Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @lshaikh26

    Weekly Summary!!

    I enjoyed doing this week’s work. I started this week’s work by contributing in 3 daily creates and wrote about it in the blog post. tape you webcam!!! Find my glasses!!! Speed! After that, I chose to do three assignments from the audio bank, two were related to the radio show while the third is …

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  2. @lshaikh26


    The third daily create at twitter was about posting a video or animation that shows speed. I wanted to dd a little bit of humor in my tweet so I chose this gif which combines the element of speed and the way he falls adds a little bit of humor in this post. #tdc2103 @ds106dc …

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  3. @lshaikh26

    Find my glasses!!!

    #ds106 #tdc2102 — Laila Shaikh (@lshaikh26) October 11, 2017 Todays daily create was about the things a superhero gets asked.  Since I forget my glasses at places every now and then and struggle finding them back. It would ask my superhero to find my glasses so that I don’t have any difficulty watching my tv. …

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  4. @lshaikh26

    Week 6

    Starting with the daily creates. I participated in three of them and here they are: Childhood fear Smiling vegetable!! Sunlight! Below are some of the assignments I chose to do from the design bank: Guess the movie! Las Vegas Postcard!! Minimalist design!! Here are rest of the assignments that I completed: Tattoo!! Design Blitz reflection!! …

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  5. @lshaikh26


    I am not a big comic fan, but these YouTube videos opened my eyes on how design elements can be used to grab audience attention and keep their interest alive. I studied ‘Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou’ analysis of design elements used in comics. The way Steve Dillion uses body language, facial expressions, and very simple framing to …

    Continue reading "reflection!!"

  6. @lshaikh26

    Design Blitz

    1st design blitz The sign is a good example of color. The use of dark background with a font of light color grabs the attention of people. These color combinations are not used because the author/librarian likes this color, but it is used with an intention to grab the attention of passerby.   2nd design …

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  7. @lshaikh26


    Create a tattoo design that represents your superpower or explains what you would do as a superhero. This tattoo best describes my superhero. My superhero has the power to go invisible and this invisibility cloak reflects it.
  8. @lshaikh26

    Minimalist design!!

    Create a tv/movie poster that captures the essence of the story through the use of minimalist design/iconography. I used the website of noun project to get this icon and used canva to make this show’s poster. The show is about the doctors who b...
  9. @lshaikh26

    Guess the movie!

    “The assignment is to reduce a movie, story, or event into its basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons, four of them.” For this assignment from design bank, I used noun project to find all my desired icons needed to tell a story. After downloading these icons, I used the …

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  10. @lshaikh26


    “You’re a super hero and you have shown us your super powers… but what can bring you down?” In my third and last tweet of the week, I posted the picture of sunlight, because Sunlight takes away my superhero’s power of invisibility. looses its power of going invisible in the presence of sunlight….#tdc2097 #ds106 — …

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  11. @lshaikh26

    Smiling vegetable!!

    In my second tweet of the week. I replied to the theme ‘Make a vegetable smile’ using the picture below. I used the combination of Peach, Capsicum, and Carrot to make a smiling face. @ds106dc #tdc2094 — Lai...
  12. @lshaikh26

    Childhood fear

    In my first daily create of the week, I posted the gif of Goodbye. Goodbyes have always been hard for me. Goodbyes!!@ds106dc #tdc2093 — Laila Shaikh (@lshaikh26) October 2, 2017
  13. @lshaikh26

    Week 5

    This week, there was a lot of work but It was fun work. Starting with the daily creates. I participated in three of them and here they are: Toy looks bigger than a TV Introducing Flashlight We serve both Coffee and Wine!! Below are some of the assignments I chose to do from the audio …

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  14. @lshaikh26

    Moon Graffiti

    Before hearing the announcement that it was a contingency plan, I was astonished to hear that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had suffered a deadline disastrous during landing on the moon. The sound effects were very effective. I made my dad listen to only the first 1 minute and asked him ‘Did the first person …

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  15. @lshaikh26

    Radio show idea!

    My idea of the show is that we introduce two or three problems of the world for instance ‘global warming’ and ‘population in the world’ and everyone comes up with a scenario of how their superhero will solve those problems.
  16. @lshaikh26


    “Try creating a mixtape of your own. Mixtape is broadly defined in this case. It can just be a collection of songs with some theme (genre, etc.), or you can mess with the tracks. You can add a small touch here and there or edit the tracks to your heart’s content, adding outside sounds using …

    Continue reading "Mashup!"

  17. @lshaikh26


    Live tweeting was a whole new experience for me. Listening to the show for a couple of seconds made me realize that it was about a detective trying to solve a case, like ‘Sherlock’. Sound effects were very effective and everything was very clear about what was going on in the show; when the scenarios …

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