Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @MoB4884

    Summin’ it up 2.0

    When reading the instructions for this week, I was a little overwhelmed about everything there was to do. 3 assignments from the assignment bank, 4 days of posts from the daily create, editing my blog, and commenting on others posts seemed like a lot for one week. I started to stress and worry that I […]
  2. @sunglasses260

    Weekly Summary (1/23–29/21)

    Week One: 1/23-29/21 Links to this week’s posts: “Hello world! A multi-modal introduction” “What’s Your Story? Theme of ds106” The easiest part of the assignments this week was setting up my accounts. I already had my UMW domain (thanks to working at the Digital Knowledge Center!), Google/YouTube, and Twitter accounts set up, so it was […]
  3. @MoB4884

    Week One Summary

    This week was really challenging for me because I am not very tech-savvy. I could not get the website design how I wanted it for the life of me and it was driving me crazy trying to figure out how to work everything on WordPress. I know in hindsight it really wasn’t THAT hard, but […]
  4. @samprice_ds106

    Final Summary: Final Project

    I guess this is my last blog post for this class. It’s kinda sad. I’ve really enjoyed this class and all the assignments we’ve done and all that I’ve learned. I definitely had the most fun with this final project though. It incorporated a bunch of the skills I’ve used throughout the semester which was super fun. Here was my process: I started with taping up a sheet in my living room to use as a backdrop for the close-up shots. I then had my boyfriend help me film all the clips using a tripod and iPhone attachment. We had […]
  5. @samprice_ds106

    Progress Report: Final Project

    We have finally reached the end of the class and are starting on the project we have been talking about all semester! And I am very excited. For my final project, I am going to be recreating part of the “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” by Whitney Huston music video by with my own vocals. I am going to try and replicate every outfit and scene from about a minute of the music video (roughly 0:57-2:03, which is the first verse and chorus). I am going to record myself singing the song instead of Whitney to lip synch to. I […]
  6. @samprice_ds106

    Week 12 Summary

    This week was so much fun! I got to do so much photoshop with my assignment, which I LOVED! It was also a relatively easy week which was nice because my other classes have been piling on the work. The first thing I did this week was work on the mash-up assignments! The first one I did was called “Animoji Karaoke.” For this one I first made myself into an Animjoi character and then I did karaoke to a song that I thought was super fitting for our current situation. Here is the final product: If you wanna read my […]
  7. @samprice_ds106

    Week 11 Summary

    This was another fun, but easier week. I had a lot going on this week so it was nice to have a class where I could just use my creative side and not worry too much about it. This week was very similar to last week in terms of the content I created. To start off the week I worked on the assignments. We had to complete 10 stars worth of assignments this week. I chose to do two 4 stars and one 2.5 stars assignments. The first assignment I completed was called “A Word…A Picture…A Story.” I think I […]
  8. @samprice_ds106

    Week 10 Summary

    This was a pretty easy week in terms of work load for this class, which I was super thankful for considering the work is piling up in my other classes. I did have a lot of fun doing the work for the week though! I started off the week doing some research on the video editing process by watching the videos that were put up on the Weekly Assignments. I really felt like I learned a lot from watching all the videos and really enjoyed creating a video critique of my own. I decided to choose the ending scene from […]
  9. @samprice_ds106

    Week 9 Summary

    This has definitely been the most stressful week so far but not because of this class. Like I’ve mentioned in other posts from the week, school has been put online for the remainder of the semester. This week, this class was not too bad in terms of work, and the work I was doing in class helped me get my mind off everything that’s been going on. The first thing I did this week was listen to my radio show on the DS106 Radio! It was super fun to be able to hear what my group and I had worked […]
  10. @samprice_ds106

    Week Six Summary

    What a fun week! Like I have said in previous posts, I am very interested in design as something I want to do as a career, most specifically website design and graphic design. I had a lot of fun taking stuff I learned and worked on in other classes into this week. My favorite part of the week was definitely the Design Assignments but I’ll talk about those a little later in this post. The first thing I did this week was research design by reading and watching the things posted on the DS106 website. I enjoyed reading the article […]
  11. @samprice_ds106

    Week Five Summary

    This week was crazy for me. It was a week where I needed my time management skills. I was busy all last weekend and then went home in the middle of this week for a concert (which was super fun). So I only had 4 full days to get all my work done. It was a bit of a struggle, and I wasn’t able to complete everything I wanted to, but I got as much done as I could which is alright with me. Besides the craziness of the week, I enjoyed the assignments and daily creates. I am a […]
  12. @samprice_ds106

    Weekly Summary

    This week has been my favorite so far. That is probably because of the amount of times I got to use photoshop. If you haven’t figured out I like photoshop so far, you must not read all my other posts 🙂 The first thing I did this week was reflect on my photography skills and my opinion of photography in general. This was fun for me because photography is something I love, even if that means just getting to look at others pictures! I shared some of the recent photography I got to be apart of so make sure to […]
  13. @samprice_ds106

    Week Three

    I started the week off my reading and watching the videos that were posted on the class site. I found them super interesting and liked that I was able to relate what I learned back to things I use everyday. I especially liked the video on the plot graphs of movies. I thought the video had a lot of humor to it which make it more fun to watch. I decided to talk about the movie Sixteen Candles and write a review on its storytelling. I love the movie so it was super easy for me to dissect it and […]

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