Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94992 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
For my final project I did a spin off on the Disney princesses having a bad side. At first it was difficult to come up with an idea, but as I created each small piece of the final product more … Continue reading →
For the pay it forward, I though it was a good idea to do a thought on how I expected the class to be and then briefly hint at a few issues I ran into, such as leaving my work … Continue reading →
When everyone thinks of the Disney princesses, they think of the picturesque life that is often coupled with the magical time seen at Walt Disney World. Often times people don’t realize that the princesses had a rebellious time in their … Continue reading →
Once Disney movie production received the ransom note from Pixar, along with the video displaying the Disney princesses in their rebellious years, they quickly decided to pull all movie releases for the month leading up to the release of Toy … Continue reading →
Pixar was intimidated of Disney and was coming out with their new movie Toy Story 3 and was concerned of the competition that Disney could bring. To limit their competition Pixar sent this note, coupled with the video discussed in … Continue reading →
As earlier stated, in the previous blog containing the poster for The Princess Rebellion ( Disney has done their best to hide the rebellious years of various Disney princesses, but their rival movie producers, Pixar was able to plant hidden … Continue reading →
Many people have heard of the various Disney princess and most of the time they are depicted as the perfect image of what every little girl wants to be. They have their picture perfect life, after have gone through some … Continue reading →
For weeks 13 and 14 the main theme was remix and mashups. Before this week I used to think of mashup and remixes as taking specific things and mixing them together to create something new. It didn’t cross my mind … Continue reading →
When creating two assignments I chose to do a visual assignment and a design assignment. For the visual assignment I chose to do a season based creation where a person would have to take a photo taken during a different … Continue reading →
When I was coming up with a design assignment I thought it was a good idea to do something that people could possibly relate to and would be fun. The first thing that came to mind was how obsessed some … Continue reading →
The idea for this assignment came from the environment around me! It has clearly started to get colder and the christmas music has started to make its appearance. I thought the perfect assignment would be to take an old photo, … Continue reading →
To create my tutorials I wrote a general point by point direction to make it easy to follow. I coupled my points with screen shot images, which I uploaded onto flickr and then embedded into my blog. I then tagged … Continue reading →
First begin by opening up a photo-editor website such as or Press “Edit a photo” and upload the photo you would like to transfer into a Warhol image. Once your picture is uploaded click on the chemistry bottle … Continue reading →
Often times when using such websites as or people are trying to improve how they appear in a picture. For this assignment you are attempting to do the opposite. To get started begin my opening up and … Continue reading →
For a final project I thought It would be cool to create a timeline kindof theme of my family through the years! I would start off with me and my sister at a young age and slowly progress through the years. To … Continue reading →
This assignment has proven to be rather tricky to have to use others recycled material to create your own art. What I did was found a sound clip labeled street sounds and used that as my background noise and … Continue reading →
To get a remix assignment I went to and pressed the remix button where it game me an assignment that I previously did but with a twist! It was the Mashedup Children’s Book with a twist of changing the language. I … Continue reading →
For my final mashup/remix assignment, I decided to do the Consumer Mashup. I instantly thought of McDonalds and how they have the annual Monopoly event and then I thought how much there sales probably increase from this coupling. McDonalds isn’t … Continue reading →
Looking through the mashup assignments I came across, Mashed-up Children’s Book, and instantly thought of Dr. Suess. Growing up reading all the Dr. Suess books I thought remaking one of the books was perfect. I googled a list of Dr. … Continue reading →
When looking through the mash up assignments I came across the Remix an Album Cover assignment and thought this would be a cool project! It was instructed to use an iconic album cover and remix it have a new perspective. … Continue reading →
Kerby Ferguson explains a remix is a way of combining or editing existing materials to produce something new. There are many ways in which a remix can occur, through music, images, ideas, etc. After watching the references Everything is a … Continue reading →
Most of the work that I did for this week I did at the end of week 11. The professor commented on my blogs and I edited them afterwards to make the overall story of the blog better. I also … Continue reading →
When I first came across this assignment, Return to the Silent Era, I didn’t want anything to do with it. It looked really difficult, first choosing the movie, then figuring out how to edit the media so it looks old, … Continue reading →
Many people have family traditions, including myself, but when I saw this assignment, Yvonne’s Family Traditions, I instantly thought of my summer job and how every morning we have camp dances to get the kids excited for camp and the … Continue reading →
When I first saw this assignment, Watching Movies With the Stereo On, I had trouble thinking what movie and song I could possible mash together. So instinct set in and I went onto pandora, where the first song that came … Continue reading →
When I saw this assignment, Supercut it, I instantly thought of Friends and Joey’s famous saying “How you doin’.” I have grown up watching Friends ever sense I was in elementary school. Joey was my favorite guy character because of … Continue reading →
When i first saw this assignment, Play it back jack, I thought it would be cool to microwave a marshmallow, watching it blow up, and then reversing it. After thinking about it though, there wasn’t much of a story behind … Continue reading →
The video editing tools that I have at my disposal include iMovie, MPEG Streamclip, itunes, GIMP, online convertors, GarageBand and Audacity. The past few weeks I have become more familiar with GIMP and Audacity, which can help to add images … Continue reading →
The two creates I did this week included “Stormy weather- Show us your best photo or representation of The Big Storm” and “Forced Perspective- make something small look big, or something big look small.” For the Stormy weather representation I … Continue reading →
This week we were suppose to do all the preparatory work for the Video Assignments we need to complete for next week. The first thing I did was find two assignments I thought were cool, these assignments include “Supercut It” … Continue reading →