1. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Great lunch with Eve Winters

    I am so upset! Today was the day that Eve Winters and I had planned to go on a picnic in the park and Instagram is down! This is so disappointing now none of my social media friends will be able to see any photos from our picnic or the scrumptious meal we have prepared […]
  2. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Dinner date with Ms. Clara Hope

    I am having one of my friends over for dinner tonight she goes by the name Ms. Clara Hope. Many of you may already know her by now. I decided to invite Ms. Clara Hope over for dinner because like me she is facing similar problems. Both of our parents are now deceased and we […]
  3. ewindley

    Bucket List

    The best assignment I did this week was a Bucket List which features the host characters from my radio show group.  The visual assignment asked for a collage of pictures representing things you want to do.  I was able to use it to say I would see Felicia’s Clown Show, Listen to Scott’s Edward Creepy … Continue reading Bucket List
  4. ewindley

    Camp Poster

    Another assignment to showcase the host characters is this Camp Poster project.  Would you attend a Fortune Telling Camp with Esmerelda?
  5. emorelleum

    Week 9, (yes, that is…what I will call this)

    (A man with a suit and fedora stands before you, leaning on an axe) Good evening. We will both be out tomorrow, so we are posting this slightly early. I would say my landlord is….abusing my presence. He used me so often this week, even with commenting, that I stated “Well why do I not […]
  6. emorelleum

    Wandering Around the Internet

    (A man in suit and fedora stands before you. Looking closer, you see his cane is actually an axe) Good evening. While I was wandering around the internet, my landlord asked me to drop off a few comments, and summarize them below. If this keeps up much longer, I may have to ask him to […]
  7. emorelleum

    Reflections on 3rd Millennium Horror

    To reflect, I listened to 3rd Millenium Horror. From the beginning, it appears that this group also worked towards a modular construction, with each member contributing. I liked the consistency of the hosts, each talked about the movies opening weekend and real world reception. Since I am writing this as I am listening, I must […]
  8. emorelleum

    An Audit with Blair

    No one is more qualified to give a status report than someone who can wander around your computer. Morlium, in a joint venture with Blair, has been directed to audit the Department of Health and Human Services. I took on this assignment because it is a good fit for multiple hosts. —————— Our findings are […]
  9. emorelleum

    An Emergency with Spooksy

    When I heard the voice of Spooksy and learned a little bit about his backstory, I thought he was hilarious. When I saw host-host interaction, I knew I had to use Spooksy as one of them. I had also had my eye on this particular audio assignment for quite some time, since it was an […]
  10. headreaper

    @@ The Ugly Side @@

    For today’s daily create we had to take a picture of something that is pretty on one side but ugly on another. This is a picture of the underside of our fake granite counter top in my apartment.
  11. emorelleum

    Dinner with Walter and Sally

    The fact that this week’s assignments must involve two characters constrains to a certain extent what assignments can be completed. This one looked interesting (I enjoy writing about food-related things), and certainly was a go for involving multiple characters. I looked around the characters, and found some extra company. We are a go. “Good Evening […]
  12. feliciads106

    Radio Shows

    I listened to the Smooth & spooky Variety show on Tuesday night. They had a great show and mainly talked about zombies and survival tips for a zombie apocalypse. I was amazed of how many tips they provided for surviving a zombie apocalypse. I really liked their gun commercial because it sounded very funny and […]
  13. catscarnival


    Beware of the Vampires… Only Sally Slaughterhouse can translate what they say! Using host characters from Grade A Gruesome Smooth & Spooky Variety Hour, I created this Warning poster.  3 stars.
  14. feliciads106

    TXT Gift

    This assignment requires writing two contradicting thoughts by using the animation, Gif. Since we just finished the group radio show, I would like to use 2 critics’ hosts from our Edward Creepy Show, a good critic and a bad critic. First, I created these 2 worlds in Paint and saved it to my computer. Then, […]
  15. feliciads106

    From Place to Place

          For this visual assignment I had to place some objects somewhere. Since this week’s assignments are collaborative character media to my work, I would like to put the famous Red Reaper in a dark street. First I found the Red Reaper and a Dark Street on google and downloaded them to my […]
  16. emorelleum

    Behind the Door

    Inside the apartments of Eagle Landing are two closet doors right inside the main door. One contains a closet, the other, a door which not even your room key can open. Upon first realizing this, I wondered for some time…what could possibly be behind this door? Spatial reasoning demonstrated the room was not very large, […]
  17. myoung3

    The Commentening

    An Invitation For Spooksy Radio Show Reflection He Waited All Night Abstract Face The Cure Of El Capitan Strip It Down As Shakespeare Week 8 Summary Radio Show Progress Week 2 Daily Creates Daily Creates  
  18. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    The Creepy Chronicles…..

    I chose to listen to DS106 radio on Wednesday night when The Creepy Chronicles took air. I really enjoyed listening to their show and thought that the sense of realism that they created was great! In my opinion every member of the group did an awesome job at acting out each story. All of the […]
  19. myoung3

    I Know What’s Going On My Amazon Wishlist (DesignAssignments605 4 Stars)

    This design was fairly easy and flowed very naturally.  Even though the characters don’t have much established lore yet, I found an anchor point in each one I could build off of.  Morlium is a very bland monotone guy, so black and white with a neutral title seemed perfect.  Spooksy, well, is Spooksy (great barbeque … Continue reading I Know What’s Going On My Amazon Wishlist (DesignAssignments605 4 Stars)
  20. braze

    Window Wanderer

    For this visual assignment I had to show what would be scary to see outside a window. I decided to use my friend’s host character, the Death Whisperer, because she is extremely scary. I took the picture of the Death Whisperer from my friend’s blog and cut out the background from the picture. I then … Continue reading Window Wanderer
  21. scottc1094

    My Happy Place

    TDC1383 For this daily create, we have to talk about a happy place that we have, and tell about any undersides that it might have. One of my happy places would be tennis courts. Although I am not a very competitive player, I have loved playing tennis for many years, and it is a great… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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