1. braze

    Abstract Face

    For this visual assignment I had to create something out of 4 lines, 5 dots, and 1 curve. I decided to make this assignment about my host character’s older brother, Johnny, who becomes Bloody Face after following his father’s footsteps. I used 1 dot as the face, 2 dots as the eye holes in the … Continue reading Abstract Face
  2. scottc1094

    A Dinner with the Red Reaper

    Assignment (3 stars) After cooking all afternoon, the Red Reaper finally arrived at my house a little after 6:00 PM. This was only the day after we had finished recording our segments for the Edward Creeper Show, so we were both still a bit worn out. However, I thought it would be nice to sit… Read More
  3. scottc1094

    Radio Show Reflection

    On Tuesday night, I listened to the Smooth and Spooky Variety Show. Their show focused primarily on zombies, and varied from tips on how to survive the zombie apocalypse, to the best zombie video games. The experience of listening to the radio shows live with other people was a very cool experience. Not only did… Read More
  4. headreaper

    ^^ Smoooooooth~ ^^

    This week I listened to The Smooth & Spooky Variety Hour on Ds106Radio! The show began with the review of some prominent zombie themed games and movies until they were interrupted by a wild zombie herd! They tried to be diplomatic with the zombies but negotiations failed as some of the terms were a bit unreasonable. … Continue reading ^^ Smoooooooth~ ^^
  5. mmiranda

    ASSILEMARIM 2015-10-19 14:08:00

    Above is the Nijo Castle in Kyoto, Japan which was built after Tokugawa Ieyasu the founder of Tokugawa Shogunate orders the feudal lords in Western Japan to contribute to the building of the castle in 1601. Hello again; I am Repsag my friend Melissa allowed me a tiny space in her blog so I can … Continue reading
  6. myoung3

    Everything Is Cool (WritingAssignment1648)

    Offical HHBA notice: The Horrible Hosts Bureau of Awesome would like to take this time to officially announce that: Everything is cool. During an internal meeting held last Monday it was brought into question whether or not everything was, in fact, cool. After conducting a week long investigation, it was determined that everything, thankfully, is … Continue reading Everything Is Cool (WritingAssignment1648)
  7. scottc1094

    Weekly Showcase for Week 8

    Greetings fellow students of ds106, My name is Edward Creeper, and I am the host of the Edward Creeper Show. You will hear much more from me when you tune into ds106 radio this week. Until then, I have been selected this week to give a summary of some of the best works from other students.… Read More
  8. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary Week 8!

      Radio Show Progress Daily Creates Comments: http://www.scottclower.org/ds106/the-edward-creeper-show-progress-update-2/#comment-1080 http://ds106.forkinall.com/radio-show/slowly-but-surely/#comment-140 http://serentopia.com/radio-show/radio-sh...
  9. headreaper


    Here are this week’s comments! 1: http://serentopia.com/uncategorized/this-weeks-daily-creates/#comment-116 2: http://assilemarim.net/uncategorized/week-8-radio-show/#comment-771 3: http://kaitlinmarie.net/daily-creates/daily-creates-week-8/#comment-507 4: http://www.scottclower.org/ds106/the-edward-creeper-show-progress-update-2/#comment-1088 5: http://catscarnival.com/daily-create/the-mood-today-is-calm/#comment-333 6: http://www.scottclower.org/ds106/week-8-daily-creates/#comment-1089 7: http://mikesspookyds106.com/daily-create/best-day-ever/#comment-489 8: http://ds106.emorelleum.com/dc/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-luckier-version-of-myself/#comment-120 9: http://mikesspookyds106.com/daily-create/hurled-tdc1374/#comment-490 10: http://mikesspookyds106.com/daily-create/today-my-mood-is-very-birthday-drunk/#comment-491
  10. emorelleum

    Week’s Undoing

    This week was Fall Break. All I will say is that not having a serious internet connection for 4 days at home is a serious detriment to completing everything. Not that I would necessarily want to work over Fall Break anyways (what with it being a break and all). The radio assignment did go better […]
  11. emorelleum

    Radio Show: Horrible Hosts

    This is more of a completion than a summary, since we ended up completing the assignment a bit early.Shout outs to Michael Young for compiling everything, and also for Audrea and Cherish for their contributions. As expected, we did do the show in a somewhat modular fashion, and Michael did a great job tying the […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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