1. cherishamari

    Intruder Alert

    Most people don’t get to call 911, and you never get to call 911 unless it’s a true emergency. Well here’s your chance to “Call 911” and have some fun! Create a recording of how you think a 911 call would play out. It doesn’t have to be a real emergency at all! Operator: “What’s […]
  2. cherishamari

    Radio show progress

    Well its safe to say, me and my fellow radio show hosts are playing twitter tag, along with email tag. I know regardless it will get done one way or another. We’re the “Horrible Hosts” thanks to Audrea we have a pretty cool logo. Hopefully soon we’ll get the ball running and I’ll be able […]
  3. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weekly Summary

    This week started off kind of rough for me. First off, I was a bit overwhelmed when I saw our long to-do list of work for this week & next! I totally forgot that I was supposed to write a weekly showcase this week. Luckily, Professor Bond mentioned it on our weekly assignments list so […]
  4. ewindley

    Spooky Dialogue

    This week we were to create audio assignments that might work well with our radio show due to air next week.  For one of my projects I chose this one entitled Spooky Dialogue and created a Spooky Commercial to air on the radio show.  The Commercial is coming from my host character Esmerelda a fortune teller who … Continue reading Spooky Dialogue
  5. adyke

    Ds106 Commercial

    For this Ds106 commercial I created a gun store commercial that would be perfect for someone, like our radio show characters, that is stuck in a zombie apocalypse. The inspiration for this commercial came from a college humor video called Girl’s Costume Warehouse. The guy that does this commercial is overboard and I felt like … Continue reading Ds106 Commercial
  6. headreaper

    $Disney Villains$

    (^This song XD I love it^) So for today’s Daily Create (10/9/15) I posted a picture of the print I got from the always amazing Goodwill. I love me some Disney villains! ^^  
  7. audyg1rl

    Radio Show Design

    Here's our logo @Emorelleum106 @Michael27531088 @Cherish_XXVII pic.twitter.com/bYPlwjKHzg — Audrea Hardy (@AudyG1rl) October 9, 2015 Here is my group’s logo for the radio show. I put a lot of work into this one and I’m pretty happy with myself. We’re the Horrible Hosts and we’re force to be reckoned with.
  8. audyg1rl


    This week what my group and I haven’t got much done. We have a group name, but we don’t even have a theme. We still need to find a definite way to communicate with each other, but for now we’re playing twitter tag. I wish we could be more productive, but my priority is getting … Continue reading Progress
  9. scottc1094

    Week 7 Summary

    Week 7 in ds106 was all about our radio show. I was a bit worried about this at first, as I was not sure what I wanted to do, or who I could be in a group with. However, I found three other classmates (Ellen, Felicia, and Gussie) and we started to develop ideas for… Read More
  10. scottc1094

    Music Mashup – Toto and Darude

    Assignment (3.5 stars) For this assignment, I chose to mashup the songs Africa by Toto, and Calm Before the Storm by Darude. I chose these two songs because Calm Before the Storm is a techno song with only a few lyrics, very much unlike Africa. I thought that these two songs would make for an… Read More
  11. braze

    A Winters’ Tale

    For this audio assignment I had to tell a story and include sound effects and creepy music to bring it to life. I decided to act as my host character, Eve Winters, and tell the story of her mother’s run-in with the diabolical “Bloody Face”. Honestly this story is creepy enough as it is without … Continue reading A Winters’ Tale
  12. scottc1094

    Week 7 Comments

    This week we had to comment on at least 10 different posts. The posts that I commented on are below: http://bloodyface.artismyescape.com/thoughts-and-ideas/radio-show-logo/ http://deathbyds106.com/assignments/design/promotional-poster-for-radio-show/ h...
  13. scottc1094

    The Edward Creeper Show Promo

    For this assignment, we had to create some kind of design for our radio show. I decided to create a promo logo/poster for the Edward Creeper Show. To complete this assignment, I found the website logomakr.com that allows you to add your own text to their selection of photos. After I did this, I opened… Read More
  14. headreaper


    So this week we had to comment on at least 10 blog posts. So here are 10 posts that I commented on!: http://mikesspookyds106.com/assignments/the-stickiest-of-bumper-messages/#comment-390 https://studentx7.wordpress.com/2015/10/08/what-is-social-media...
  15. headreaper

    .. Don’t Get Used* To It. ..

    Well, well~, aren’t you all just greedy~*. You’ve grown on me a little* though. I* suppose you do deserve a reward~~ I’m so giving arn’t I? Don’t get used to it. This is a little something I like to call~ Excitement. * (3.5 stars)
  16. kmgeckle

    Week 7 In A Nutshell

    This week went a whole lot smoother than expected! I had no trouble finding a group to work with for the radio show and we’ve been cranking out some work! I’m pretty excited to see how our show turns out!...
  17. kmgeckle

    Radio Show Progress

    Starting work on this Radio Show has definitely been interesting! First off, I was really nervous about finding a group. I don’t know anyone in our class personally, so I thought I was just going to get thrown in any...
  18. kmgeckle

    Comments From Week 7

    Here are all of the comments that I left on others blogs this week! I had a lot of fun looking at and listening to everyone’s work! http://ds106.forkinall.com/assignments/when-sally-confronted-rick/#comment-95 http://assilemarim.net/assignments/audio-assignment/radio-show-bumper/#comment-525 http://thatspookyblog.com/assignments/a-look-through-the-void/#comment-258 http://deathbyds106.com/assignments/design/promotional-poster-for-radio-show/#comment-166 http://assilemarim.net/assignments/design-assignment/radio-show-poster/attachment/radioshow/#comment-526 http://mikesspookyds106.com/assignments/the-first-week-of-our-new-show/#comment-400 http://catscarnival.com/creative-assignments/stephen-king-or-paul-bond/#comment-272 http://anzirp.com/reflections/340/#comment-287 http://flds106.felicialiu-accounting.com/uncategorized/radio-bumper-2/#comment-64 http://ds106.forkinall.com/assignments/i-hope-you-brought-more-socks/#comment-99  
  19. feliciads106

    Make it 800% Slower (3 stars)

    I like the audio assignments since I am pretty familiar with the Audacity software after using it to finish my assignments. I am an old fashion person and like to listen to classical songs so I found this free music software, Ave Maia from Amazon. This reminds me of how I listened to my oldest […]
  20. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Blair’s theme song

      I chose to use the instrumental version of 3 doors down absolutely (story of a girl).  I chose this song because I feel like the lyrics do a great job expressing Blair.  Blair’s character is sort of dull, shy, and depressed.  She suffers with problems that no one understands and feels as if she […]
  21. feliciads106

    Radio Commercial Poster

    I have no idea of hosting a radio show, but designing a radio show poster is pretty easy. Since I proposed a commercial of Clown Show in our radio, I thought it would be a good idea to create a poster for the show that performs in a local theater. The Clown is perfect for […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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