Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @katelync106

    Weekly Summary 2

    This week was a bit difficult, but I enjoyed the assignments. I definitely played with some new activities that I otherwise wouldn’t have attempted. Looking through examples on the assignment bank and other blogs can really help spark your imagin...
  2. @jacobhilker1

    Week 1 Summary

    Here is the first daily create, the second daily create, and the third daily create. In addition, here is my photo safari. The last things here are my personal assignments for the week (a noble house, a camp poster, an edited game cover, and a spubble). I feel like the assignments for this week were […]
  3. @jacobhilker1

    Midweek 1 Summary

    Setting up the social media was very easy, though I am not very active on Twitter, so learning that will be somewhat difficult (especially considering a tweet can’t be edited.) Setting up the domain very easy, though I am still learning WordPress so using the blog was more difficult. My customization experience was mostly looking […]
  4. @christinac106

    Final Countdown

    Wow, just one more week left here in ds106! It’s crazy to look back and see all that I have accomplished and learned within this thrilling and liberating semester. Now just one last task lies ahead… our final mission. Our final mission is ultimately our final project here in ds106, one last thing in between […]
  5. @christinac106

    Mission 10: Complete

    Another week has come to an end and I feel like I am finally getting the hang of this whole video thing. This week specifically was dedicated to video and how filming techniques really create stories. We’ve previously looked at design, photography, audio, etc and sought to comprehend how that sets up storytelling. However by […]
  6. @christinac106

    Mission 9: Complete

    Another busy week completed here in digital storytelling 106. Since turning in our radio show projects last week, this week came in full force with a heavy, but exciting work load. Our main focus this week was exploring the web and the storytelling that’s told within it. In order to learn web storytelling we were […]
  7. @madeleine_ds106

    Week 6 Summary

    I have to say this has been my favorite week so far in DS106! I have always wanted to improve my graphic design skills and this definitely helped me! The Design Assignments I chose this week were really fun to complete! I created a minimalist movie po...
  8. @christinac106

    Mission 6: Complete

    Three cheers for finishing another week in ds106 and even bigger cheers for learning about design! This week we tackled the idea of design and how it further shapes or constructs the stories we tell. Since the beginning of the semester I found myself very preoccupied with this class, don’t worry I still am. However […]
  9. @christinac106

    Mission 5: Complete

    Audio, audio, audio, audio, audio, audio, and more… AUDIO. This week if you couldn’t tell was all about audio and the way it tells stories. Often times we combine audio and visual work to create the ultimate story. Having said that we frequently forget that audio and visual work can tell stories apart from one […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]