Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Justin Baker

    A Titanic of Movie (Ha!)

    One movie that I have been forced to watch over and over, due to my dating life, is the Titanic. Every girl I have ever been with has either been obsessed with this film or The Notebook, sometimes both. As much as I would like to bad mouth the movie, overtime I have secretly started ...
  2. Justin Baker

    The Live Outdoors Radio Show Review

    I thought this show was well done. The opening was nicely done and the beat was pretty catchy. The introduction also did a nice job introducing the show and the content that was going to be covered. The show had some very good ideas, such as the Bear Grylls guest speaker, product reviews and the ...
  3. Justin Baker

    Radio Show

    For my role in making the radio show, I was asked to be one of the announcers, along with Tiffany Hobbs. I was asked, as well was the entire group, to get interviews from people over spring break so we could put them together and make our final project. I was able to get about ...
  4. Justin Baker

    Week 6 Recap

    Daily Creates: This was my first daily create for the week. Pretty simple and straightforward assignment, simply read my name backwarsds It was pretty easy to come up with my favorite color for this daily create as it has been the same since I was little. Blue is incorporated into a lot of my stuff. ...
  5. Justin Baker

    Is there an Edge to the Heavens?

    The episode “Is there an Edge to the Heavens?” is amazing, and I found it very entertaining. They did a great job with their vocal expressions, transitions, sound effects and content and created something that I loved to sit and listen to for twenty minutes. They used various techniques, including ones to import outside audio ...
  6. Justin Baker


    This is a rushed posted, as I am about to leave for real-life things. I will update more thoroughly when I get back. The concept behind this assignment is to take musical artists that you like and make a collobaration with an instrumental background. I chose to use some rap songs because I found it ...
  7. Justin Baker

    ¿Entonces cuál es la mala?

    For the last of my 4 stars I decided to put my years of Spanish classes to work. The joke I found didn’t have a title unfortunately, so I just picked out a line from it that I thought would work well. I recorded that myself, downloaded the guitar music track and the laughter. The music track wasn’t long enough to cover ...
  8. Justin Baker

    We’re Married!

    This is for the Autotune Something assignment. Considering this was only 1 star, it took me awhile to do. For some reason I could not get Gsnap to make it obviously autotuned. I started out with songs, so I assumed maybe it was something with the audio type that was interferring. I then tryed the ...
  9. Justin Baker

    Going to the Circus

    I actually had a lot of fun with this assignment. It was my first time using sound editing software, and Audacity made it very simple to do so. For my sounds, I got all of them I took a clip of a man walking on gravel, a crowd talking, a creeky door, a circus, ...
  10. Justin Baker

    Week 5 Recap

    Week 5 Review Daily Creates: Assignments: I managed to get all 15 stars finished, break down following, and provide 1 tutorial. 1) (3 star)Da Vinci Invents the Ham Sandwich for the DaVinci Invents the Kitchen Sink assignment. I had a lot of fun working with this assignment, and I also learned a good amount about ...
  11. Justin Baker

    Lengen..wait for it..dary!

    For my last three starts I decided to revisit my childhood and make a pokemon card via the Pokemon Card assignment, what came out of it was “Legendary!“. I decided to pay tribute to my favorite play boy, soft-hearted womanizer – Barney Stinson. Coming with up his attacks took a little bit of time, but ...
  12. Justin Baker

    DNA and Evolution

    I decided to try out the Minimalist TV/Movie Poster assignment. I wanted to do this on a movie that I love, yet havent seen in a long time – Evolution. For those of you who have not seen it, it is a comedy about a group of people who lead an attack on an alien ...
  13. Justin Baker

    Lets Get those Pants Off

    I decided to start off my week with a simple assignment in order to get a few stars and get use to this section. This is a friend of mine who suits the chosen quote very well as he has a tendency to lose his pants. I came up with a couple different pictures, all ...
  14. Justin Baker

    Week 4 Recap – Updated

      Daily Creates: 1) The first assignment for the week was “Make a photo of something upside down that is not usually seen that way”. I recently had my birthday and my girlfriend decided to make dinner for me and made a fancy dinner table. I decided to use this because I thought it would ...
  15. Justin Baker

    Visual Assignment – Colorize Your World

    For my last REQUIRED entry, I decided to do something silly and “colorize my world”. I remembered that my favorite cartoon character growing up was Johny Bravo, so I decided to have him as my subject. However, I felt one picture did not do the man justice. He was so full of enery, never giving up when ...
  16. Justin Baker

    Visual Assignment – Street View Story

    For my new assignment, I decided to try out the Street View Story inwhich I found a location using Google Maps Street View and then make up a story in regards to it. I decided to check out the Roman Colosseum and noticed a man in the entrance. He looked like he was depressed, hunched over almost dragging his ...
  17. Justin Baker

    Visual Assignment – ReCaptcha

    I love the idea behind this assignment. I have stared at countless Captchas wondering ” what in the world is that?”, I would even go and Google a word out of curiosity(usually with no luck). However, I digress. For this assignment, the ds106 gods gave me the captcha “Homeip Elected”. Upon seeing this, immediately thought of a  family at home, ...
  18. Justin Baker

    Visual Assignment – Fat Cat

    I have seen this photo all over the internet, and many people I know have seen it at some point. This makes it well known, to me at least. However, I cannot recall who the subject is. It has been on the tip of my toung for days now! Once I either find it or ...
  19. Justin Baker

    My brother is home!

    A few years ago, my brother became a full fledged Marine. I went to his graduation from bootcamp, and I could not express how proud of him I was. I was so happy for him. My family and I dreaded the day that he was to be sent to war, but we knew it was ...
  20. Justin Baker

    The Black Hole

    My desk is natorious for eating everything I own. I usually go directly to my computer when I get home since Im a college student and my life is on it. This being the case, I throw random things down on it all the time.
  21. Justin Baker

    What is Web 2.0?/Assignment 3

    My initial thought when looking over the first page of the article was not very great. The article seemed fine, however it confused me from the very beginning. As I continued to read on, I think I started to understand the concept a bit better, but I have a feeling that I may still be ...
  22. Justin Baker


    I decided to go with my first instinct on this assignment, which turned out to be draw silly things. I was ok with this. I love to draw, however I have never though of using my skin as a medium It was a little diffcicult, as im not the most flexible person in the world ...
  23. Justin Baker

    Comforting Sound

    The majority of the comforting sounds I could think of where from home, which I unfortunately don’t have access too. HOWEVER! I remember when the viral sensation “Friday” came out and everyone was going around singing it. The semester that came out was a good one for me. I met some of my best friends and had a ...
  24. Justin Baker

    Silhouette Shot

    Unfortunately, the conditions that I had to work with for this assignment were somewhat limited. I had been at class literally all day and wasn’t able to get to work on this create until around 9pm. Obviously, at this point, the sun is gone and I had to try to find a large enough light ...
  25. Justin Baker

    Object in Motion

    I had a little too much fun with this project. I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but it would have made the assignment much more time consuming. Instead, I downloaded the free trial of Avid Studio, which I felt would be handy to have for later assignments anyway, and messed around ...
  26. Justin Baker

    Assignment Two

    I thought the article, “A Personal Cyberinfrastructure.”, as well as the video, “No More Digital Facelifts: Thinking the Unthinkable About Open Educational Experiences.”, were both very interesting and had nice, thought provoking concepts. I was interested early into the video when he began speaking about the “Three Recursive Practices”. Everything he touched in with this topic hit home ...

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