Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92895 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. toro12

    The Art of Panoramic Photography

    Panoramic Photography captures images with horizontally elongated fields of view. It is sometimes known as wide format photography. Example of a Panoramic outside of class.. “Train View”  Before: Color Pano After: Black and White Pano   Panoramic can be pretty cool as-well. You can make somebody appear in the image more than once as if … Continue reading "The Art of Panoramic Photography"
  2. @maci_winebarger

    Thursday Night ds106radio

    War of worlds… Now what do you think of when you hear that title…? I definitely didn’t think it was going to be what it was. An alien invasion?!?! Honestly, it was pretty cool to listen to, but annoying at times because I wanted to actually see what I was hearing and couldn’t (ugh). But […]
  3. @maci_winebarger

    Why audio is cool

    I thought Moon Graffiti was so cool to listen to. It’s weird to think that the president had to have a pre-recorded message all ready to go in case Armstrong and Aldrin didn’t make it all the way through the mission. To me, I would have thought it was bad luck. But God was watching […]
  4. @maci_winebarger

    Analyzing photos

    These are 2 still shots from the Game of Thrones which, in my opinion, goes along with our theme. You see the different perspectives between the two. The first one, you have no idea what she’s looking at, and you think the people in the back are looking at her. But then in the second, […]
  5. @maci_winebarger


    These photos are not in order, but here are the photos from my photoblitz. It took me WAY less than 20 minutes to complete. http://<ul id=”thelist”><li style=”background-color: rgb(230, 230, 230);”>Take a photo that represents the idea of openness</li><li style=”background-color: rgb(230, 230, 230);”>Take a picture of fire or something that represents fire.</li><li>Create a photograph that illustrations […]
  6. @maci_winebarger

    week 2 round up

    What a short, long week…yeah, that didn’t make any sense. 4 day week, but it seemed like it dragged on. Anyways, I did “Daily Creates” on Tuesday-Friday and I thought they were pretty interesting “Creates”. I chose to do assignments from the Writing, Video, and Photo options from the Assignment Bank. From my random fortune […]
  7. ryanseslow

    ZINE COLLAB in Print at the NYPL & More!

      Dear CT101 Spring 2018 Students, (and Beyond!) I hope that this message finds you all well! As the summer begins to winds down I wanted to alert you to a few things: First and foremost, our awesome class ZINE collaboration with my BMCC MMA100 Graphic Design students is now officially accessible in print and … Continue reading "ZINE COLLAB in Print at the NYPL & More!"
  8. @cpsc106gregphillips

    No More Daily Creates

    Conga line music initiate. No more daily CREE-ATESSSSSS! No more daily CREE-ATESSSSSS! No more daily CREE-ATESSSSSS! No more daily CREE-ATESSSSSS! No more daily CREE-ATESSSSSS! OK, now I’m tired. But in all seriousness, thank your [insert deity] I’ll never have to do another daily create. I should have wrote my future self a note, warning him about it. Out of […]
  9. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Chaplin’s Foley Artist

    This is an assignment from the DS106 Video Assignments bank – “Charlie Chaplin’s Foley Artist” challenge (4.5 Stars). While an iconic of the silent film era, Charlie Chaplin’s movies never got the audio oomph of THX. Here is your chance to make the silent era come alive by adding foley sound effects to a movie […]
  10. @cpsc106gregphillips

    The Three Little Pigs

    It may come as a surprise to you, but I’m not a fan of fairy tales. I’ve never understood our society’s fascination with the anthropomorphization of farm animals to get a point across.  Granted, there is some appeal to it. Otherwise, the Kingdom of Disney would never have become a thing. Still, I don’t need […]
  11. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Requiem for a Video

    Because it’s such an amazing piece, I feel I have to clarify this point: the song title is “Lux Aeterna” – not “Requiem for a Dream”. The latter is the name of the movie, but for some reason it’s been confused with the song. Probably because the song is so powerful, but hell the movie […]
  12. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Solve Et Coagula

    Solve Et Coagula. In simple terms, it means something must first be broken down before it can be built up. “Solve” or “solutio” refers to the breaking down of elements and “Coagula” refers to their coming together.  It’s the Classical Latin way of what I refer to as “Eating the Elephant”; to consume the whole, […]
  13. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Auditory Hell

    This is an assignment from the DS106 Audio Assignments bank – “Auditory Hell” challenge. Per the assignment bank, the challenge is to: Create YOUR worst sound ever. Take audio clips of every single sound that you hate and put them all together to make The Worst Noise Ever. And after a few quick minutes of […]
  14. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Played From Another Room

    This is an assignment from the DS106 Audio Assignments bank – “Played From Another Room” challenge. Per the assignment bank, the challenge is to: This media assignment has two parts. First, edit a song to sound like it is playing from another room. The audio should sound muffled and the bass should be prominent. Here […]
  15. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Moon Graffiti

    So what makes a good, convincing audio drama? Is it the story? The sounds? The subtle layering of music timed perfectly against the unspoken tone? Or is the story itself? It’s all of the above, and then some. The object of a story is to communicate an idea (and that’s Art). Art is nothing more […]
  16. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Considering Audio

    Video killed the radio star. We can’t rewind and we’ve gone too far. Translated into artistic-speak, television killed creativity. It ripped away the ability of the end user to think and tossed it in the garbage. Television painted the entire picture via cathode ray tube onto a glass screen, requiring nothing of the viewer. Sit […]
  17. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Lars Moisture Farms Logo Needed!

    This is an assignment from the DS106 Design Assignments bank – “Create A Logo That Is Simple But Detailed” challenge. Per the assignment bank, the challenge is to: As designers are shfiting towards the KISS – Keep it simple stupid formula and creating Logos that are super simple and easy to understand. I want a […]
  18. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Alternative History Image

    This is another assignment from the DS106 Visual Assignments bank – “Alternative History Image” challenge. Per the assignment bank, the challenge is to: Imagine if certain events in history never happened or happened differently – what would the world be like today. Create a new image that puts a historic figure in a different environment […]
  19. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Alternative Book Cover

    This is another assignment from the DS106 Visual Assignments bank – “Create Your Own Book Cover” challenge. Per the assignment bank, the challenge is to: Find you[r] favorite book you would like to create a new cover for or to edit the original one. Be creative! For this assignment I used photoshop. I put a […]
  20. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Design Blitz – Food and Design

    Graphic design is found in more than just slick advertisements and pictures. It’s present in nearly all of the media we see daily. People care about the way products are presented to them – an idea which isn’t lost on the companies selling us those products. These companies employ basic principles of graphic design in […]
  21. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Design Reflection

    There’s an underlying science to design. It’s really one of those weird gray areas (pun intended) where technique seems to blend with pure taste. You, the artist, and the seasoning which you flavor your design with is just as import as the underlying concepts. However, you need to ensure you don’t neglect design theories altogether. […]

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