Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92920 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @angelk1208

    Draco Malfoy the Muggle

    “I failed, I’m a failure. What happens now?” Draco thought silently. He is by himself, reminiscing over what happened, or rather what didn’t happen. Dumbledore is not dead. He’s still alive. Draco failed to kill Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Why is this so bad? Because Voldemort ordered him to […]
  2. @angelk1208

    Final Reflection

    Throughout the semester, I realized that I improved on my photoshop editing skills. I also got better with taking photos in general by taking in the tips we learned. I’m way better at making GIFs, too! Now I can make cute ones or funny ones. The most challenging unit for me was definitely the Sound […]
  3. @angelk1208

    How To: Draco GIF

    One of the media pieces I made to include in the story is a GIF. I used the prompt, Been There from the Animated GIF Assignment Bank. The assignment said to create a GIF from a movie that shows a relatable emotion, expression, or moment. I chose this scene when Draco Malfoy was in distress […]
  4. @angelk1208

    Weekly Summary 4

    I’m going to be real for a second, I feel like I’ve been in a slump this week. But worry not, I was able to finish everything for this week! For starters, I learned about “reading” movies. I looked more into the editing/filming techniques. Though I learned that in one of my assignments, I misused […]
  5. @angelk1208

    “Reading” Movies?

    I learned from “How to Read a Movie”, that reading a movie is basically analyzing the scene. Roger Ebert mentioned an example that he heard from film critic, John West. The example is that you can analyze films just like how football coaches study game plays. I never really thought of these two things as […]
  6. @angelk1208

    Week 4 Daily Creates

    10th of June 2019: I’m no artist but here’s a little doodle of one of my all-time favorite books, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury! #tdc2707 #ds106 — Angel Kumonong (@angelk1208) June 11, 2019 11th of June 2019: been constantly listening to Sucker by Jonas Brothers ever since their comeback! #tdc2708 #ds106 — Angel […]
  7. @angelk1208

    Weekly Summary 3

    The assignments for this week were all very new to me because I think I am the most unfamiliar with Sound Storytelling. I am glad that there were several examples and resources to look at. At the beginning of the week, I started watching Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad explain the basics of sound storytelling. […]
  8. @angelk1208

    Moon Graffiti

    Moon Graffiti began with beeping and static noises represent the setting. The conversation exchanged through the radio became hectic when the characters talked faster and the alarm going off. There is an abrupt ending when the voices and the noises cut off. The audio picks back up after a few seconds of silence. It starts […]
  9. @angelk1208

    TED Radio and Scottlo

    The TED Radio Hour is a short audio clip, with commentary included. From the short clip, I learned that when the audio has multiple speakers, the narration shifts once that new speaker enters the conversation. Once a story is being told, the background music is added. The calming music was layered with soft voices. In […]
  10. @angelk1208

    Ira Glass & Jad Abumrad

    In the first video of Ira Glass speaking about Storytelling, he elaborated on the main components that go into telling a story. He mentioned that audibly telling a story is much different than telling a story with written words. There are two major aspects of telling a story: Anecdote and Moment of Reflection. I learned […]
  11. @angelk1208

    The Gym

    Earlier this week, I decided to take pictures of the gym I go to. While I was there, I realized that the gym is a perfect example of the design concept, Rythm/Pattern. The gym is divided into different sections, depending on the type of exercises. There is an abs section, the weights, cardio, stretching, etc. […]
  12. @angelk1208


    This is a photo of the chandelier that is above my kitchen table. This chandelier represents the design concept, Unity. Trent Sizemore has a blog post about the different elements of design. In the post, he mentions that “[an example of unity] could be separated into each part as its own piece, but together they […]

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