbing hold of a swinging crossbar. As he walks back to encounter the bullies, he passes the coffin maker and says, “Prepare three coffins.” I.e. He is premeditating murder. 


     He then returns to the men, and in an act of revenge that must swell every bullied schoolboy’s heart, he shoots not three but four bullies. I understand this is a male revenge fantasy, but I am definitely a person who correlates media saturation of violence with the acting out semi-adult males allow themselves to do with guns in public places. 

     In my neck of the West, the massacre at Umpqua Community College is still freshly with us. I jumped and my heart raced when Eastwood killed the four Hispanics at the end of the clip. The Kip Kinkle school massacre happened here at Thurston High school, and I was at the hospital when the victims started to arrive and the coffin rate started its grim count. The Clackamas Mall shooting happened not long ago near here, and my sister’s nurse colleague was shot. Need I start the current death toll from police shootings of women, blacks, and unarmed civilians? 

    Like many if not most American (women), I have a kind of citizen PTSD. I am not enured to the sound of gunshots. I don’t think the Eastwood character is even remotely cool. I see him for what he is: cynical, amoral, murderous. One review I read called him “mystical."  

     Murderous young men are never "mystical." 

    And that coolness factor is admired only by wannabe gang members and bullied, revenge-driven school boys, many of them older professionals now who grew up on this violent, poisonous pap and haven’t yet mucked out the barns of  their interior worlds. 

     Gun violence is institutionalized in this country by a long history of media saturation, and while I am behind Obama all the way in his efforts to f-Ing finally DO some thing, ANYTHING about it, it still takes you and me examining our own soul’s deepest thinking about how okay it is to continue to endorse media violence. 

     Cuz cold blooded, premeditated murder is never cool.

  4. @profCaritat

    1. Shoot to kill

    Spaghetti Westerns are  characterized by the presence of more action and violence than Hollywood Westerns. Also, the protagonists usually act out of more selfish motives ( money or revenge being the most common) than in the classical westerns. In A fist full of dollars the hero shoots three men because of a nasty joke. Western … Continue reading "1. Shoot to kill"
  5. anna cow

    Western106 in ds106

    Western106 is a part of ds106. I do not know for sure if a western is the best place for a decent cow. These cowboys were brutes to cows and some even were brutal to humans.
  6. John Johnston

    Wandering Links

    Today’s daily create: #tdc1457 Do Some Research on Spaghetti Westerns | The (new) Daily Create I followed a wandering trail picking up some links on the way: Spaghetti Western – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Quick and the Dead (Film) – TV Tropes 725 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns | Open Culture […]
  7. 106 Outlaws

    Wild Toady

    Wild Toady ( aka Toady the Terrible, Toady Smith, Toady the Toad, Dammit Toady ) Howdy pardner, my name is Toady Conaway. My sister is the one who named me Toady. When we were little my friends heard her call me that they laughed and laughed. I tried to beat the crap out of them, … Continue reading "Wild Toady"
  8. sandramardene

    Once Upon a Time in the West The photo above on the left is…


    Once Upon a Time in the West

    The photo above on the left is from the movie “Once Upon a Time in the West” by Sergio Leone. Considered by many to be his opus magnus, in it, the railroad and increasing modernization, i.e. Change with a capital “C” sweep away all vestiges of the so-called “Old West.” Only Jill, the eternal whore according to Leone (the whore is also maiden, mother, and crone; that is, WOMAN) survives.

    All the men with their cruelty, misplaced romanticism, their vicious rapine natures and their twisted so-called humanity get pretty much killed off, thank God. This much mourned “Old West” was about grazing rights, land ownership, the capitalist pigs vs the worker, the Civil War and the dubious influences of the Church.

    The photo on the right was taken a couple of days ago at a place my husband and I hold sacred; it’s the domestic terrorists who have taken over one of the last best places for wildlife in the US–Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters.

    If there is a woman there to survive the standoff of the coming days, she’s nowhere in evidence, so no Jill to Ammon Bundy’s Jack.

    The themes here are disputes over land ownership, the capitalist pigs vs the worker, disagreements over the interpretation of the Constitution, illegal occupancy of federal property, all given a twist Leone didn’t foresee–the self-styled “militia” leaders are the sons of a rich rancher.

    These domestic terrorists are all grown up sons of survivors of the 1970s, whose values Leone was also conflicted about. These “kids” grew up watching westerns, spaghetti westerns, and western spoofs like “Blazing Saddles.” PLUS they grew up in the REAL West, the one that in spite of Leone’s violent nostalgia, still very much exists.

    My point is that their heads are so full of a mishmash of cultural images from the movies that I suspect they don’t know what is real and what is Miramax. They’ve invented their own sense of what is right and acted on it. And nothing good can come of this as-of-this-writing unexploded powder keg.

    If you want to watch a real life spaghetti western, turn on the news and crank up the sound track of your choice.

  9. Reverend

    Johnny Guitar

    After seeing today’s Daily Create priming folks to do some research for the coming Western-themed ds106, I got the urge to write about a particular Western (although not a Spaghetti Western) that rules: Nicholas Ray’s 1954 Western dream vision Johnny Guitar. It has got … Continue reading
  10. John Johnston

    Hitting The #Western106 Trail

    The pony express delivered a message from The Man With No Course this morning. Looks like it is time to kick over the traces and git started. I’ve already started some of the daily chores and adding to this here tally-book. We have already come a way down the trail, so it might be time […]
  11. sandramardene

    A Fistful of Sunsets

    A Fistful of Sunsets :

    Daily Create #tdc1456 was all about capturing sunsets, which I’ve done plenty of–I just ain’t gonna do it today cuz it’s too friggin’ COLD outside, and too sharp and clear for a sunset probably.

    Instead, I used the fun Replay app to make a musical collage of a few sunsets I have known and loved.

  12. @Untertacker

    Wooden surface for pictures (GIMP)

    To add a real hint of wood to your drawing. In Gimp (or any other image editing software) Scan your drawing, or make a photo of it. Open drawing in Gimp (or photoshop) Open photo of wooden surface in Gimp. Select wooden surface and add as layer in your drawing.  Edit > paste as >…
  13. @Untertacker

    The Zebra Dun

    More on the Zebra Dun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebra_Dun THE ZEBRA DUN We were camped on the plains at the head of the Cimarron When along came a stranger and stopped to arger some. He looked so very foolish that we began to look around, We thought he was a greenhorn that had just ‘scaped from town. We…

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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