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  1. natalie

    Chapter II – Take-off to Dublin – Arrangements

    ?listen to the audio on ? from the book i-Land – A Double Irish & a Dutch Monday morning the interview was postponed to the next day as the connection did not work. Avoka’s dad was also in the house and already started his usual moaning that whatever Avoka was doing or saying wasn’t right,… Continue reading Chapter II – Take-off to Dublin – Arrangements
  2. natalie

    Old colleagues, new deals and examen day

    from the book A double Irish and a Dutch The next morning Avoka is on fire. Early in the morning, she contacts Tim, the guy she had met one morning in the coffee shop, who wanted to establish a saving card. Avoka actually has the idea that they might be able to work together and create… Continue reading Old colleagues, new deals and examen day
  3. natalie

    New plan, new man

    from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch Avoka goes for a coffee while Harry gets his hair done. She gets an SMS from Hunt, who once again, suggests to her about how much he would like to be with her at the same place now. Avoka already knows it’s just one of… Continue reading New plan, new man
  4. natalie

    Salsa and Valentine’s Day in Dublin

    from the book i-Land – A double Irish and a Dutch In the evening Avoka went to a Salsa class at the River Bar. They offered dance classes from beginner to advanced almost every night. It was a great atmosphere and she met a Spanish girl who also was waiting for the Salsa class. The… Continue reading Salsa and Valentine’s Day in Dublin
  5. natalie


    I have met them at close of day   Coming with vivid facesFrom counter or desk among grey   Eighteenth-century houses.I have passed with a nod of the head   Or polite meaningless words,   Or have lingered awhile and said   Polite meaningless words,And thought before I had done   Of a mocking tale or a gibe   To please a companionAround the fire at the club,   Being certain… Continue reading Easter, 1916 BY WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS

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