1. @Reagan Hotz

    Belle’s Awful Taste in Men

    This is my response to the Terrible Crossover Fanfiction assignment, for which you must use this crossover idea generator to create a writing prompt. I refreshed the page several times for two fandoms I have at least a vague degree of familiarity with. I settled on this one. Writing this fanfiction helped me not take things […]
  2. @Reagan Hotz

    The Internet? Who Could Have Guessed?

    I read this article written in the forty’s predicting future, post-war technology. A lot of it seemed eerily spot on. It predicted advanced mathematic machines that can be programmed using mnemonic code, which is essentially exactly what modern computers are. The mnemonic code would make commands much easier to remember and reduce the need for referencing guides. […]
  3. Bill Genereux

    Getting the Most Out of Twitter Tweets

    I have never had anything I put on the web quite reach ‘viral’ proportions, but I’ve had a few online successes. One thing is certain, it is hard to beat having celebrity exposure. Yesterday, a British actor called David Schneider posted a call for “Enterprise Under Attack” videos, and my digital media students obliged with our classroom … Continue reading Getting the Most Out of Twitter Tweets
  4. @justin_zamecnik

    Creating a Poster

    This assignment was found on the ds106 website. The description was simple, make a poster for an upcoming event, therefor, I chose the home opener for K-State football. I spent multiple hours in Photoshop tweaking the images you see in the design above and below. This assignment was rated 4 out of 5 stars, which seems […]
  5. Bill Genereux

    On Comments

    I just loved this Daily Create by Sandy Brown Jensen, so I’m sharing it here: #tdc1703@ds106dc#ds106 To respond to other people’s blog posts or daily creates or not to, that is the question… pic.twitter.com/ivYHV7Pk69 — Sandy Brown Jensen (@sandramardene) September 6, 2016
  6. @KylieHeronemus

    9/4/2016 Weekly Summary

    This week, the Digital Media crew discussed the topic of copyright. Copyright was a very unique topic and I published a few articles to help discuss how I view it: The Internet and Copyrights – https://kyliedeeart.wordpress.com/2016/09/05/the-internet-and-copyrights/ Copyright of Left Shark – https://kyliedeeart.wordpress.com/2016/09/05/copyright-of-left-shark/ Along with the copyright topic, we were assigned to complete at least 3 […]
  7. @KylieHeronemus

    Copyright of Left Shark

    In the article, “‘Left Shark’ legal row heats up: Does Katy Perry hold Copyright?,” Christ Taylor discusses the incident of Katy Perry’s backup dancer, known as Left Shark, not knowing the dance choreography and becoming an internet meme. After the fame of Left Shark grew, a sculptor wanted to add the dancer into his collection […]
  8. @KylieHeronemus

    The Internet and Copyrights

    In my digital media class, we watched a video called “Rip! A ReMix Manifesto” that talked about how far copyright laws have come and if they should be less strict due to remix and creativity. In the film, the creator discussed how difficult it would be for him to make this documentary due to copyright […]
  9. @KylieHeronemus

    Daily Create-Music and Words

    Recently, I completed two more daily creates for #ds106. One of them was a crossover from a music artist – we were to add a video to one of his new songs. Due to complications, I was unable to attach the video to this post; however, it can be found on my twitter @KylieHeronemus. The […]
  10. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 2 Update

    The main focus of the second week back in class was copyright. We learned about the history of copyright and how people weren’t as strict. Nowadays you can’t go a month without a major lawsuit in the news, although some of these people do bring the lawsuit upon themselves. For instance a few young men […]
  11. @BigWillyM9001

    Week 2 Summary

    This week didn’t go nearly as smoothly as the last. I completely spaced on the daily create, and since I can’t go back, I could only do todays. I assume you followed me on twitter, professor, so I shouldn’t need to provide a link…….. (here it is anyway, because I know you didn’t: https://twitter.com/BigWillyM9001) I did … Continue reading "Week 2 Summary"
  12. @Reagan Hotz

    Digital Media Week 2: Creativity & Copyright

    This week, we were assigned to watch two films, Rip! A Remix Manifest and Everything is a Remix. I wrote this blog post discussing my thoughts. I also had to read two articles from a list. I wrote a response to those as well. I also had to read this article and write a response to […]
  13. @Reagan Hotz

    Interesting Copyright Articles

    I was assigned to read two articles from a list and discuss them. I read this article about a woman who sued Getty for $1 billion because they exploited her public domain photographs for profit. She became aware of this exploitation when she received a letter accusing her of copyright infringement for using her own […]
  14. @Reagan Hotz

    A Remix Manifesto

    I had to watch two films, Rip! A Remix Manifesto and Everything is a Remix. These two films wrestle with the idea of copyright and intellectual property. The general position presented in both films is that copyright, while originally designed to encourage creativity and innovation, has grown to inhibit them. A copyright originally lasted 15 years […]
  15. @KylieHeronemus

    Daily Create – Build a Pokemon

    #ds106 has asked it’s users to design their own Pokemon for today’s daily create. Being a Pokemon fan, I was excited to create something. I searched for the site that allows you to create your own Pokemon card and I thought to myself *what could I do?* BUT THEN I read the default Pokemon type […]
  16. @KylieHeronemus

    Lab 01 – Dc Motors

    Objective: Building a Direct Current motor to understand the flow of electricity to create energy. Equipment List: Tape, Scissors, Magnet Wire, Two Paper clips, Magnet, Cup, Battery Source Notes and Observations: To begin building our motor, the group had to create a base for the magnet wire to spin on. We created a base by […]
  17. @KylieHeronemus

    Anatomy of a Pterodactyl

    In one college course – Page Layout and Type – we are learning about the anatomy of typeface. Our professor then assigned us a project to create a poster that dissects a word of our choosing and to label and explain each part. This was a unique project for me due to the fact I’ve […]
  18. @Kyleeh25

    Summary 1

    Digital media week one: This week we learned what to expect in the weeks to come. We were given and overview of all the things we’d be working on this semester. We had to record ourselves reading from a sheet of paper which absolutely sucked because I suck at reading out loud and tend to […]
  19. @KylieHeronemus

    8/28/2016 Weekly Summary

    Throughout this week, college classes had started up again, allowing me to reconnect with old friends and get my media sites more interesting. This week, I have already experienced new things and have decided to share them for #ds106: Monday and Wednesday – learning how to label certain parts of a serif font. Thursday – […]
  20. @KylieHeronemus

    Internet Story

    Technology has always been a part of my life – my generation was born into the age of technology and have since grown up with television, laptops, smart phones, and the internet. Though the internet has always been around during my lifetime, I wasn’t introduced to it until kindergarten. Before this age, I liked to […]
  21. @KylieHeronemus

    Social Media

    For our Digital Media II class, my professor has requested for us to get connected through social media and find new ways to interact with others and then make a blog about it for #ds106 – here are the links to my sites! Feel free to follow and join me on this adventure. Twitter: https://twitter.com/KylieHeronemus […]
  22. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 1

    Throughout the first week back in class I have been busy with small projects. In Digital Media 2 I have opened a few more social media accounts in order to let people see what I have been up to when it comes to college. We also jumped onto the #ds106 bandwagon this week which should […]
  23. @BigWillyM9001

    Weekly Summary

    Let’s see, I got all my accounts set up, uploaded some pictures to flickr, and began my conquest of Earth. Probably won’t use soundcloud, I dunno if I’m misunderstanding what it’s about or what, but it doesn’t seem to be something I’m interested in. I’ll upload images to flickr occasionally, but I’ve got a sense of … Continue reading "Weekly Summary"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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