Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92920 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @shleighduque

    Week Fourteen: Distress Signal News!

    We had way too much fun with the final project. Alaina, Jordan and I immediately wrote our articles and filmed interviews after making an outline for the project. We created and customized a Tumblr page that provides background info and references our radio show. It was the perfect way to show our transformation from radio show … Continue reading Week Fourteen: Distress Signal News!
  2. @shleighduque

    Week Thirteen: Progress Report

    Inspired by the “Save Yourself” prompt where our heroes lose their powers, Alaina, Jordan and I have teamed up to revisit the plot and characters in our radio show, Distress Signal. Only for this project, we’ll create a news series that investigates where our heroes– Ceto, Malevolent Melody and Little Brain– are now. The plan is … Continue reading Week Thirteen: Progress Report
  3. @shleighduque

    Week Twelve: Mashed Up

    This week, we revisited concepts covered in the past, but whatever direction we took was up to us. The mashup/remix assignments were interesting because anything was fair game. I started with editing the Dunkin’ Donuts logo to better represent the only thing I actually buy from there… iced coffee. This was entertaining, and while I like the result, … Continue reading Week Twelve: Mashed Up
  4. @shleighduque

    Make a Digital Collage Using Photoshop

    This is a really simple tutorial that will cover two features of Photoshop, the Quick Selection tool and SmartObject manipulation, which will be useful for creating You In (Digital) Collage Form! There are many ways to approach this task, and this tutorial uses a method I’ve found useful. Obviously, with this specific assignment, you’ll need … Continue reading Make a Digital Collage Using Photoshop
  5. @shleighduque

    My World is Baby Blue

    I loved editing videos last week, so I decided to do a video mashup. The What Color is Your World?  assignment instructed me to photograph a single color throughout a typical day and layer it with a song about that color. I decided to film blue things around my room in motion as opposed to just compiling still … Continue reading My World is Baby Blue
  6. @shleighduque

    America Runs on Ice

    I love coffee, but I really love iced coffee.  Every morning, regardless of the temperature, I grab an iced coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts. That’s why my mind immediately went to Dunkin’ when I stumbled upon the Consumer Mashup assignment. This assignment required me to redesign a company’s logo by incorporating my favorite product. Using Photoshop, I removed the … Continue reading America Runs on Ice
  7. @shleighduque

    Bellydance Snapshot

    I decided to use my experiences as a bellydancer for the College Snapshot assignment. I’ve been lucky enough to have been a part of UMW MEDC since its foundation in Spring 2016. This club has led me to establish some amazing friendships, and has ultimately helped me become more comfortable with myself. I felt that this … Continue reading Bellydance Snapshot
  8. @shleighduque

    Advice to my Teen Self

    I decided to do the Sixteen Year Old Me video assignment. This assignment allowed me to reflect on/deal with some of the things I was experiencing when I was younger. Teen Ashleigh was generally shy, extremely anxious, and she missed out on a lot of opportunities simply because she had very low self-esteem. Since I don’t usually take … Continue reading Advice to my Teen Self
  9. @shleighduque

    Connected Creates

    Gisele Bethea was a beautiful and talented dancer whose ballet-metal fusion style paved the way for many fusion dancers to come. That is, until one of her performances took a turn for the worst. Gisele’s mother had grown jealous of her success, and hired a magical ‘hit man’ from the Magic & Witchcraft section of Craigslist to put a stop … Continue reading Connected Creates
  10. @shleighduque

    Digital Tool: VLC Frame Extraction

    I decided to write a brief tutorial on how to extract video frames in VLC media player. This is a tool that can prove useful if you’d like to create a GIF out of your favorite video or movie, or if you want to just save a batch of screen shots from the best scene. I used this … Continue reading Digital Tool: VLC Frame Extraction
  11. @shleighduque

    Draw Something in Under 20 Seconds

    I decided to attempt the Google Draw Something assignment by clicking here and drawing something in under 20 seconds for Google to guess. This was way too fun, and also stressful, because I had to use my laptop’s touch pad and the time went by faster than I’d thought it would. I was surprised to find that the … Continue reading Draw Something in Under 20 Seconds
  12. @shleighduque

    Shopping for Magic on Craigslist

    After a few failed attempts at editing other webpages, I ended up remodeling a Craigslist page. Craigslist pages are basic enough to make substantial changes in the content. I’ve been feeling very shpooky lately so I decided to transform the search results of “health and beauty” into “magic and witchcraft”. This was a little difficult because I had … Continue reading Shopping for Magic on Craigslist
  13. @shleighduque

    Week Eight: Distress Signal

    This radio show really tested our problem-solving abilities as a team since it felt like the due date approached very quickly. Our return from break consisted of an in-person meeting where we established more details in our outline and wrote a script for the talk show. I was able to create another commercial before we met again on Friday afternoon … Continue reading Week Eight: Distress Signal
  14. @shleighduque

    Communication & Digital Studies Ad

    We needed at least three commercials for our radio show, so I took on another for this week just before my group recorded and assembled ours. Since I graduate this semester, I’ve been thinking (and stressing) a lot about potential career opportunities, and reflecting on the different ways that being a UMW student has helped me develop skills an … Continue reading Communication & Digital Studies Ad
  15. @shleighduque

    Week Seven: DJ Ashleigh’s Comeback

    While this week didn’t require any remixing, I did revisit Audacity to layer and edit multiple audio clips. This time, however, I wasn’t granted the “do whatever you want” approach; all creations were part of something bigger and better! I’ve spent this week planning and contributing ideas for a group project: Distress Signal, a ds106 radio show. I’ve really enjoyed … Continue reading Week Seven: DJ Ashleigh’s Comeback
  16. @shleighduque

    Grab a Box of SuperOats!

    I decided to create a commercial as part of my contribution to our group project. I hoped to incorporate the superhero theme while also making something that you might actually hear on the radio. I’ve heard several radio commercials about cars and events. Yet where did my mind go? Food, of course. I did some research on oats, wrote and recorded a … Continue reading Grab a Box of SuperOats!
  17. @shleighduque

    You’re Listening to Distress Signal

    Each member of my group was tasked with creating a unique radio bumper for our show. We know that we’ll feature news, games, and callers, so we figured it’d be best to market these details & give potential listeners an idea of what to expect from us. I found a cool beat on Free Music Archive and … Continue reading You’re Listening to Distress Signal
  18. @shleighduque

    Week Five: DJ in the Making

    Before this week, I had a general understanding of the importance of sound, but I didn’t realize just how difficult it would be to convey details without the support of any visual or verbal elements. I started by listening to “Moon Graffiti” and reflected on how sounds affect tone, space and atmosphere in this blog post. … Continue reading Week Five: DJ in the Making
  19. @shleighduque

    I quit my dreaming the moment that I found you.

    For my dramatic reading remix, I decided to take the lyrics of Angel Olsen’s “Unfucktheworld” and read them over Death Grips “Runway Y”. The original is a melancholic song that’s played over the strumming of a guitar. Placing the lyrics over a hip-hop/industrial track changes the tone from sad to intense. While I felt silly reading the lyrics the way … Continue reading I quit my dreaming the moment that I found you.
  20. @shleighduque

    Radio Bumper

    Most of the bumpers I remember hearing were quick, animated, and consisted of several vocal effects and fun sounds. I used the first 10 seconds of this video to help inspire the writing and speaking style I’d use. Then I recorded myself with my apple headphone mic. Once I had a decent recording in Audacity, I added the echo effect in … Continue reading Radio Bumper

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