Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92913 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. rowan_peter (Rowan Peter)

    AI106, DS106 & GITS – it’s about friendship and love

    Discovering AI106 (DS106) was running again in 2024 gave me pause for thought. My pause wasn’t just on its theme of artificial intelligence or the Week 1 assignment of getting some inspiration by watching AI related films or reading AI-themed fiction, but also Paul Bond’s Ghosts of future past blog post. You had me at … Continue reading AI106, DS106 & GITS – it’s about friendship and love ?
  2. @BensonKaylie

    vignelli thoughts

    Graphic design is something that we see so much of, we are pretty much immune to it. We see it, but we don’t look at it. Reading The Vignelli Canon by Massimo Vignelli is a breath of fresh air. I am a big fan of minimalism. I think it looks clean and nice, and just makes me feel refreshed when there isn’t a lot of clutter around. Even though minimalism is something that seems like it would be so easy to do, so mindless and simple, it actually takes so much thought and planning to make sure it comes out minimalistic, and not just lazy. Vignelli said in the very beginning of his book: “I have always said that there are three aspects in Design that are important to me: Semantic, Syntactic and Pragmatic.” Which is something I’m going to have to keep in mind when practicing graphic design myself. Funny enough, I am writing this in the airport while waiting for my flight to San Antonio for an internship, and I’m flying American Airlines. Lo and behold, one of Massimo Vignelli’s more well known works is the American Airline’s logo. So graphic design is always literally right in front of us at all times. You just need to look.
  3. @BensonKaylie

    Weekly Summary 1

    This week was a fun one! I like photography, but am a very novice photographer. I like to do it mostly for myself, and my memories. So it was fun to try new things including taking photos in a new way. First, I followed the tips to make myself a better photographer by David DuChemin. This was my summary on what I came out with It was fun to implement new thought processes on my picture taking, and I want to try and think about these tips more often when taking photos. Next was the photo blitz assignment, which was fun. I think I stressed myself out too much with the idea of being timed, but came out with a result I’m proud of nonetheless. I discuss it further in my reflection below, which also holds my photos I took then. I also did Daily Creates for May 20th, May 21st, and May 22nd. They were all just easy questions to be answered, but were interesting questions that I hadn’t been asked before. For the creative assignments I made Harry Styles swim in our pool, Gave a room tour, Made a butterfly stand out, and gave myself a spubble, which is an odd phrase. I really liked the assignments this week. The hardest part for me was actually writing about what I’d done. Doing the projects was easy and enjoyable, but writing about them for some reason for me was like pulling teeth. But it’s just going to take some time for me to get used to! Learning about visual storytelling is engaging to me. The work of breaking it down into smaller pieces and dissecting them is something I’ve never done before, but is something so important to do. Every part is important, and visual might be the most important. Without visual aspects, storytelling isn’t as efficient.
  4. @BensonKaylie

    Photo Blitz

    Each photo’s caption tells which one I tried to make each photo fit to. I also didn’t quite catch the clock right on the 15 minute mark, but 30 seconds over I promise I didn’t cheat. The hardest part for me was deciding what was good enough to photograph, and it’s where I wasted most of my time. It was enough time, but the fact that I was being timed freaked me out and I felt pressured to photograph just the right things. I used my Canon EOS T7i to take photos.
  5. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Is this really the End?

    Welp, I think it is finally time we questioned the End and what exactly is going on. First We will go over the evidence I have connected can we talk about the evidence I’ve been dying to talk about the evidence! First of all, let’s go in the order Millard A Rausch, he’s a Sub-Contractor […]
  6. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    How to design 101

    The two videos influenced my designs that I created for the week by having fun with the designs and trying out new things. The two videos to me had very interesting takes, one had focused on typography while the other focused on the actual design appeal it gave. I mainly focused on the appeal aspect […]
  7. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    The Road to Victory

    Hello everyone welcome to another one of my blog posts! This time it is about the movie The Room and the short video called La Jetee. The first thing I am going to discuss is The Room which is a post-apocalyptic movie about a son and his father traveling trying to survive the world after […]
  8. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Picture a world like this

    The tips I have learned about photography were stuff I have already kept in mind considering I usually already do considering I have been interested in photography for a while. The main thing I have trouble keeping in mind is the foreground and background being very important to a photo. I usually take pictures of […]
  9. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Alternate Endings

    The short stories I read are “The Screwfly Solution” and “There will come soft rains” which are both good short stories that have darker endings to it so I decided to try and create a slightly happy ending for “The Screwfly Solution”. Be warned this contains spoilers and a slightly happy ending but not very […]
  10. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    Apocalyptic Terms of Service

    I. In the event of a zombie apocalypse a fifty percent ration tax would be given to all scientific institutions that are researching the cure or prevention to the disease/fungi/neurotoxin that of which is causing people to “turn” into a zombie. II. If a person is immune to “turning” they are to report to the […]
  11. @ShaBoy_Daniel

    What could go wrong?

    The versions of an apocalypse shown by “End Day” were very interesting and cheesy, however, it was entertaining. apocalypse I that I thought was the most frightening was the last one because that one was the one that was caused by research that was said to have the smallest chance of going wrong. When it […]

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