Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @MoB4884

    Remix It – Dr. Seuss is That You?

    For my second remix assignment, I chose to add a Dr. Seuss character to one of my previous assignments. One of my favorite assignments from this semester was my Splash of Color photo I created with Photoshop. It was really my first time using photoshop, so I was really surprised with how good it turned […]
  2. @MoB4884

    Remix It – Commercial Addition

    For one of my two remix assignments, I chose to do a remix of my Tamagotchi commercial from our radio show. The assignment was to make it into a bad infomercial, and I thought, what better way to that than to make the commercial as annoying as possible? I tried to use sayings that a […]
  3. @MoB4884

    Daily Creates

    This weeks daily creates were fun! I think my favorite post was the poem mashup using 3 poets! I really enjoyed reading everyones poems, they were so creative! This class actually ended up tying into another class I am taking this semester, Digital Studies 101. In that class, I worked on a final project about […]
  4. @MoB4884

    Final Project Ideas Cont.

    When looking at a few classmates’ posts from this week a few stuck out to me. Megan’s idea was really cool and was something that I hadn’t thought of! I would love to see everyones favorite posts from this semester compiled into a video. Another great idea was Olivia’s thoughts on a DIY project/hack video. […]
  5. @MoB4884

    Week 11 !!

    This week was probably the most challenging week for me. I had a lot of issues with my video editing, and I’m not completely happy with how they turned out. My phone AND my laptop decided that their storage was full (what a bunch of bull), so it was really hard for me to record […]
  6. @MoB4884

    Daily Creates

    Below I have linked my 3 daily creates from this week! This week was a lot of fun, as it allowed me to look back on some of my favorite memories. I posted about my favorite garden in Richmond and my favorite type of tree, and these two posts brought back some great memories and […]
  7. @MoB4884

    Weekly Summary #10

    This week was a fun week to expand on the tools in my toolbox that I have began collecting from this class. I enjoyed doing some of the assignments from the assignment bank this week and turning them into TikToks so I can share them with my friends and family. They found them pretty funny, […]
  8. @MoB4884

    Video Essay

    This was actually super challenging for me since I tend to use “um” a lot when talking, especially giving presentations or something along those lines. I found myself having to record this a few times to get it close to the way I wanted it to sound, and even then it still didn’t sound right. […]
  9. @MoB4884

    Daily Creates

    Again, I hate to say it, but this wasn’t my favorite week of daily creates. It didn’t seem like I actually did anything creative… I just found pictures that I had in my camera roll and put them in a different context. It was fun to look back on memories and find something to fit […]
  10. @MoB4884

    Week 9? I think?

    Honestly, I’m losing track of the weeks at this point! Only a few more to go until the end of the semester!! Below I have attached my posts from this week, and have also included the two updated versions of previous posts I made! I loved getting the chance to update my previous work and […]
  11. @MoB4884

    Final Project Ideas

    When thinking about this final project, I get kind of sad realizing that this class is coming to an end. I have really enjoyed the theme for this class and hearing everyones stories related to themselves, and using their stories to compare and relate to my own. I am excited to jump into video making […]
  12. @MoB4884

    Creates Collide

    This week, the goal of our daily creates was to connect them in some way. Honestly, I forgot about this when started my daily creates this week, as this isn’t something we normally do. Coincidentally, the daily creates this week lined up pretty well to make a funny story! I decided to make the story […]
  13. @MoB4884

    A Week of Radio Shows

    With Monday being my only night I am free from work, I was able to tune into the Un-University Radio Show. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to my classmates talk about shows that they loved during quarantine and comparing their favorites to mine! I also loved their question and answer segment. I loved hearing their thoughts […]
  14. @MoB4884

    Summin’ Up Week 8 Yo

    Below I have attached my posts from this week! It was a lot of fun working with my group members to create our radio show. I think it turned out really well and it was more cohesive than I thought it would be. I enjoyed listening to my group members segments and relating their experiences […]
  15. @MoB4884

    Weekly Summary 7.0

    Below I have attached all of my work for this week! I loved getting to collaborate with my other classmates on this project and start thinking about common themes between us. By far my favorite assignment this week was the promo poster. I loved our thought process when we were coming up with design ideas […]

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