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  1. Reverend

    Reclaim Karaoke at the Rockaway Club

    It’s been a little while since I blogged, and that’s due to a combination of factors, including visitors, conference preparation, and a little bit of karaoke experimentation. The last of those will be the focus of this post, cause I’d … Continue reading ?
  2. @sunglasses260

    Dylan Elise Reaction

    Earlier this week, as I was looking through the ds106 video assignments, the assignment “DS106ers React!” caught my eye. I’ve watched plenty of reaction videos before (usually reactions to music videos or music in general). They’re very entertaining, especially when it’s music I love. Because of this, I decided to do my own reaction video. […]
  3. @sunglasses260

    Transitions, Transitions, Transitions!

    Try saying that three times quickly! Today I’ll be exploring various video transitions in Adobe Premiere Pro. The ds106 Video Assignment “Favorite Transition” has very simple instructions: Use your editing software of choice to show us your favorite video transition!  2.5 stars I decided to use Adobe Premiere Pro, since that’s newest video software that […]

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