Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92920 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @trippthrumylife

    Coded by Cailyn

    I honestly thinkā€¦ and Iā€™m weirded out by the fact that Iā€™m saying thisā€¦ I may actually not hate coding. WHAT?! I KNOW. Before this semester started, coding was quite honestly one of the scariest things for me. Iā€™ve always done well in school, and quite honestly Iā€™ve never really struggled in the classroom. However,ā€¦ Continue reading Coded by Cailyn
  2. @trippthrumylife

    The Hard Truth

    ā€œThe Soft Truthā€ by Leigh Alexander faces the hard truth of our currently technologically obsessed society: we are constantly chasing the endorphins released from the digital world. The narrator turns to satisfying videos for an escape of the anxieties of the real worldā€“and honestly itā€™s terrifying. Sure, I donā€™t go to satisfying videos every timeā€¦ Continue reading The Hard Truth
  3. @trippthrumylife

    ā€œLiving a life in the pursuit of happiness for all.ā€

    I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been this passionate about a project in a while. I really canā€™t wait to see where this one goes. Iā€™ve spent all week preparing everything in order to actually put my video for my final project together. I plan to make it a multi-medium piece with design, photography, videography/editing, and audioā€¦ Continue reading ā€œLiving a life in the pursuit of happiness for all.ā€
  4. @trippthrumylife

    I finished Week 12ā€¦ canā€™t you tell?

    So this weekly summary is coming a little late, but for a pretty important reason. I found out Friday morning that I was a close contact for someone for COVID and have spent the past 48hrs going back home to North East Maryland/getting everything together back home for isolation. But before I was faced withā€¦ Continue reading I finished Week 12ā€¦ canā€™t you tell?
  5. @trippthrumylife

    Cross DS106 Off Your Bucket List!

    When trying to figure out what assignment I want to remix, I searched through a bunch of my past work to gain inspo on old assignments I loved doing. Two that stuck out to me were my bucket list postsā€“because the first time I did it as a writing assignment and the second time Iā€¦ Continue reading Cross DS106 Off Your Bucket List!
  6. @trippthrumylife

    Nathanā€™s Reeseā€™s Puffs Take the Big Screen

    Welcome to my first remix! When thinking about what work I had done this semester and wanted to remix, the first thing that came to mind was my FAVORITE project so far, Nathanā€™s Reeseā€™s Puffs. This initially was a design project, but remix it and now itā€™s a video project! In order to make myā€¦ Continue reading Nathanā€™s Reeseā€™s Puffs Take the Big Screen
  7. @trippthrumylife

    Week Ten, Iā€™ve Done it Again

    This week has probably been the longest one yetā€¦ but itā€™s been my favorite one. Iā€™ve been making videos/telling stories through this medium since I was little, so I was completely comfortable in this sphere. However, everything took me a while because since Iā€™m very experienced in this area, I wanted to put out myā€¦ Continue reading Week Ten, Iā€™ve Done it Again
  8. @trippthrumylife

    Another Long Awaited Thank Youā€¦

    Gratitude is one of my favorite feelingsā€¦ I think itā€™s because in my mind, itā€™s something you choose to feel. When thinking back on my favorite assignments so I could figure out which ones I wanted to revise/do again, I easily knew I wanted to write another thank you letter. This time to my bestā€¦ Continue reading Another Long Awaited Thank Youā€¦
  9. @trippthrumylife

    Me, Myself, and Iā€¦ 29 Days Later

    When thinking about what assignment I wanted to revise, the first one that came to mind was my self-reflection. Now donā€™t get me wrong, I LOVED my first self-reflection, but I feel like my outlook on how I tell my story has changed since the course has started. In this piece, I explain how myā€¦ Continue reading Me, Myself, and Iā€¦ 29 Days Later

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