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  1. @BensonKaylie

    vignelli thoughts

    Graphic design is something that we see so much of, we are pretty much immune to it. We see it, but we don’t look at it. Reading The Vignelli Canon by Massimo Vignelli is a breath of fresh air. I am a big fan of minimalism. I think it looks clean and nice, and just makes me feel refreshed when there isn’t a lot of clutter around. Even though minimalism is something that seems like it would be so easy to do, so mindless and simple, it actually takes so much thought and planning to make sure it comes out minimalistic, and not just lazy. Vignelli said in the very beginning of his book: “I have always said that there are three aspects in Design that are important to me: Semantic, Syntactic and Pragmatic.” Which is something I’m going to have to keep in mind when practicing graphic design myself. Funny enough, I am writing this in the airport while waiting for my flight to San Antonio for an internship, and I’m flying American Airlines. Lo and behold, one of Massimo Vignelli’s more well known works is the American Airline’s logo. So graphic design is always literally right in front of us at all times. You just need to look.
  2. Kelsey

    “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.” —Wayne W. Dyer

    On contemplating the places where I find peace, I wanted to find a way to collage my favorite pictures. I found an app for my iphone called Collageable. Here, I found a template I liked and selected 5 photos the speak to me. The app makes it really easy to upload and then save you […]
  3. Kelsey

    Photo Safari at Childhood Home

    My photo safari was an interesting experience because I was able to document small details about my childhood home. The house I lived in for about 25 years was just put on the market for sale. While this was homework, it was also a therapeutic approach to saying goodbye to a home that has housed […]
  4. @angelk1208

    Becoming a Better Photographer

    First, I watched a YouTube video going in depth about Visual Literacy. I learned that every photo has a meaning behind it. I learned that a single photo can be interpreted differently depending on the person looking at it. Each photo also raises the question of why it was originally taken and the photographers intention […]
  5. @BreeNicholson14

    Photo Safari

    For this assignment, after learning a few photography tips, we were to put those tips to the test and try out a fun scavenger hunt of photos. Within a 15 minute time span, we were to try to take as many suggested photos as possible, without going over the time limit. This is what I…
  6. @shika_f

    May 22, 2010

    @ds106dc Nikki Limo and Steve Greene. I came across the married duo in a JKN video on YT loved their personalities. They truly inspire, motivate and bring to the light the things in life that would have otherwise been kept in the dark and never spoke...

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