Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @ceejay_97

    #tdc2130- Illustrate the Idiom

    Illustrate the idiom… ‘Blind as a bat’ This one was very funny to do, so many ideas of images to search for such as ‘sick as a dog’, ‘cold as ice’. The responses to this daily create were brilliant, creative and laughable. We’ve all been to get our eyesight tested once in our lifetime and […]
  2. @ceejay_97

    #tdc2119- Daily create

    This daily create was fun to do, especially looking at other people’s responses to this create. The aim was to accidentally search something into google and end up not being disappointed. I wanted a picture of someone waving and typed into google ‘wave’ and got this beauty of a wave. Seeing this wave is making […]
  3. @Maggieo_13

    Daily Create Week 9!

    #ds106 #tdc2114 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 24, 2017 #ds106 #tdc2115 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 24, 2017 #tdc2116 #ds106 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) October 26, 2017 The story to these Daily Create is there was a student athlete named Mark who was preparing for a new warm up for his football […]
  4. @girlycurlyfries

    daily create story time

      listed below are my daily creates in order: i drew a groovy fox #ds106 #tdc2115 — Alaina Archie (@girlycurlyfries) October 24, 2017 well it's already pretty close to this, but hey they probably won't even need a teacher… #ds106 #tdc2117 — Alaina Archie (@girlycurlyfries) October 27, 2017 Raging Rabbit is my name.… Read More daily create story time
  5. @BrandonHeys1

    Blade Runner 2049 Review

      Right I know it came out 2 weeks ago and I watched it when it came out then but here’s a quick review on what I thought about the film. To start off with lets talk about the visual effects of the film, now personally I think the overall look and visual of the […]
  6. @Jessica_herb

    #tdc1740 Rain or shine, your city/town/ is beautiful

    Living between two towns can be pretty stressful but its also super fun as Leicester and Swindon are very different places and are beautiful in their own way. Swindon, my home town, for example is not the most amazing town in the UK but does have many woodland and nature areas around it which I … Continue reading #tdc1740 Rain or shine, your city/town/ is beautiful
  7. @courthardy2018

    Week 3 Daily Creates

    Below are each of my daily creates for this week. I actually enjoyed the majority of the topics presented this week.   Morning coffee and napkin messages… #ds106 #tdc2071 — Courtney Hardy (@courthardy2018) September 10, 2017 Christmas makes everything look better…#ds106 #tdc2072 — […]

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